The Scope of Computer Aided Facilities Management: Part I
New technology has revolutionised the office, making some buildings of the 1960s unsuitable for modern business. The implementation and benefits of a Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) system, in enabling facilities managers to manage change and assemble the background information necessary for arriving at the correct decisions, are examined. The CAFM system, combining a computer aided design system with a database, has been enhanced specifically for the use of space planners and structured to take input from drawings and generate output in formats that are directly useful to facilities managers. The need for CAFM and its potential are assessed in part one. In part two the implementation and use of CAFM are examined.
Donaldson, I. (1991), "The Scope of Computer Aided Facilities Management: Part I", Facilities, Vol. 9 No. 11, pp. 5-11.
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