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Vulnerable populations in food deserts: a case study

Van Wood (Center for International Business Advancement, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA)
Manoj Thomas (Department of Information Systems, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA)

International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing

ISSN: 1750-6123

Article publication date: 5 June 2017




This paper aims to examine the realities of food deserts and the vulnerable populations in urban areas in the USA; review underlying causes of these realities; and propose a set of solutions to address challenges facing vulnerable populations living in urban food deserts.


The paper presents a case study with a focus on a specific vulnerable population living in a food desert in the inner city of Richmond, Virginia.


While vulnerable populations and food deserts have much in common, in general, they both reflect, for specific groups of people, a failure to achieve or even having a chance to achieve the American dream. In particular, they reflect the economic, social, culture and education disenfranchisement of many citizens in society.


This exploratory paper and case study offers a beginning reference point to both understand and deal with urban food deserts and the vulnerable populations that reside there-in. Food deserts are a serious problem that is historically based and contemporarily reinforced by economic, social and cultural/community realities in society. By first understanding these realities, the paper calls for research and action.



Wood, V. and Thomas, M. (2017), "Vulnerable populations in food deserts: a case study", International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 211-220.



Emerald Publishing Limited

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