The direction of Web‐based training: a practitioner’s view
Reviews the fulfilled and unfulfilled promises of Web‐based training since its inception. Explores current influences that establish benchmarks of quality, and forthcoming technologies that will shape online learning in the next decade. Contends that distance learning now has a broader interpretation as online learning applications and the underlying technologies have matured. Asserts that instructional design now considers all enabling technologies and learning constructs. Argues that processes that apply user‐centered design, knowledge object structures, usability engineering, and formal evaluation ensure that the full needs of both learners and provider organizations are met. States that industry standards for accessibility and reusability influence design and alter engineering. Maintains that emerging technologies like XML, true speech recognition, and wireless impact Web‐based training; however, knowledge management, peer‐to‐peer learning, and personal learning appliances will dramatically transform the way humans learn.
Kilby, T. (2001), "The direction of Web‐based training: a practitioner’s view", The Learning Organization, Vol. 8 No. 5, pp. 194-199.
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