The impact of economic growth, trade openness and manufacturing on CO2 emissions in India: an autoregressive distributive lag (ARDL) bounds test approach

Yaswanth Karedla (Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India)
Rohit Mishra (Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India)
Nikunj Patel (Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India)

Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science

ISSN: 2218-0648

Article publication date: 10 August 2021

Issue publication date: 14 December 2021




The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of economic growth, trade openness and manufacturing on CO2 emissions in India.


The study employed autoregressive distributive lag (ARDL) bounds test approach and uses CO2 emissions, trade, manufacturing and GDP per capita to examine the relationship using an annual time series data from World Development Indicators during 1971 to 2016.


Results depict that there exists a long-run relationship between CO2 emissions and other variables. Trade openness significantly reduces CO2 emissions, whereas manufacturing and GDP have a significant and positive impact on CO2 in the long run.

Research limitations/implications

The findings of the study contribute to the body of knowledge by providing new evidence on the relationship between developmental metrics and the environment. These findings are critical for policymakers and regulatory bodies to focus on economic development without jeopardizing environmental degradation.

Practical implications

In order to keep its commitment to sustainability, India needs to develop policies that encourage cleaner production methods and establishment of non-polluting industries. Simultaneously, it must disincentivize industries that emit CO2 by policy frameworks such as carbon taxes, pollution taxes or green taxes.


None of studies examine at how these environmental factors interact in India. Kilavuz and Dogan (2020) used the same variables, but their scope was limited to Turkey. As a result, the study is the first to examine this relationship for India, contributing to the body of knowledge on economic growth, manufacturing, trade openness and environmental concerns.



Karedla, Y., Mishra, R. and Patel, N. (2021), "The impact of economic growth, trade openness and manufacturing on CO2 emissions in India: an autoregressive distributive lag (ARDL) bounds test approach", Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, Vol. 26 No. 52, pp. 376-389.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021, Yaswanth Karedla, Rohit Mishra and Nikunj Patel


Published in Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence maybe seen at

1. Introduction

The genesis of globalization was based on the idea of free trade amongst countries as promulgated by Adam Smith in his seminal work – The Wealth of Nations. Historically, production and trade have been our bedrock of economic growth spanning across ancient civilizations to the contemporary world. Climate change as an objective reality has dawned upon our collective conscience in the late 19th century. It is lately that governments have realized the significance of environmental conservation and its perils in case of any further degradation, thus leading to policy formulation around sustainable development (Chowdhury et al., 2021; Dale et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2021). This realization has led to several multilateral initiatives being undertaken by the conscience-stricken international community through the way of globally inclusive platforms such as the Stockholm Conference, Montreal Protocol, Rio Convention, Kyoto Protocol, the recent Paris Agreement, etc. (Wang and Wiser, 2002; Jacquet and Jamieson, 2016).

Modern day consumerism and consumption have imparted substantial momentum to economic growth, which has been largely responsible for the financial upliftment of many countries. Nevertheless, climate change has been a negative externality of this relentless human pursuit. An ample of studies indicates that economic growth often contributes to environmental degradation (Bekun et al., 2019; Song, 2021). The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis proposed by Grossman and Krueger (1995) delineates that during the initial stages of a country's economic development, its environmental degradation increases but gradually subsides at the turning point after attaining a certain level of industrialization. In the context of developing countries, it becomes imperative for policymakers to optimize the trade-off between economic growth and ecological conservation.

Globalization has been an important proponent of trade openness for emerging economies. From a theoretical sense, trade openness has three far-reaching implications on pollution viz. scale effect, composition effect and technology effect (Antweiler et al., 2001). The scale effect implies that an increase in trade leads to an increase in energy consumption, which in turn causes increased environmental degradation. The composition effect revolves around the premise that comparative advantages inherent to a country decide its production composition for the prevalence of either labor or capital-intensive industries. As per the factor endowment hypothesis (FEH), the latter is more polluting, in nature, than the former. Third, the technology effect expounds that increased trade causes greater facilitation of technology transfer amongst trading partners, which results in the adoption of cleaner and more efficient practices.

Developing economies like India tend to have a major share of non-renewable energy sources as a part of their energy consumption mix. Moreover, being amongst the most densely populated country, the scope for raising ecological footprint increases (Sharma et al., 2021). The increased energy demand for powering industrial activity of a developing nation leads to elevated pollution levels. This is in concurrence with several studies that have investigated the nexus between manufacturing and CO2 emissions (Canh et al., 2019; Rahman and Kashem, 2017; Zafar et al., 2020).

Our research aims at exploring the interplay between economic growth, trade openness and degree of industrialization with carbon emissions in the context of India. We have deployed the autoregressive distributive lag (ARDL) bounds test approach as the statistical methodology for ascertaining empirical relationships amongst the variables under study. There exists a dearth of studies about emerging economies, and our study on one of the largest emerging economies, India, shall prove to be an important source of knowledge for understanding such implications.

2. Literature review

EKC hypothesis is the most popular theory that links the effect of economic growth on the environment; it was the first empirical study of Grossman and Krueger (1995). The theory asserts that there is an inverted relationship between pollution and economic growth. As the economy grows beyond a certain level, it tries to achieve technological advances, which will lead to control the pollution. Shahbaz and Sinha (2019) and Purcel (2020) provide very extensive literature on the EKC hypothesis. Kılavuz and Doğan (2020) modeled economic growth, openness, industry and CO2 emissions during 1961–2018 for Turkey. They observed industry and economic growth contribute to CO2 emissions positively, while trade openness does not have any effect on CO2 emissions.

Trade openness indicates the degree to which an economy is open to trade across the world economies. It helps countries to increase exports that intend to increase domestic production, by increasing the scale of industries, which leads to increased pollution (Jun et al., 2020). Concerning the relationship between pollution and trade openness, there seems to be no consensus. Across the several countries studied, pollution levels have increased with increased trade openness (Al-Mulali et al., 2016; Jun et al., 2020; Lin, 2017; Wen and Dai, 2020). However, few believe that the increase in trade openness reduces pollution (Ghazouani et al., 2020; Kohler, 2013; Shahbaz et al., 2017). While few observe differences in the relationship based on the economic income. For example, Wang and Zhang (2021) observed that the relationship between pollution and trade openness is positive for low-income countries, while it is negative for high- and middle-income countries. Greater trade openness and FDI are expected to increase emissions in developing economies with fewer environmental regulations (Sajeev and Kaur, 2020). Jayanthakumaran et al. (2012) also observed a negative relationship in China and a positive relationship in the case of India.

Manufacturing positively contributes toward pollution levels in industrialized economies (Rauf et al., 2018). The primary reason for pollution from manufacturing is that they heavily rely on fossil fuel energy. Industrial production and energy consumption have significant positive impacts on carbon emissions (Rahman and Kashem, 2017). To achieve higher economic growth, manufacturing activities require higher energy consumption, and in absence of abundant renewable energy sources, these activities rely more on non-renewable sources. Energy consumption and economic growth have a positive and statistically significant association (Esen and Bayrak, 2017). Hence, the use of non-renewable sources leads to environmental degradation. Industrial production is the driving force of CO2 emissions (Hocaoglu and Karanfil, 2011). Zafar et al. (2020) examined the role of industrialization in environmental pollution for 46 Asian countries. They observed a significant and positive impact of industrialization on carbon emissions. Most of the researchers have observed a positive relationship between manufacturing activities and pollution (Banerjee and Rahman, 2012; Canh et al., 2019; Lin et al., 2014).

A large number of studies have examined the linkages between economic growth and environment after the most popular EKC theory Grossman and Krueger (1995). Most of the studies found a positive relationship between economic growth and pollution (Alshehry and Belloumi, 2015; Menyah and Wolde-Rufael, 2010; Pao and Tsai, 2011; Park and Hong, 2013; Song, 2021). Rajpurohit and Sharma (2021) observed that moderate economic growth and moderate financial development increase carbon emissions, whereas exponential growth and financial development decrease carbon emissions. Dey and Tareque (2020) observed a negative impact of external debt on GDP growth. Shabbir et al. (2020) examined the role of natural resources in economic growth for Pakistan during 1972–2016. They examined the relationship of population density, water renewable resources, CO2 and deforestation on the GDP. They observed a negative and significant relationship of all the variables with GDP. Rasool et al. (2020) examined the curvilinear relationship between environmental pollution and economic growth in India during 1971–2014. They identified that energy consumption, economic growth and financial development have negative effects on the environment.

India is one of the fastest-growing economies of the world and it is also the third-largest carbon emitter. With the ambitions of high economic and industrial growth, the emissions are going to increase substantially because of the reliance on carbon emissive fuels. Due to this, along with India, the world is also vulnerable to climate change and faces threats from rising sea levels, floods, droughts and health hazards. Therefore, our research aims to find the cointegration relationship of carbon emissions in the Indian context.

Our research is the most recent and is closely linked to the literature on environmental variables that are responsible in India. None of these studies investigates how these environmental factors interact in India. Kılavuz and Doğan (2020) used the same variables, but their reach was limited to Turkey. As a result, our research is the first to look into this relationship for India, adding to the body of knowledge on economic development, manufacturing, trade openness and environmental issues. Table 1 summarized the empirical evidence on the relationship of the variables with CO2 emissions.

3. Method

3.1 Data and variables

The current research examines the relationship between carbon dioxide emissions, trade openness, manufacturing and economic growth. The variables in this study are time series data from 1971 to 2016, with data sources and descriptions mentioned in Table 2.

Hence, Eq (1) represents the functional relationship.


3.2 Model

For the study, we employed the ARDL bounds test approach by Pesaran et al. (2001). The ECM representation of ARDL is formulated with reference to CO2 in Eq (2) in order to examine cointegration among the variables defined in Eq (1):

(2)ΔlnCO2=α0+β1 lnCO2t1+β2lnTOt1 +β3 lnMFGt1+β4lnGDPt1+i=1n1ΔlnCO2ti+i=1n2ΔlnTOti+i=1n3ΔlnMFGti+i=1n4ΔlnGDPti+εt
Here Δ represents the change; β and  represent in long run and short run, respectively; εt represents the white noise terms.

The null hypothesis of no cointegration among the variables is rejected if the F-statistics obtained is above the upper bound values, and the null hypothesis is not rejected if the F-statistics is below the lower bound critical values. The presence of a long-run relationship is considered inconclusive if the F-statistics is between the upper and lower bound values.

3.3 Procedure

As a first step, the stationarity of the data is tested using the unit root tests to ensure that none of the variables are of order I(2). Later, the ARDL model is performed on the selected variables with AIC as lag length criteria. The bounds test is performed to check the existence of a long-term relationship between the variables. After confirming the cointegration relationship amongst the variables, the long-run and short-run elasticities of the variables are estimated. Finally, model stability is tested by performing various diagnostic and stability tests.

4. Results

The primary condition of ARDL states that the series should not be integrated at the order I(2) to prevent spurious results. As a result, the null hypothesis of unit roots is validated using two unit root tests namely, ADF and PP. We have assessed the order of integration at a 1% significance level from both tests. The results of unit root tests are shown in Table 3.

The results of the unit root tests in Table 3 show that none of the variables are stationary at the 1% level, but they become stationary at their first difference. This ensures that none of the variables are integrated at I(2).

The bounds test was used to evaluate the long-run relationship between the variables, as shown in Table 4. The null hypothesis states that there is no cointegration relationship between the variables. If the calculated F-statistic is greater than critical [I(1)], there exists a cointegration relationship in the model. If the F-statistic is less than the critical value [I(0)], there is no cointegration. However, if the F-statistic falls between the critical limits, it is concluded as inconclusive.

The results reveal that the F-statistic is greater than the critical values of the upper bound at a 1% significance level. Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis of no long-run relationship between CO2 emissions and other variables. This concludes that there exists a cointegration among CO2 emissions, trade openness, manufacturing and economic growth. Once the cointegration relationship is established, we then estimated the long-run coefficient of the model.

Table 5 presents the long-run elasticity of CO2 emissions regarding the independent variables. Trade openness has a significant negative impact on CO2 emissions, whereas manufacturing and GDP have a significant and positive impact on CO2 emissions in the long run. Our results are consistent with that of Khan et al. (2019), Munir and Riaz (2019), Abumunshar et al. (2020), Ali et al. (2020), Sajeev and Kaur (2020) and Sharma and Kautish (2020).

The coefficient of −1.194 for trade indicates that a 1% increase in trade results in a decrease of 1.19% in CO2. With increased global trades, there will be a faster and larger inflow of information, resources and cleaner technology, which will aid in the reduction of environmental burdens. Our results are consistent with that of Ghazouani et al. (2020), Kohler (2013) and Shahbaz et al. (2017).

Manufacturing has a significant positive long-run relationship with CO2. The coefficient of manufacturing indicates that a 1% increase in manufacturing leads to a 6% increase in CO2 emissions. This means that manufacturing activities positively lead to CO2 emissions as the industrial sector is highly reliant on energy input generated from carbon emitting fossil fuels. Our study is consistent with Hocaoglu and Karanfil (2011), Banerjee and Rahman (2012), Lin et al. (2014), Rahman and Kashem (2017), Rauf et al. (2018), Canh et al. (2019) and a more recent study of Zafar et al. (2020).

In India, economic growth has a significant and positive impact on CO2 emissions. Every 1% increase in GDP leads to a 2.56% increase in CO2 emissions. As India is an emerging country, its growing economic activity necessitates a higher energy demand that is more reliant on fossil fuels, resulting in a rise in CO2 emissions. This result is consistent with Menyah and Wolde-Rufael (2010), Pao and Tsai (2011), Park and Hong (2013), Alshehry and Belloumi (2015), Rasool et al. (2020), Rajpurohit and Sharma (2021) and Song (2021).

Once the long-run relationship is established, it is now required to check the adjustments (error correction model) toward the long-run equilibrium relationship. Table 6 displays the short-run relationship.

The change in manufacturing is having a significant and positive impact on CO2 emissions. In the short run, increased trade openness lowers CO2 emission levels. This negative relationship may mean that trade is an environmental quality improver. In the short run, for every 1% increase in trade openness, there will be a 0.11% decrease in CO2 emissions. On the other hand, an increase in manufacturing output by 1% leads to an increase of 0.26% in CO2 emissions. As expected, the error correction term ECM (−1) is negative and significant, which indicates how quickly the dependent variable adjusts to the long-run equilibrium point. Any disequilibrium in the dependent variable is returned to equilibrium in one period at a speed of 8.80%. Different diagnostic measures, such as normality, heteroscedasticity and serial correlation, are used to determine the model's stability. The Jarque-Bera test is used to verify the model's normality assumption. The null hypothesis of normally distributed residuals is accepted. The null hypothesis of homoscedastic disturbance terms is accepted using the Breusch-Pagan test. The Ramsey RESET test indicates that the CO2 model is a good fit. Finally, to validate the estimated ARDL model stability of the long-run coefficients with the short-run dynamics, we used the cumulative sum of recursive residuals (CUSUM) and the cumulative sum of squares (CUSUMSQ). Figure 1 plots the CUSUM and CUSUMSQ.

5. Discussion

The economic growth in India has been largely driven by consumption, urbanization and industrialization. The energy requirements to supplement this growing demand has been largely met through non-renewable energy sources. Hence, economic growth and CO2 emissions in India have grown in tandem. Improving the existing skewed energy mix of India and increasing the share of cleaner alternative energy sources must take precedence in any policy planning considerations.

The negative relationship between trade openness and carbon emissions can be justified by technology effects. As trade opens up a gateway for spillover effects, cleaner and efficient technological practices become mainstream across partner nations. Hence, India should encourage preferential trade policies, with a particular emphasis on technological value addition, which can be cultivated through reciprocal trade liberalization and the removal of trade barriers. Ultimately, trade openness persuades a virtuous cycle that benefits the economy by increasing employment opportunities, softening capital flows and fostering a competitive environment.

Industrialization in India has witnessed enormous momentum in recent decades. Manufacturing has been a substantial contributor to the GDP of India. Nonetheless, it has also been a precursor for rising CO2 emissions. To uphold its commitment toward environmental conservation, India must formulate policies around incentivizing cleaner methods of production or setting up the so-called non-polluting industries. Parallelly, it must disincentivize CO2 emissions by manufacturing industries through policy mechanisms such as carbon tax, pollution tax or green tax.

The scope of the study can be extended by considering urbanization and renewable energy generation, which are considered important proxies for economic growth and reduction of CO2 emissions, respectively. Fossil fuels are the primary source of energy for most of the emerging economies; hence, the study can also be extended by considering this relationship for a panel of emerging economies.

6. Conclusions

The present study explores the long-run and short-run relationship between economic growth, trade openness and manufacturing with CO2 emissions in the Indian context. The ARDL bound test approach is employed to establish this relationship. For this study, annual time series data from 1971 to 2016 were used. Empirical findings reveal that the variables under research have a long-term relationship.

The results of the long-run relationship are congruent with the empirical research. Trade openness has a considerable negative association with CO2 emissions. With expanded global trades, there will be a faster and larger inflow of information, resources and cleaner technologies, which will contribute to the reduction of environmental burdens. Manufacturing and GDP have a significant and positive relationship with CO2 emissions in the long run. As the industrial sector is heavily reliant on energy input generated from carbon emitting fossil fuels, this means that manufacturing operations have a positive impact on CO2 emissions. Because India is a developing country, its increasing economic activity needs a higher energy demand, which is more reliant on fossil fuels, increasing CO2 emissions.

In order to keep its commitment to sustainability, India needs to implement regulations that encourage cleaner manufacturing methods and the establishment of non-polluting industries. Simultaneously, it must disincentivize industries that emit CO2 by policy frameworks such as carbon taxes, pollution taxes or green taxes.


Plots of CUSUM and CUSUM of squares

Figure 1

Plots of CUSUM and CUSUM of squares

Summary of literature review

Sr. NoRelationAuthorsCountriesDataPeriodMethodologyVariablesFindingsRelation with CO2
1Pollution and tradeKohler (2013)South AfricaTime series1960–2009J&J Coint. test and ARDLCO2, EU, Inc and TOCO2 decrease as the country's levels of foreign trade levelsNegative
2Pollution and tradeWang and Zhang (2021)182 countriesPanel1990–2015DIMCO2, Crude, REC, GDP, Pop and TONegative for high- and middle-income countries and positive for low-income countriesNegative for high- and middle-income countries and positive for low-income countries
3Pollution and tradeShahbaz et al. (2017)105 countriesPanel1980–2014Pedroni and WesterCO2, Exp, Imp, GDPTrade openness reduces CO2 in most of the countriesNegative
4Pollution and tradeGhazouani et al. (2020)Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, South Korea and ThailandPanel1980–2017B-ARDLGDP, TO, REC, RCWhen attempting to implement comprehensive fiscal, trade and energy policies that can both maintain long-term economic growth and reduce CO2 emissionsNegative
5Pollution and tradeJayanthakumaran et al. (2012)India and ChinaTime series1971–2007ARDLCO2, EC, TO, GDP and IndNegative for China and positive for IndiaNegative for China and positive for India
6Pollution and TradeLin (2017)ChinaTime series2004–2011OLS, 2SLS, GMMTO, GDP, Ind, Pop, FDI, HDTrade affects harmfully to some measures of air qualityPositive
7Pollution and tradeJun et al. (2020)ChinaTime series1982–2016WCACO2 and TDTrade openness has increased pollution in ChinaPositive
8Pollution and tradeWen and Dai (2020)ChinaTime series1990–2016ARDLGDP to CO2, TO and HCTrade openness contributes positive to the CO2Positive
9Pollution and tradeAl-Mulali et al. (2016)KenyaTime series1980–2012ARDLCO2, GDP, REG, FFC, FD, TO and UrbIn the long- and short-run, trade openness increases air pollutionPositive
10Pollution and trade opennessSajeev and Kaur (2020)IndiaTime series1980–2012ARDLCO2, GDP, Ind, FDI and TOTrade openness has been shown to reduce emissionsNegative
11Pollution and manufacturingRauf et al. (2018)ChinaTime series1968–2018ARDLCO2, GDP, EC, FD, Ind, Agri, Serv, TO and UrbCO2 is impacted positively and significantly by trade opennessPositive
12Pollution and manufacturingRahman and Kashem (2017)BangladeshTime series1972–2011ARDLCO2, EC and IndThe industrial production has significant positive impact on the CO2Positive
13Pollution and manufacturingBanerjee and Rahman (2012)BangladeshTime series1972–2008ARDLCO2, Ind, FDI and PopGrowth in industrial production, population, and FDI have a positive impact on CO2Positive
14Pollution and manufacturingHocaoglu and Karanfil (2011)G7 countriesPanel1970–2008HMMCO2, Ind and PopIn the G-7 nations, industrial production is the primary source of CO2Positive
15Pollution and manufacturingLin et al. (2014)ChinaTime series1980–2012ARDLCO2, EP, EC and IndFrom industrial growth to CO2, there is a one-way causalityPositive
16Pollution and manufacturingCanh et al. (2019)106 countriesPanel1995–2012GMMCO2, CH4, N2O, Inc, Urb, Ind, EI, PE, TO and FDIManufacturing growth raises CH4 emissions across the income groupPositive
17Pollution and Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP)Zafar et al. (2020)46 countriesPanel1991–2017FMOLSCO2, Ind, GDP, EC and UrbCO2 is impacted positively by industrializationPositive
18Pollution and growthSong (2021)ChinaPanel data2001–2016T-regressionCO2, GDP, Worker, REC, SOC, FOC, Urb, Ind, TO, EII and R&DGDP per capita and CO2 in China are positively associatedPositive
19Pollution and growthPao and Tsai (2011)BRICPanel data1980–2007Pedroni, GCCO2, EU, FDI and GDPGDP and pollution has strong positive causalityPositive
20Pollution and growthPark and Hong (2013)South KoreaTime series1991Q1-2011Q4MSMCO2, GDP, FFCEconomic growth and CO2 emissions are coincidental and fossil fuels, which emit CO2Positive
21Pollution and growthAlshehry and Belloumi (2015)Saudi ArabiaTime series1971–2010JCTCO2, EU, GDP and OPCO2 and economic growth have a bidirectional causal relationshipPositive
22Pollution and growthMenyah and Wolde-Rufael (2010)South AfricaTime series1965–2006ARDLCO2, GDP, EU and GFCPollutant emissions and economic growth have a positive and significant relationshipPositive
23Pollution and economic developmentRajpurohit and Sharma (2021)India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and MalaysiaPanel data1980–2014PMGCO2, GDP, EU and FDModerate economic growth and moderate financial development increase CO2, whereas exponential growth decreases CO2Positive
24Pollution and Economic DevelopmentShabbir et al. (2020)PakistanTime series1972–2016JCTPop, WRR, CO2, DeforestationNegative and significant relationship of all the variables with GDPNegative
25Pollution and economic developmentRasool et al. (2020)IndiaTime series1971–2014ARDLEC, GDP, FD and CO2Energy consumption, economic growth and financial development have negative effects on the environmentPositive
26Pollution and economic growth, openness and industryKılavuz and Doğan (2020)TurkeyTime series1961–2018ARDLGDP, TO, Ind and CO2Industry and economic growth contribute positively to CO2, while trade openness has no effect on CO2Positive

Note(s): Abbreviation used: CO2 (Carbon Emissions); TO (Openness ratio/total trade to real GDP/ratio of merchandise trade/exports and imports/trade intensity); GDP to CO2 (GDP to CO2); EU (Commercial energy use or Consumption/Transport energy consumption/Energy Consumption); Exp (Exports); EC (Electricity Consumption); TD (Trade); Ind (Industry value added/industrialisation); Urb (Urbanization); EP (energy price); Inc (Income); REC (Renewable energy consumption); Imp (Imports); HC (Human Capital); REG (Renewable Energy Generation); FDI (Foreign Direct Investment); Pop (Population); N2O (Nitrous oxide emissions); Worker (Worker); FFC (Fossil fuel/Non-Renewable energy consumption or generation); RC (Real capital per capita); FD (financial development); GFC (Real gross fixed capital); SOC (state-owned capital); HD (Highway density); Agri (agricultural value added share); FOC (foreign-owned capital); Serv (Service Value Added); EI (Energy imports); EII (environmental improvement investment); R&D (Research and Development/R&D intensity); WRR (Water Renewable Resources); 2SLS (Two-stage least squares); ARDL (AutoRegressive Distributive Lag); B-ARDL (Bootstrap ARDL approach); DIM (Decoupling index model); FMOLS (Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares); GMM (Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)); GC (Granger causality); HMM (Hidden Markov model); J & J Coint (Johansen and Juselius Cointegration); JCT (Johansen Cointegration Test); MSM (Markov Switching Model); OLS (Ordinary Least Square); Pedroni (Pedroni panel cointegration test); PMG (Pooled Mean Group); T-Regression (Threshold regression model); WCA (Wavelet-Coherence Analysis); Wester (Westerlund panel cointegration tests)

Source(s): Own elaboration

Data description and sources

VariableVariable representationDescriptionSource
CO2 emissionsCO2India's carbon dioxide emissions per capita in metric tonnesWDI
Trade opennessTOPercentage of India's GDP, reflected by overall trade performed (both imports and exports)WDI
ManufacturingMFGRepresents India's manufacturing production as a percentage of GDPWDI
Economic growthGDPGDP per capitaWDI

Source(s): World Development Indicators (WDI)

Results of unit root tests

VariablesLevelFirst differenceOrder of integration
lnCO20.8050.777−6.472*−6.491*I(1) at 1%
lnTO−1.597−1.491−4.966*−4.949*I(1) at 1%
lnMFG−2.930**−3.076**−6.654*−6.799*I(0) at 5%
I(1) at 1%
lnGDP3.8396.594−6.193−6.216*I(1) at 1%

Note(s): * and ** indicates 1% and 5% statistical significance, respectively. The critical values of ADF test are: 1% level (−3.585), 5% level (−2.928) and 10% level (−2.602)

Source(s): Authors' calculations from Eviews

ARDL bound test results

Model99% critical valuesF-stat
lnCO2t= f(lnTOt,lnMFGt,lnGDPt)Lower boundUpper bound
Null hypothesis
No long-run relationship β1=β2=β3=β4
No short-run relationship 1=2=3=4

Note(s): * indicates 1% statistical significance level

Source(s): Authors' calculations from Eviews

Long-run coefficient estimates

Independent variablesCO2
Coefficient [std. error]T-stat [prob.]
lnTO−1.194 [0.679]−1.756 [0.088***]
lnMFG6.019 [3.169]1.899 [0.066***]
lnGDP2.563 [0.892]2.874 [0.007*]
C−29.794 [12.173]−2.447 [0.020**]

Note(s): *, **, *** indicate 1%, 5% and 10% statistical significance, respectively

Source(s): Authors' calculations from Eviews

Short-run coefficient estimates

Independent variablesCO2
Coefficient [std. error]T-stat [prob.]
D(lnCO2(−1))−0.180 [0.131]−1.379 [0.1767]
D(lnMFG)0.264 [0.106]2.481 [0.018**]
D((−1))−0.338 [0.103]−3.285 [0.002*]
D(TO)−0.111 [0.046]−2.475 [0.019**]
D(TO(−1))0.223 [0.042]5.269 [0.000*]
ECM(−1)−0.088 [0.013]−6.681 [0.000*]
Diagnostic tests
Adjusted R-squared0.3687
Durbin–Watson stat2.017
Normality [Jarque-Bera (p-value)]0.207 (0.902)
Serial correlation [LM Test F-statistic (p-value)]0.075 (0.928)
Heteroscedasticity [Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey (p-value)]1.307 (0.269)
Ramsey RESET test [F-statistic (p-value)]2.787 (0.106)

Note(s): *, ** indicates 1% and 5% statistical significance respectively

Source(s): Authors' calculations from Eviews


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