Leadership and cooperation in marketing channels: A comparative empirical analysis of the USA, Finland and Poland
Marketing channels exist in an increasingly competitive international and global environment. Consequently, many firms have reengineered their marketing channels systems by placing greater emphasis on fostering higher levels of cooperation among international channel participants. However, there are relatively few studies that explore cross‐cultural issues in marketing channels. Thus, investigating whether cultural differences influence how channel participants react to a firm’s channel strategies is an important issue that needs to be addressed. This study comparatively examines channel leadership styles, cooperation, and channel member performance across three divergent national cultures. More specifically, the study seeks to assess whether employing uniform channel strategies produces similar responses from channel members in different countries. Using data drawn from a sample of automobile dealerships in the USA, Finland, and Poland, inconsistent results were found, which suggest that using leadership stylesto foster cooperation among channel members across different national cultures on a standardized basis is not an appropriate channel strategy. Based on the findings, international channel management implications, limitations, and directions for future research are proferred.
Mehta, R., Larsen, T., Rosenbloom, B., Mazur, J. and Polsa, P. (2001), "Leadership and cooperation in marketing channels: A comparative empirical analysis of the USA, Finland and Poland", International Marketing Review, Vol. 18 No. 6, pp. 633-667. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000006298
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