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How do they adjust their capital structure along their life cycle? An empirical study about capital structure over life cycle of Pakistani firms

Tanveer Ahsan (School of Accounting, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, People’s Republic of China)
Man Wang (School of Accounting, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, People’s Republic of China)
Muhammad Azeem Qureshi (School of Business, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Oslo, Norway)

Journal of Asia Business Studies

ISSN: 1558-7894

Article publication date: 1 August 2016




The purpose of this study is to explain the adjustment rate made to target capital structures by listed non-financial firms in Pakistan during the courses of their life cycles and to determine what factors influence their adjustment rates.


The study used multivariate analysis to classify 39 years (1972-2010) of unbalanced panel data from listed non-financial Pakistani firms in terms of their growth, maturity and decline stages. Further, it used a fixed-effects panel data model to determine the factors that influence capital structure and adjustment rates during the life-cycle stages of firms.


The study observed a low–high–low leverage pattern during the growth, maturity and decline stages of businesses in line with tradeoff theory. Furthermore, the study observed an adjustment rate for growing firms of between 49.3-37.9 per cent, for mature firms of between 35.5-17.5 per cent and for declining firms of between 22.2-15.1 per cent toward their respective leverage targets. Furthermore, it was found that growing firms have higher leverage adjustment rates because, by having more investment opportunities, these firms can alter their capital structures easily by changing the composition of their new issues.

Practical implications

Erratic economic conditions in Pakistan have created an uncertain business environment. Therefore, even mature Pakistani firms remain skeptical about the sustainability of positive trends among current economic indicators. Furthermore, to avoid uncertainty, Pakistani firms grab short-term opportunities by using quickly available short-term debt as a main financing source. Government should introduce long-term policies that will stabilize the business environment and strengthen the financial, as well as the judicial, institutions of the country so that these firms may benefit from long-term investment opportunities and access more options for raising external financing. The results of this study will also help policymakers for other Asian economies where the capital markets are underdeveloped and where firms have higher leverage ratios, such as Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.


This is the first study in Pakistan that has used a multivariate approach to classify firms into their different life-cycle stages and to discover the leverage adjustment rates of firms during those life-cycle stages.



This paper is a part of a PhD thesis submitted at the School of Accounting, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, People's Republic of China.


Ahsan, T., Wang, M. and Qureshi, M.A. (2016), "How do they adjust their capital structure along their life cycle? An empirical study about capital structure over life cycle of Pakistani firms", Journal of Asia Business Studies, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 276-302.



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