A scientific solution to librarian burnout
Concern over stress and burnout in library service has grown, as librarians have had to deal with increased publishing, decreasing budgets, and new technologies. Stress is seen to take its toll on the physiology and behaviour of the individual, resulting in decreased job performance, and reduced effectiveness of the organization. Over 500 scientific research studies, conducted by 211 universities and other research institutions in 24 countries, indicate that the detrimental effects of stress in all areas of life can be significantly reduced through the regular practice of the transcendental meditation (TM) programme of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Not only are life‐damaging effects of stress reduced through TM, but there are strong indicators that this simple mental technique produces a more integrated and self‐actualized personality. When many individuals in an organization are developing their full potential, while eliminating stress, the library organization as a whole should benefit as well.
Shaw, C.S. (1992), "A scientific solution to librarian burnout", New Library World, Vol. 93 No. 5. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000002428
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