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How is the textile product development process managed? Exploring multiple dimensions and best practices in different firms of the production chain

Letícia de Oliveira Paula (Department of Production Engineering, FEI University, São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil)
Dário Henrique Alliprandini (Mechanical Engineering Graduate Program, FEI University, São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil)
Gabriela Scur (Department of Production Engineering, FEI University, São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil)

Business Process Management Journal

ISSN: 1463-7154

Article publication date: 20 June 2024

Issue publication date: 1 August 2024




This paper aims to describe the product development process (PDP) of companies in the textile industry, seeking to understand the dynamics of their management from different actors along the production chain.


Qualitative empirical research adopted a multiple case studies design in five large Brazilian organizations, each representing a link in the production chain.


Textile PDP follows structured steps. However, it is still an informal process. The use of methodologies and tools for decision-making and control gates throughout the process is limited. Performance indicators do not cover all dimensions of the PDP since sales and profit are the main parameters for assessing projects. The predevelopment macro phase varies according to the product type and the company's business model, whereas the postdevelopment macro phase is nonexistent. PDP projects are executed through collective efforts of multiple departments in cross-functional teams, except for the commodities firms.

Practical implications

The study allows managers of Brazilian textile companies to understand the best practices in the PDP and those that require more attention, taking into account different business models and sectors of the production chain.


Our results contribute to the literature and practitioners by providing an overview of PDP management in the textile industry, covering its different production chain actors, types of projects and companies' characteristics.



Paula, L.d.O., Alliprandini, D.H. and Scur, G. (2024), "How is the textile product development process managed? Exploring multiple dimensions and best practices in different firms of the production chain", Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 30 No. 5, pp. 1638-1666.



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