A comparative study of frequentist vs Bayesian A/B testing in the detection of E-commerce fraud

James Christopher Westland (Department of Information and Decision Sciences, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA)

Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics

ISSN: 2754-4214

Article publication date: 8 December 2022

Issue publication date: 16 December 2022




This paper tests whether Bayesian A/B testing yields better decisions that traditional Neyman-Pearson hypothesis testing. It proposes a model and tests it using a large, multiyear Google Analytics (GA) dataset.


This paper is an empirical study. Competing A/B testing models were used to analyze a large, multiyear dataset of GA dataset for a firm that relies entirely on their website and online transactions for customer engagement and sales.


Bayesian A/B tests of the data not only yielded a clear delineation of the timing and impact of the intellectual property fraud, but calculated the loss of sales dollars, traffic and time on the firm’s website, with precise confidence limits. Frequentist A/B testing identified fraud in bounce rate at 5% significance, and bounces at 10% significance, but was unable to ascertain fraud at the standard significance cutoffs for scientific studies.

Research limitations/implications

None within the scope of the research plan.

Practical implications

Bayesian A/B tests of the data not only yielded a clear delineation of the timing and impact of the IP fraud, but calculated the loss of sales dollars, traffic and time on the firm’s website, with precise confidence limits.

Social implications

Bayesian A/B testing can derive economically meaningful statistics, whereas frequentist A/B testing only provide p-value’s whose meaning may be hard to grasp, and where misuse is widespread and has been a major topic in metascience. While misuse of p-values in scholarly articles may simply be grist for academic debate, the uncertainty surrounding the meaning of p-values in business analytics actually can cost firms money.


There is very little empirical research in e-commerce that uses Bayesian A/B testing. Almost all corporate testing is done via frequentist Neyman-Pearson methods.



Westland, J.C. (2022), "A comparative study of frequentist vs Bayesian A/B testing in the detection of E-commerce fraud", Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics, Vol. 1 No. 1/2, pp. 3-23. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEBDE-07-2022-0020



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022, James Christopher Westland


Published in Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode

1. Introduction

Fraud, in all of its variety, is one of the major concerns in electronic commerce. Electronic commerce obviates various “middle-men” in retailing – e.g. cashiers, salespersons, security guards and so forth. Advantages of highly efficient transaction processing un-monitored by humans, opens numerous pathways to commit fraud. As a consequence, electronic commerce continually seeks data analytical approaches to replacing the security provided by humans, while retaining the efficiency and cost advantages of digital platforms. A/B testing can provide one such analytical approach to fraud detection. Numerous tools are available in a highly competitive and expanding market, including tools by VWO Corporation, Optimizely, Convert Experiences, SiteSpect, AB Tasty, Evolv, Google Optimize, Qubit, Adobe Target and others. Current software generally takes a frequentist approach.

Auditors define control systems over fraud in three categories: preventive, detective and corrective (Westland, 2020a). Preventive controls prevent a fraud from happening, and are typically passive in nature. Detective controls detect that a transaction or group of transactions has a higher probability of fraud, and should be investigated. Corrective controls recognize that error correction is highly error prone, and control over corrections is necessary for most systems (Pumsirirat & Liu, 2018; Al-Shabi, 2019; Westland, 2000; Westland, 2002, 2004, 2017, 2020a). A/B tests provide a corrective control over groups of transactions, and their control implementations are similar to that of autoencoders, Benford tests, Sarbanes-Oxley tests and other detective control implementations (Westland, 2019, 2020b). In turn, the operations for fraud detection are generally the responsibility of internal audit and technical security staff in e-commerce operations. Auditors’ responsibility is not the complete elimination of fraud; rather their main goal is reducing the cost of fraud to acceptable levels. The trade-offs in this activity are assessed in terms of the cost of fraud detection and control vs the savings from frauds that have been prevented or recovered from; in other words, the expected net savings from fraud prevention.

The search for improved tools for fraud detection is of immense importance to e-commerce firms today. Fraud has been steadily on the rise as more and more commerce transactions have migrated to digital platforms. Rice, Weber, and Wu (2014), Ashbaugh-Skaife, Collins, Kinney, and LaFond (2008), Ge, Koester, and McVay (2016), Bedard and Graham (2011) and Bedard, Hoitash, and Hoitash (2009) have provided compelling evidence that firms with weak internal controls suffer increased numbers of frauds. Recent information e-commerce fraud have grown costlier and more frequent; for example Home Depot’s 2015 breach has cost it $232m so far an amount that they expect to reach billions. A 2015 breach of Ashley Madison stole 40m accounts including photos details of sexual proclivities and personal addresses Target’s 2013 breach affected the accounts of 70m customers and so far has cost the firm $162m in added expense. A 2018 breach of Marriott hotels exposed private information of ˜500m customers; a 2019 breach of Capital One exposed financial information of ˜100m credit applicants; and a 2017 breach at Equifax exposed financial information of 143m customers. In 2014 A Guardians of Peace breach of Sony Pictures stole over 100 terabytes of confidential data. 2014 also saw the theft of 360m MySpace accounts a LinkedIn hack that took more than 100m accounts a 500-million-accounts, a hack of Yahoo, theft of 340m AdultFriendFinder accounts, their second hack in a year and numerous other breaches. Both frequency and scale of breaches have grown dramatically in the recent past.

This research conducts an empirical study using a large, multiyear dataset of Google Analytics (GA) data for a particular firm’s website during a particular period of time, and which was compromised by other fraudulent websites that appropriated the firms’ brand and e-commerce transactions for a portion of that time. Assessments of “fraud” and “no-fraud” are obtained through applications of the firm’s actual loss function and the calculation of loss under competing decisions from a frequentist and Bayesian A/B test decision based on the empirical data. The approach is tested on six years of GA e-commerce data obtained from a major service organization that relies entirely on their website and online transactions for customer engagement and sales.

To this date, A/B testing has not been a standard tool for fraud detection, though its implementation is similar enough to other methods that A/B testing can be used to detect, prevent and recover from fraud in the same way as we have already used autoencoders (Pumsirirat & Liu, 2018; Al-Shabi, 2019; Westland, 2019, 2020b) and generalist algorithms such as the Fraud Aware Impression Regulation system (Li et al., 2019). The current research analyzes and statistically tests a large database using Bayesian vs frequentist approaches to A/B tests for fraud detection. Thus the research serves as an empirical demonstration that A/B testing is effective as a fraud detection methodology, and in addition tests the effectiveness of Bayesian vs frequentist approaches to fraud detection. We used six years of GA data for a website during two time periods: one in which a fraudulent website was fraudulently drawing off and misleading customers and another period where this fraud was not being perpetrated. This allowed us to label particular sets of transactions as fraudulent.

The presentation in this research paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 reviews the prior literature in fraud research. Section 3 introduces the research dataset, its curation and analysis. Section 4 reviews the mathematics of A/B testing methodologies; Section 5 conducts the analysis and reviews the results. Section 6 draws conclusions and offers a brief discussion. Section 7 looks at potential application so of the results and their managerial implications. Finally, Section 8 suggests limitations and future research.

2. Prior research in electronic commerce fraud detection

Fraud detection may either be supervised or unsupervised – i.e. requiring datasets that are at least partly labeled, versus being completely unlabeled. Supervised methods generate a predictive probability that a new case, or a set of cases, is fraudulent. Classification methods (Hand & Henley, 1997; Jha, Guillen, & Westland, 2012; Ahfock, McLachlan, Yang, & Zhu, 2022; Jha & Westland, 2013) such as linear discriminant analysis and logistic discrimination, have proved to be effective tools for many applications, but more powerful tools (Ripley & Ripley, 2001; Bolton & Hand, 2001; Bolton & Hand, 2002; Webb, Campbell, Schwartz, & Sechrest, 1999) such as neural networks are being applied. Rule-based methods, though dated, are still being applied. These are supervised “IF-THEN-ELSE” learning algorithms that produce classifiers. Examples of such algorithms include the BAYES implementation of the CN2 induction algorithm (Clark & Niblett, 1989), the FOIL implementation of decision tree algorithms (Quinlan, 1990) and the RIPPER evolution of IREP and C4. 5 machine learning rules (Cohen, 1995). Tree-based algorithms such as CART: Classification And Regression Trees (Breiman, Friedman, Olshen, & Stone, 1984) produce classifiers of a similar form. Combinations of some or all of these algorithms can be created using meta-learning algorithms to improve prediction in fraud detection (Chan, Fan, Prodromidis, & Stolfo, 1999).

Some work has addressed misclassification of training samples (e.g. Chhikara & McKeon, 1984) but not in the context of fraud detection. Social acquaintance analysis relating known fraudsters to other individuals using record linkage and social network methods has been proposed for some time (Wasserman & Faust, 1994) but only recently have graph analytic tools become available to really make use of this method (e.g. see Pourhabibi, Ong, Kam, & Boo, 2020; Hooi et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2022; Cheng, Wang, Zhang, & Zhang, 2020).

Unsupervised methods are used when there are no prior sets of legitimate and fraudulent observations. Techniques employed here are usually a combination of profiling and outlier detection methods. Benford’s law (Berger & Hill, 2011; Hill, 1995) is popularly used since it is first proposal as a fraud detection tool by Hal Varian, and is a common test in the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commision's audits of corporations to find fraud in transaction streams (Westland, 2020a).

Fraudsters adapt to new prevention and detection measures, and various methods have been proposed to help fraud detection be more adaptive and evolve over time (e.g. see Cortes, Pregibon, & Volinsky, 2001; Senator, 2000).

There is a rich literature in hardware, software and administrative systems for fraud control. Though less flexible than data analytic methods, such methods can prevent fraud before it occurs, and thus lower the economic cost of surveillance. E-commerce fraud manifests in several forms, with credit card fraud being most prevalent and having the largest economic impact. Research has investigated credit card fraud detection using a behavior certificate (BC) (Zheng et al., 2018) to determine the legality of transactions based on historical records of the cardholder. Fraud detection has also used disposable domain names that can detect fraud based on IP masking (Laurens, Rezaeighaleh, Zou, & Jusak, 2019) and detection of fraudulent transactions using a prudential multiple consensus (PMC) models (Carta, Fenu, Recupero, & Saia, 2019). Research has explored the use of blockchains to prevent fraud through implementation of cryptocurrency in payments and smart contracts (Savita & Datta, 2015) and through various antifraud systems to detect e-commerce frauds (Xie et al., 2018). Various research studies have investigated security in data transactions, passwords, networks, images and trading in e-commerce, finding that fraud can be prevented or ameliorated by using RSA  (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) encryption and Fernet cipher algorithms (Dijesh, Babu, & Vijayalakshmi, 2020). Other studies suggest how risks in e-commerce can be detected quickly and accurately without disrupting system performance (Xu & Chu, 2017), by using a security service oriented architecture (SOA) framework that can protect e-commerce from attacks or threats (Suryono, Purwandari, & Budi, 2019) and using a unified framework to analyze the security data in e-commerce. Other studies have looked at security of one-time password (OTP) using ECC (elliptic curve cryptography) with palm vein biometrics to OTP (Dzulfikar, Sensuse, & Noprisson, 2017). It has been suggested that an e-commerce trusted trading framework (ETTF) using blockchain can improve security in e-commerce (Luhach, Dwivedi, & Jha, 2014) and two-way authentication based on visual cryptography and steganography can further protect e-commerce from fraud (Ismanto, Ar, Fajar, Bachtiar, & others, 2019). Research has also studied graphical passwords for e-commerce applications that can improve the security and usability of customers (Qiu & Li, 2017). Mahto and Yadav (2015) proposed a unified framework for securing image data stored in third-party clouds and Sharma, Mathur, and Srivastava (2018) proposed a system that combines text-based steganography, visual cryptography and OTP can avoid identity theft and customer data privacy. All of these systems, though, required substantial upfront investments in hardware, software and administrative systems before they can be effective. They are also difficult to modify or improve based on experience – if they turn out to be ineffective or are hacked; their fraud control value is often substantially reduced.

Bedard et al. (2009), Hoitash, Hoitash, and Bedard (2009) and Bedard and Graham (2011) examined detection and severity classification of internal control deficiencies, finding that external auditors, during their Section 404 audit, detect about three-fourths of unremediated internal control deficiencies. Ge et al. (2016) looked at a sample of 261 companies that disclosed at least one material weakness in internal control in their Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) filings, finding that poor internal control is usually related to an insufficient commitment of resources for accounting controls, with the most common account specific material weaknesses occurring in accounts receivable and inventory. SOX 302 disclosures, in contrast, tended to describe internal control problems in complex accounts such as the derivative and income tax accounts. They found that disclosing a material weakness is positively associated with business complexity, e.g. multiple segments, and foreign currency negatively associated with firm size, e.g. market capitalization, and negatively associated with firm profitability metrics, e.g. return on assets. Lin, Pizzini, Vargus, and Bardhan (2011) investigated the role that a firm’s internal audit function plays in the disclosure of material weaknesses reported under SOX 404, using data from 214 firms. They found that material weakness disclosures are negatively correlated with the education level of the internal auditors and positively correlated with the practice of grading audit engagements and external-internal auditor coordination. Ashbaugh-Skaife et al. (2008) reported that SOX disclosed internal control deficiencies were associated with more complex operations, recent organizational changes, greater accounting risk, more auditor resignations and have fewer resources available for internal control. They also found that firms with SOX disclosed internal control deficiencies had more prior SEC enforcement actions and financial restatements, were more likely to use a single dominant audit firm and had more concentrated institutional ownership. Feng, Li, McVay, and Skaife (2014), Feng, Li, and McVay (2009) and Berger, Li, and Wong (2005) found that internal control deficiencies were correlated with less accurate guidance. In particular the impact of ineffective internal controls on forecast accuracy was found to be three times larger when the weakness was related to revenues or cost of goods sold. This finding reflects the importance of revenues and cost of goods sold in forecasting earnings. Ashbaugh-Skaife et al. (2008) found that firms that report internal control deficiencies have lower quality accruals, as measured by accrual noise and absolute abnormal accruals, when compared to firms not reporting internal control problems. Additionally, firms whose auditors confirm remediation of previously reported internal control deficiencies exhibit an increase in accrual quality relative to firms that do not remediate their control problems. They further found that material weaknesses are correlated with: (1) noise, (2) with accrual noise higher error term variance and (3) with intentional misstatements that bias earnings upward.

3. Dataset, curation and analysis

Acquisition of data for the analysis in this report started with the firm’s financials, from the inception of the company in 2016, up to March 18, 2021. Sales and operations data were obtained from the firm’s financial statements, and internal accounting datasets for monthly and daily sales. Website statistics were obtained through GA application programming interfaces (API) for all available data between the firm’s inception in 2016 and March 18, 2021. This included the period that the fraudulent sites and Uniform Resource Locators (URL) were in operation, between April 7, 2018 and May 13 2020 (this period covered 767 days or 25.56 months), as well as “control” periods before and after that period which were used to determine the firm’s baseline operations and web statistics. The complete dataset was extracted from GA APIs over a period of three weeks (allowing for throttling) and tracked the complete web history for the website between “2016-09-08” and “2021-03-18”. Figure 1 delineates the steps involved in obtaining, aggregating and analyzing the dataset. I have abbreviated for brevity in Figure 1, but not that “GA” in the figure means GA; optical character recognition (OCR); API; and time series (TS). These activities yielded a total of 7,238,819 useable records have the “curation-cleanup” step.

The specific interpretation and methodological choices in my curation, analysis and calculation involving the firm’s financial data have been motivated by:

  1. a choice of the most objective and least subjective methodology that will insulate data and analysis from investigator bias, while providing objective, verifiable and replicable conclusions;

  2. the elimination of effects due to confounding and unobserved variables; and

  3. the choice of the most appropriate methods and prior assumptions that would allow the firm’s financial data and the analysis based upon that data, to speak for itself without imposing any investigator bias.

Any comparison of operations between two time periods needs to first remove inflation, seasonality and organic business growth in order to isolate cogent effects. The deflated values are stated in 2016 dollars. Restatement in the period from 2016-2021 dollars used the deflators and reinflators calculated in the technical appendices. Failure to detrend data would have added spurious effects. The current analysis deseasonalized and detrended data to remove extraneous influences of inflation, seasonality and organic growth in the firm’s business. I controlled for unobserved covariant predictors, where this was necessary, through mixed-effects models. Interpolations were used where needed, using industry best-practice cross-sectional and TS methods. Firm’s business model was neither particularly complex, nor were their operations and revenue flows particularly volatile. In my opinion, the interpolations applied to compute missing data points provided accurate estimates.

A model of future sales using GA predictors was constructed and optimized around an ordinary least squares (OLS) regression model. The model used only detrended TS, as in particular time-series autocorrelations would have inflated the variation in sales explained by GA predictors to an R2 = 90%, whereas the true variation explained by only GA predictors is R2 = 60%. Detrending and deseasonalizing data provided conservative (i.e. tending towards underreporting the loss of sales due to the actions of fraudulent sites) estimates of loss. The OLS regression model used in this analysis assumed normal residuals. A complete analysis of empirical residuals validated this assumption and provided the justification for the use of a normal inverse gamma prior in the A/B analysis.

The data analysis revealed causation between the firm’s sales and web traffic, as measured in their GA statistics, and the existence of fraudulent websites and URLs. Furthermore, causation of the firm’s sales decline due to the negative impact of fraudulent sites and URLs on the firm’s web traffic is strongly supported by the time sequence of events (Granger, 1969). After the initiation of fraudulent websites and URLs, the firm’s business sales, website visits and time on website declined significantly. I tested the results of the OLS regression model of sales using GA predictors to determine whether the regression coefficients represented causality or correlation. I used a Granger causality test - the industry best-practices statistical hypothesis test for ascertaining causal effects in economic studies. The Granger causality test determines whether one TS is useful in forecasting another. Causality in economics can be tested for by measuring the ability to predict the future values of TS using prior values of another TS. In this study, TS of GA predictors was shown to Granger-cause (Granger, 1969) A TS of sales by applying a series of t-tests and F-tests on lagged values of GA predictors, with lagged values of sales also included, to show that those GA values provide statistically significant information about future values of sales.

Frequentist and Bayesian A/B testing assumed a normal distribution of data. It assumed a diffuse, noninformative prior, a normal inverse gamma – Normal conjugate family and computed loss as the difference of posterior means, assessing loss estimates on 95% credible intervals. Bayesian A/B test results were highly significant, and all needed methodologies to control potential estimation biases and confounding effects were applied to maintain strict control over the results. The negative impact of fraudulent websites during the period of their existence, on the firm’s sales is captured in their negative impact in the recorded GA site metrics for the firm website. Bayesian A/B testing of the sales data during the period when the fraudulent sites existed, versus the other periods when there were no fraudulent sites operating shows that during the time the fraudulent sites were active. The specific factorsanalyzed are defined in Tables 1 and 2 estimates the impact of these factors on the firm's economic performance using regression analysis. The firm’s website is the major source of sales revenue. I built a regression model to predict firm sales from their GA statistics, which explains around 60% (R2 = 58.03%) of the variance in sales, the remaining variance arising from other nonwebsite influences.

Interpolations were used to complete the dataset, using industry best-practice cross-sectional and time-series methods. The firm’s business model was neither particularly complex, nor were their operations and revenue flows particularly volatile. In my opinion, the interpolations applied to compute missing data points provided accurate estimates. The deflated values are stated in 2016 dollars. Restatement in the period from 2016–2021 dollars can be done using the reinflators calculated here.

The following graphs extract trends, seasonalities and random fluctuations from the figure of merit analyzed in this section.

Where GA factors are count data, Bayesian conjugate distribution model was assumed to be beta-binomial with prior hyperparameters (α β) and posterior hyperparameters α+i=1nxi,β+i=1nNiαi=1nxi for α successes and β failures for a sample {xi} of Ni observations. I also assumed that volume was sufficient (I had ˜8m observations at my disposal) that central limit theorem convergence easily allows me to assume the beta-binomial data converges to Inverse Gamma – normal conjugate family. Closed-form posterior probabilities for the beta-binomial can be computed:

pnoSS  noSSBeta(αnoSS,βnoSS)

central limit theorem convergence was validated through exploratory testing of data and models and is used to support the assumption that the Bayesian model is assumed to be normal-normal with prior hyperparameters (μ, τ) and posterior hyperparameters τ0μ0+τi=1nxiτ0+nτ,τ0+nτ for sample {xi}

4. A/B testing methodologies

A/B tests compare two sample proportions and require that there are two groups and that the data for each participant are dichotomous (Little, 1989). A/B testing has been applied in situations with three different objectives:

  1. Making a binary choice based on a critical value of some sort as an alternative to hypothesis testing or event studies,

  2. Performance ranking of two (or more) alternatives such as ranking marketing or pricing strategies, and

  3. Risk assessment such as identifying transactions, investments, customers, strategies and so forth that face more or less risk.

The context used in this paper applies A/B testing for risk assessments, and falls into the categories of supervised classifiers discussed in the prior literature section, e.g. similar to the usage of classifiers in Hand and Henley (1997), Jha et al. (2012), Ahfock et al. (2022) and Jha and Westland (2013) as well as more recent neural network based classifiers for fraud detection (e.g. see Westland, 2020b; 2019).

A/B tests, in one form or another, have been an essential part of scientific marketing since the pioneering work of Claude Hopkins (Hopkins, 1923; Schorman, 2008) in the early 20th century. The A/B test is standard operating procedure for the analysis of clinical trial data, where study participants are randomly allocated to one of two experimental groups (typically called A and B). A/B tests are common in fields such as biology, psychology and conversion rate optimization in online marketing. Similar, but less developed protocols are used in finance, accounting and law, where they are called event studies, and control and treatment groups are typically partitioned based on time of the event. Where A/B testing is applied, researchers attempt to statistically infer whether and to what extent the experimental condition has a higher success rate than the control condition. Practitioners can choose between the frequentist and the Bayesian approaches, though because of mathematical complexity, the Bayesian approach is seldom used. Nonetheless Gronau, Raj, and Wagenmakers (2019) argue for the superiority of the Bayesian approach because:

  1. evidence can be obtained in favor of the null hypothesis;

  2. evidence can be updated continually, as the data accumulate; and

  3. expert knowledge can be taken into account.

A/B testing is a “Natural Experiment” involving customer experience which today has standardized on the industry best-practice Bayesian A/B tests. Earlier studies applied frequentist A/B testing (bucket testing or split-run testing) which compared two versions of a subject’s response to variant A against variant B, and constructs a Neyman-Pearson hypothesis test assessed on p-values. Frequentist A/B tests are inappropriate in loss calculation, since they cannot generate loss numbers, only a “yes/no” assessment of whether losses have occurred. Bayesian A/B tests are commonly used for understanding user engagement and satisfaction of online features. Large social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram continually employ Bayesian A/B testing to make user experiences more successful and as a way to monetize their services. Bayesian A/B tests are the preferred method for binary comparisons in marketing campaigns, business strategies and operations choices in industry. Bayesian A/B tests do not require the analyst to claim an unreasonable level of prior knowledge of events and their consequences, as for example, does the positing of hypotheses for frequentist A/B tests. Bayesian A/B testing allows the data to speak for itself, free of human biases.

Practitioners of frequentist A/B tests predominantly use pvalue and Neyman-Pearson hypothesis significance testing, which fails to meet the standards prescribed in Gronau et al. (2019) and Box (1987). Of most concern is the fact that frequentist A/B tests cannot distinguish between absence of evidence and evidence of absence (Keysers, Gazzola, & Wagenmakers, 2020; Robinson, 2018). Evidence of absence means that the data support the hypothesis that there is no effect (i.e. the two conditions do not differ); absence of evidence, however, means that the data are inconclusive (Altman & Bland, 1995). With Neyman-Pearson tests, the data cannot be tested sequentially without necessitating a correction for multiple comparisons that depends on the sampling plan; this problem is delineated in Berger and Wolpert (1988), Wagenmakers (2007) and Wagenmakers et al. (2018a, b). Camerer et al. (2018) found that poor replicability do to frequentist approaches is especially a problem in social science, finding that replicability varies between 57% and 67%) for studies relying on complementary replicability indicators. In academic research, the low replicability of social science outcomes may be considered a curiosity; but in business and clinical trials, it can mean life or death differences for individuals and firms.

Many researchers in online marketing believe that it is efficient to act as soon as the data provide evidence that is sufficiently compelling; and frequentist A/B test practitioners repeatedly peek at interim results and stop data collection as soon as the pvalue is smaller than some predefined α-level (Goodson, 2014; Stolberg, 2006). However, this practice inflates the Type I error rate which in practice invalidates Neyman-Pearson hypothesis testing (Jennison & Turnbull, 1990; Wagenmakers, 2007). Additionally, Neyman-Pearson testing does not allow marketing professions to incorporate detailed expert knowledge. For example, online advertising campaigns often yield minuscule increases in conversion rates because of poor reliability of statistical decisions (Johnson, Lewis, & Nubbemeyer, 2017). In contrast, the Bayesian framework is conceptually straightforward, incorporates expert knowledge and results in more informed statistical analyses (Lindley, 1993). Limitations in frequentist statistics can be overcome by adopting a Bayesian data analysis approach (Kamalbasha & Eugster, 2021) as described in the following synopsis of the method (Doorn et al., 2021).

Let nA denote the total number of observations and yA denote the number of successes for group A. Let nB denote the total number of observations and yB denote the number of successes for group B. The commonly used Bayesian A/B testing model is specified as follows:


This model assumes that yA and yB follow independent binomial distributions with success probabilities θA and θB. These success probabilities are assigned independent beta(α, β).

For example, with the data in hand one may find that ρ = 0.15, and that the power to detect a minuscule effect was only 0.20. However, power is a predata concept and consequently it remains unclear to what extent the observed data affect our knowledge (Wagenmakers et al., 2015). Moreover, the selection of the minuscule effect is often motivated by Bayesian considerations (i.e. it is a value that appears plausible, based on substantive domain knowledge). A particularly convenient conjugate family of distributions is the Beta distribution – whenever a Beta prior is used and the observed data are binomially distributed, the resulting posterior distribution is also a Beta distribution. Specifically, if the data consist of s successes and f failures, the resulting posterior beta distribution equals Beta(α+s, β+f) (Doorn, Meijer, Frampton, Barclay, & Boer, 2020). Beta distributions that encode the relative prior plausibility of the values for θA and θB. In a Beta distribution, the α values can be interpreted as counts of hypothetical “prior successes” and the β values can be interpreted as counts of hypothetical “prior failures” (Lee & Wagenmakers, 2014):


Data from the A/B testing experiment update the two independent prior distributions to two independent posterior distributions as dictated by Bayes’ rule:

where p(θA) and p(θB) are the prior distributions and p(yA, nA|θA) and p(yB, nB|θB) are the likelihoods of the data given the respective parameters.

Bayesian learning, reflecting the evolution of probability from prior to posterior is brought about by the data. Bayesian A/B models learn from the data, and probabilities increases for parameter values that predict the data well and decreases for parameter values that predict the data poorly (Kruschke, 2013; Doorn et al., 2020 and Wagenmakers, Morey, & Lee, 2016). In practice we are interested in the difference δ = θAθB between the success rates of the two experimental groups, as this difference indicates whether the experimental condition shows the desired effect (e.g. more sales).

5. Results

We constructed a regression model of sales using GA metrics. A sequence of searches resulted in a final model with R2: 0.5803, Adjusted R2: 0.4849 and p-value: 9.793e−06. Results are summarized in the table below. Table 3 reports the results of Baysian vs. frequentist A/B test statistics. Note that the two sets of statistics are not perfectly comparable, given the differences in structure of the tests. Specifically Bayesian tests provide a full reporting of posterior estimator characteristics, while frequentist statistics provide only p-factors in a Neyman-Pearson setting. Table 4 presents the key empirical findings of the analysis, reporting the probability that a change in a firm's website factor was caused by a change in sales due to competition from fraudulent sites.

The Granger causality test is a statistical hypothesis test for determining whether one TS is useful in forecasting another – a standard econometric definition of “causality”. A TS X is said to Granger-cause Y if it can be shown through a series of t-tests and F-tests on lagged values of X that those X values provide statistically significant information about future values of Y.

One retains in this regression all lagged values of x that are individually significant according to their t-statistics, provided that collectively they add explanatory power to the regression according to an F-test (whose null hypothesis is no explanatory power jointly added by the x’s). In my tests of the monthly data, the shortest lag was 1 and longest was 6. A lag of 6 months would test for the influence of a change in web traffic on the amount of sales six months later.

The null hypothesis that x does not Granger-cause y is accepted if and only if no lagged values of x are retained in the regression. This is tested using the Wald test to assess constraints on statistical parameters based on the weighted distance between the unrestricted estimate and its hypothesized value under the null hypothesis, where the weight is the precision of the estimate. The methods used in this study for Bayesian A/B testing including prior elicitation options were based on Kass and Vaidyanathan (1992).

In the Bayesian A/B analysis, (B-blue) represents data from the period in which fraudulent sites were active, and (A-orange) represents data from outside that period B−A==> reduction in traffic due to fraudulent sites; negative implies increased traffic credible interval on (A−B)/B for interval length(s) (0.9, 0.9).

Table 3 reports the findings of this research. Note that Bayesian A/B testing yields a plethora of measurements of the posterior distribution, while frequentist A/B tests, being Neyman-Pearson hypothesis tests, offer only the pvalue. The pvalue for frequentist A/B tests is the probability of obtaining test results at least as extreme as the result actually observed, under the assumption that there is no difference between A and B (Hubbard & Lindsay, 2008; Wasserstein & Lazar, 2016). Unfortunately, a precise meaning of p-value is hard to grasp, and misuse is widespread and has been a major topic in metascience (Munafò, Nosek, Bishop, Button, & Chambers, 2017; Wasserstein & Lazar, 2016). While misuse of pvalues in scholarly articles may simply be grist for academic debate, the uncertainty surrounding the meaning of pvalues in business analytics actually can cost firms money. This is one of the conclusions that one may draw from Table 3.

In Table 3, GA factor refers to the GA metric tracked for the site over the period of the research dataset. The pvalue is the reuslt of frequentist A/B testing and is the probability of obtaining test results at least as extreme as the result actually observed, under the assumption that there is no difference between A transactions and B transactions. Distribution statistics (μ, σ2) are given for posterior distributions, direct probabilities that A > B (by percent lift), credible intervals on (A−B)/B and the posterior expected loss. Credible intervals are the Bayesian counterpart to confidence intervals.

The following summarizes the main effects of fraudulent websites on the firm’s web traffic discovered through Bayesian A/B testing.

New Visitors: Each new visitor to the firm site is worth $84.44, and the fraudulent site reduced the number of new visitors by 2472 per month. GA differentiates between new and returning users based on visitors’ browser cookies.

Users: a user is a visitor who has initiated a session on the firm’s website. These rose during the period the fraudulent sites were in existence. One explanation would be confusion spawned by the fraudulent websites, where potential customers looking to buy a roof were confronted with irrelevant but sensationalist information and were curious enough to visit the firm’s site. Since the impact of more users appears to slightly decrease the potential sales dollars (perhaps from spurious site visits or searches), both of these could statistics may have been influenced by the existence of the fraudulent sites.

Customer Bounces: bounces and bounceRate increased during the period that the fraudulent sites were active, suggesting that there were some potential customers that left the firm’s site immediately after visiting the landing page, costing firm advertising dollars without generating sales. Each additional bounce cost firm $33.99, and the fraudulent sites compelled additional customer bounces of 1581 per month.

Customer Time on Site: sessionDuration and aveSessionDuration number of minutes spent on the site during the period that the fraudulent sites were active fell, but these metrics had very small unit contributions to sales, and the estimates of these unit contributions were only barely statistically significant. The fraudulent sites clearly had a negative impact on time spent on the site due to the substantial increase in bounces, i.e. customers visited the landing page, and immediately left the site.

Customer Time on a Page: timeOnPage is the absolute time spent looking at the firm’s pages during the existence of the fraudulent sites was reduced by 104,429 minutes per month during the period the fraudulent sites were in existence. avgTimeOnPage:_is the average time spent looking at the firm’s pages during the existence of the fraudulent sites reduced by 57,039 minutes per month during the period the fraudulent sites were in existence. Average time differs from absolute time on the page during the period of the fraudulent site, because of the increase in bounces.

Customer Entrance on Pages other than the Landing Page: entranceRate reflects where GA records an entrance for each page that a user begins a new session on. The number of entrances given for a specific page shows how many users began their session with that page. This should not be confused with visiting the landing or entrance (top) Page. Review of the data suggests that landing inside the firm’s site occurs mainly with organic searches, and probably reflects the Google indexing of the firm’s site. These rose during the period the fraudulent sites were in existence, suggesting that visitors may have visited the site through a random, likely organic Google search rather than an advertising link or referral.

Unique Combinations of Customer Search: uniqueDimensionsCombinations or unique dimension combinations counts the number of unique dimension-value combinations for each dimension. For example, if you have the dimensions: a.Region, b.Language and c.Mobile Device Info, then GA counts the number of times it sees the same combination of dimension values for each row in the report. It appears that the existence of fraudulent sites had little effect on this metric, since it is relatively complex and reflects their shopping choices during and after their decision to purchase a metal roof. The unit contribution of this metric is large, but it represents the choices already made by committed firm customers.

Sales: Perhaps the most cogent statistic yielded by Bayesian A/B tests of the empirical data was that showing loss of sales during the existence of the fraudulent websites. Here we can use the posterior distribution to directly compute the expected loss from expected sales during a period. Our calculations based on the above analysis yielded:

  1. 2019-12-01 $544,549 (less than expected)

  2. 2020-10-01 $2,208,775 (more than expected)

  3. 2021-03-01 $3,003,636 (more than expected)

This not only highlighted the existence of fraud, but provided specific figures on the magnitude of that fraud. This analysis developed a model to show that during the 25.56 month fraudulent sites operating period between April 7, 2018 and May 13 2020, their activities reduced visits, reduced time on the firm’s site and reduced conversions to the extent that firm lost an estimated $5,474,856 of sales revenue during the period. These direct effects were captured in the GA firm website metrics. I built a regression model and validated that these changes in GA site metrics directly caused the reduction in sales during the period of operation of fraudulent websites.

6. Conclusions and discussion

The regression model used to compute the firm’s loss of sales due to changes in the GA metrics during the period the fraudulent sites were active, explained 60% of sales variability (with the rest attributable to word of mouth, repeat customers and so forth). The firm’s website was the main driver of the firm’s sales during the fraudulent period.

Direct analysis of the firm’s sales TS estimated that they lost $5,474,856 of sales revenue during the 25.56 month fraudulent site period between April 7, 2018 and May 13 2020 when fraudsters posted and managed several websites with fabricated domain names and derogatory content.

Indirect analysis from predictions of the firm’s sales revenue based on actual GA metrics, and using the regression model developed in this analysis, estimated a 95% prediction interval of [0, $7,787,300] – i.e. prediction limits validate the direct estimate developed in the analysis and show that the loss of $5,474,856 of sales revenue during the 25.56 month fraudulent site period was caused by fraudulent sites an URLs interfering with customer visits to the firm’s website.

7. Potential applications of the research findings and managerial implications

The massive transaction volumes of e-commerce retailers – e.g. Amazon averages 1.6m transactions per day – automated fraud detection is of intense interest to e-commerce firms. There simply is no way that human auditors could effectively monitor that volume of sales. Automation, though, is predicated on efficient and effective algorithms. The current research has shown the particular appropriateness of Bayesian A/B testing for assessing the economic impact of fraud and identifying where to investigate fraud.

Though the mathematics and its application for A/B tests have been well understood, their application in fraud detection has to this point been almost nonexistent. This is partly due to most commercial applications of A/B testing using frequentist algorithms, because they are readily derived from Neyman-Pearson hypothesis testing. This has been unfortunate, as Bayesian A/B testing, unlike frequentist approaches not only allows ready computation of the economic consequences (the difference between posterior means) of fraudulent transactions, but also allows methods to precisely measure risk (i.e. the tail value at risk, or the integral of the tail of the posterior distribution over the appropriate loss function).

This research does move forward our understanding of how to manage A/B tests in a real e-commerce environment. Table 5 summarizes these in terms of the qualitative characteristics of Bayesian vs. frequentist statistical approaches. The posterior distribution of each of the GA factors provides a very conservative assessment of posterior expected loss and credible intervals (similar to confidence limits in fiducial inference). In frequentist statistics – the statistics that today are most often used in electronic market A/B testing – the alternative to the posterior distribution is the pvalue – probabilities of obtaining test results at least as extreme as the result actually observed, under the assumption that there is no difference between A and B (Hubbard & Lindsay, 2008; Wasserstein & Lazar, 2016). Unfortunately, a precise meaning of pvalue is hard to grasp and misuse is widespread and has been a major topic in metascience (Munafò et al., 2017; Wasserstein & Lazar, 2016). While misuse of pvalues in scholarly articles may simply be grist for academic debate, the uncertainty surrounding the meaning of pvalues in business analytics actually can cost firms money. This is the main conclusions that one should draw from this research. Bayesian A/B tests of the data not only yielded a clear delineation of the timing and impact of the IP fraud, but calculated the loss of sales dollars, traffic and time on the firm’s website, with precise confidence limits. Frequentist A/B testing identified fraud in bounce rate at 5% significance, and bounce at 10% significance, but was unable to ascertain fraud at the standard significance cutoffs for scientific studies. From a managerial standpoint, being able to only weakly conclude or reject the existence of fraud offered in frequentist pvalues (particularly from a dataset of ˜8m transactions) pales in comparison to the rich set of options for reporting loss and damage to reputation and traffic that is offered by Bayesian A/B testing.

The empirical research in this paper provides a guide for what one might expect as “typical” values for the empirical parameters of the Bayesian vs Frequentist approaches. These are given in Table 6.

Within this particular Bayesian A/B detective control, we also need to consider that there may be improvements to be made in confidence and prediction intervals that measure the accuracy of models in estimating a mean, or predicting a new value, respectively. Intervals allow one to estimate a range of values that can be said with reasonable confidence (typically 95%) contains the true population parameter. As this analysis is focused on the regression model that is used to predict firm sales from GA metrics, I am interested here in computing the prediction interval. I have used the industry standard 95% prediction intervals – i.e. 19 out of 20 times, our answer will be correct, a value that was set as a scientific best-practice early in the 20th century by the statistician Ronald Fisher (Fisher, 1932), the implications of which are studied at length in (Stigler, 2008). Sales clearly cannot be less than zero, and thus lower limits were truncated to zero. In addition to the arbitrary selection of significance equal to 0.05 due to Fisher (which was initially only a suggestion), more recently (Cohen, 2016) has suggested that power of tests should be set at 0.80. In practice, TypeI and TypeII choices should be dictated by the loss function, but these choices of cut-offs for decision making are too often applied without any thought to loss (or perhaps to avoid decisions about the loss function).

8. Limitations and future research

The research presented in this paper is only one component of a complete fraud management operation in e-commerce. The research provides a method of automated monitoring of groups of transactions to identify ones with a high probability of being fraudulent. They are detective controls that require a detailed follow-up investigation, and implementation of corrective controls to repair the damage done by the fraud. As such, the algorithms developed and tested in this paper should not be seen as a complete solution; rather they are an exceptionally efficient and informative part of automated detective controls.

The regression model used to compute the firm’s loss of sales due to changes in the GA metrics during the period the fraudulent sites were active, explained 60% of sales variability (with the rest attributable to word of mouth, repeat customers and so forth). The firm’s website was the main driver of the firm’s sales during the fraudulent period. But one must also recognize that 40% of sales variability was not explained and that is a limitation that can be improved on in future research.


Workflow schematic of analysis in this research

Figure 1

Workflow schematic of analysis in this research

Google analytics factors for Bayesian A/B tests

GA factor and distributionDescription
Modeled with Inverse Gamma-Normal conjugate family
SessionDuration (normal)Time user spent on firm site
sessionsPerUser (normal)Number of times a particular user visited the firm’s site
daysSinceLastSession (normal)Days since a user last visited firm
avgTimeOnPage (normal)Average of time user spends on a page
pageviewsPerSession (normal)Number of page views inside the firm’s site for each session
uniquePageviews (normal)New page views
Modeled with Beta-Binomial Conjugate family
entranceRate (beta)Entrances and entrance rate (clicks to landing page)
bounceRate (beta)Bounces and bounce rate (left after landing page)
percentNewSessions (beta)New sessions (new users)
exitRate (beta)Exits

Regression estimates


A/B testing Results from both Frequentist and Bayesian A/B Testing

GA factorpvalue A/Bμ A/Bσ2 A/Bμ-Low on CIμ-High on CIσ2-Low on CIσ2-High on CIμ for postE(loss)σ2 for postE(loss)
New visitors0.2890.2870.330−7.0085.365−0.5440.5661.7540.332v
Bounce rate0.0020.0010.995−3.185−1.1530.4493.9830.0000.001
Average session duration0.1730.1720.999−8.3564.4660.9755.847−1.3080.000
Session duration0.1830.1801.000−8.6684.8200.9855.804−2.3110.000
Unique dimension combinations0.0430.0420.788−3.441−0.153−0.2741.480−3.9030.056
Entrance rate0.3010.3000.992−10.3518.3650.3513.650−0.0740.001
Time on page0.1820.1810.995−8.3394.7690.4554.001−2.4710.001

Probability that a change in the the firm’s Website statistics was caused by a change in sales due to competition from fraudulent sites

F-statisticProb(>F)Prob(Change in this site statistic caused a change in sales)

Comparative advantages of Bayesian vs Frequentist approaches for fraud auditing

Objective of fraud auditBayesianFrequentist
Preventive controls over fraud (passive)NoNo
Detective control (group or individual transactions)YesYes
Corrective control allowing lost cost, accurate recovery from fraudNoNo
Able to identify transaction sets that are fraudulentYesYes
Objective is maximizing net savings from fraudYesNo, pvalues only estimate the probability that our decision is correct for a group of transactions being fraudulent
Able to apply firm’s actual loss functionYesNo, pvalues only estimate the probability that our decision is correct for a group of transactions being fraudulent
Able to calculate loss under competing decisionsYesNo, pvalues only estimate the probability that our decision is correct for a group of transactions being fraudulent
Able to compute fraud costYesNo, pvalues only estimate the probability that our decision is correct for a group of transactions being fraudulent
Able to calculate loss under competing decisionsYesNo, pvalues only estimate the probability that our decision is correct for a group of transactions being fraudulent
Generalist algorithmYesNo, requires a hypothesis testing framework
Empirical fraud detection methodologyYesYes
Supports labeling of individual transactions as potentially fraudulentYesYes, with limitations
Can be scaled up for large transaction volumesYesYes, though pvalues for a decision are less and less reliable as the application is scaled up to larger transaction numbers
Simple and low cost to implementYesNo, requires a hypothesis testing framework
Highly efficient, low cost transaction processingYesYes
Many tools available for implementationNoYes
Comparison with competitive methods
AutoencodersCompetitiveNot Competitive
Benford testsCompetitiveNot Competitive
Sarbanes-Oxley testsCompetitiveCompetitive for Section 302 tests, but not for Section 404 tests
Supervised Rule-based methodsCompetitiveCompetitive
Supervised Tree-based algorithmsCompetitiveCompetitive
Supervised Methods with misclassificationCompetitiveCompetitive
Unsupervised classification methodsNot competitive, requires labelingNot competitive, requires labeling

Comparative average statistics for the research dataset

pvalue A/Bμ A/Bσ2 A/Bμ-Low on CIμ-High on CIσ2-Low on CIσ2-High on CIμ for postE(loss)σ2 for postE(loss)


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Corresponding author

James Christopher Westland can be contacted at: westland@uic.edu

About the author

James Christopher Westland. I am currently Professor in the Department of Information and Decision Sciences at the University of Illinois – Chicago. I have a BA in Statistics and an MBA in Accounting from Indiana University and received my PhD in Computers and Information Systems from the University of Michigan. I have professional experience in the US as a certified public accountant and as a consultant in technology law in the US, Europe, Latin America and Asia. I am the author of numerous academic papers and of seven books: Global Electronic Commerce (MIT Press 2000); Global Innovation Management (Palgrave Macmillan 2nd ed 2017); Red Wired: China’s Internet Revolution (Marshall Cavendish, 2010); Structural Equation Modeling (Springer 2015); Financial Dynamics (Wiley 2003); Valuing Technology (Wiley 2002) and Audit Analytics: Data Science for the Accounting Profession (in R. Gentleman’s “Use R!” series @ Springer). I am the Editor-in-Chief of Electronic Commerce Research (Springer) and have served on editorial boards of several other information technology journals including Management Science, ISR, ECRA, IJEC and others. I have served on the faculties at the University of Michigan, University of Southern California, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology of China, Harbin Institute of Technology and other academic institutions. In 2012 I received High-Level Foreign Expert status in China under the 1000-Talents Plan and am currently Overseas Chair Professor at Beihang University. I have advised on patent, valuation and technology strategy for numerous technology firms.

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