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Negative emotions and marketing retrenchment during crisis: attribution effects through crisis severity and strategic orientations

Dario Miocevic (Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, University of Split, Split, Croatia and Woxsen School of Business, Hyderabad, India)

Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

ISSN: 0885-8624

Article publication date: 28 August 2024




Emotions are widely acknowledged decision-making drivers, taking the front seat when managers lack objective information. Existing evidence indicates that negative emotions often lead to the decision to retrench. Contrary to these insights, our research aims to show that negative emotions can sometimes push top managers to withdraw from retrenching marketing activities. By drawing on the affect-as-information approach, this study aims to examine the direct and conditional effects of top managers’ negative emotions on small and medium-sized enteprises (SMEs’) intention to retrench marketing activities during the recent economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


This study uses a descriptive research design and surveys a sample of 155 chief executive officers from business-to-business (B2B) SMEs in Croatia. The authors empirically test the conceptual framework with hierarchical regression.


Based on the sample of 155 top managers of SMEs operating in B2B industries, negative emotions positively drive marketing retrenchment. However, additional insights reveal that this relationship is conditioned by crisis severity and SMEs' strategic orientations (exploration and exploitation). The relationship between negative emotions and marketing retrenchment weakens for SMEs severely hampered by the crisis and for SMEs following the exploitative orientation. In contrast, this relationship becomes stronger for SMEs whose business customers have been severely hampered and for SMEs following exploratory orientation.


This research advances the body of knowledge by demonstrating that, depending on the severity of the crisis and the strategic orientation of the SME, top managers may interpret negative emotions quite differently, which eventually has lasting consequences on marketing retrenchment during crises. Therefore, by focusing on emotional microfoundations and unique crisis- and firm-level contingencies, this study goes beyond existing theoretical discussions that contrast marketing retrenchment vs investment and offers a different understanding of why and when SMEs retrench their marketing activities during crises.



Miocevic, D. (2024), "Negative emotions and marketing retrenchment during crisis: attribution effects through crisis severity and strategic orientations", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.



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