
Hai Yang (Department of Civil Engineering The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong, P. R. China)
Hai-Jun Huang (Department of Civil Engineering The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong, P. R. China)

Mathematical and Economic Theory of Road Pricing

ISBN: 978-0-08-044487-1, eISBN: 978-0-08-045671-3

Publication date: 1 January 2005


Yang, H. and Huang, H.-J. (2005), "Prelims", Mathematical and Economic Theory of Road Pricing, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xx.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2005 Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Half Title Page

Mathematical and Economic Theory of Road Pricing


Research in Transportation Economics


Handbooks in Transport

Transport Policy

Editors: Moshe Ben-Akiva, Yoshitsugu Hayashi and John Preston

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

Editor. Phil Goodwin

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological

Editor. Fred Mannering

Title Page

Mathematical and Economic Theory of Road Pricing

Hai Yang

Department of Civil Engineering

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Hong Kong, P. R. China

Hai-Jun Huang

School of Management

Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Beijing 100083, P. R. China

United Kingdom – North America – Japan

India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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First edition 2005

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ISBN: 978-0-08-045671-3

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AC Average Cost
BLPP Bi-Level Programming Problem
BOT Build -Operate-Transfer
BPR Bureau of Public Roads
BLVI Bi-Level Variational Inequality
CN Cournot-Nash
DUE Deterministic User Equilibrium
EB Economic Benefit
EPEC Equilibrium Problem with Equilibrium Constraints
KKT Karush-Kuhn-Tucker
LP Linear Program
MC Marginal Cost
MPEC Mathematical Program with Equilibrium Constraints
OD Origin -Destination
SC Social Cost
SO System Optimum
SW Social Welfare
STEN Space-Time Expanded Network
SUE Stochastic User Equilibrium
UB User Benefit
UE User Equilibrium
VI Variational Inequality
VOT Value Of Time

Glossary of Notation

a a link aA
A the set of all links
A¯ the subset of links subject to a toll charge
A˜ the subset of links with observed flows
Bw (dw) the benefit function between OD pair wW
Bwm(dwm) the benefit function of user class mM between OD pair wW
crw the travel cost on path r connecting OD pair wW
c the vector of path travel costs
crwm the travel cost on path r between OD pair w by users of class mM
Ca the capacity of link aA
dw the travel demand between OD pair wW
d the vector of OD demands
Dˆw the potential demand or the upper-bound of demand between OD pair wW
dwm the travel demand of user class m between OD pair wW
Dˆwm the potential demand of user class m between OD pair wW
Dww) the demand function between OD pair wW
Dw-1(dw) the inversed demand function between OD pair wW
Evu Elasticity of v to u, Evu=(u/v)dv(u)/du
frw the flow on path rRw
f the vector of path flows
frwm the flow of user class mM on path rRw between OD pair wW
G (N,A) be a network with node set N and link set A
K the set of Cournot-Nash (CN) players or the set of vehicle types
Ia (ya) the construction cost of link a as a function of link capacity ya
m a user class mM
M the set of all user classes with different values of time
N the set of all nodes
r a path or a route rR
Rw the set of all paths connecting OD pair wW
R =wWRw
ta0 the free-flow travel time (moving time on link aA
ta (va) the travel time on link aA as a function of link flow va
t˜a(va) the marginal social travel time on link aA, including the congestion externality, t˜a(va)=ta(va)+vadta(va)/dva
ta (va, ya) the link travel time as a function of both flow and capacity variables
t (v) the vector of link travel times
ua toll charge on link aA
u the vector of link tolls
va the flow on link aA
v the vector of link flows
vam the flow of user class m on link aA
vak the link flow of vehicle type kK or CN player kK
w an OD pair wW
W the set of all OD pairs
Wk the set of OD pairs of which users are controlled by CN player kK
WK =kKWk
Wm the set of OD pairs of which users are controlled by UE class mM =mMWm
ya the capacity of a new link a or capacity increase of an existing link a
y the vector of link capacity variables
β the users’ value of time
βm the average value of time of user class mM
δar 1, if link aA is on path rR and 0, otherwise
Δ the link/path incidence matrix, Δ = [δar]
ε a predetermined tolerance for stopping iterative process
Λrw 1 if path rRw and 0, otherwise
Λ the OD/path incidence matrix, Λ = [Λrw]
μw the Lagrange multiplier associated with the demand conservation constraint of OD pair wW, or the generalized travel cost between OD pair wW at equilibrium
μwm the generalized travel cost of user class mM between OD pair wW
μ the vector of generalized OD travel costs
Ω the feasible region of link flows and OD flows
Ωf the feasible region of path flows
Ωv the feasible region of link flows
Ωk the feasible region of links flows of CN player kK
Ωm the feasible region of link flows of a UE class mM
ΩU the feasible region of link flows of UE player
v t (v) the Jacobian matrix of link travel time function t with respect to v
element membership
proper set inclusion
union of sets
|·| the cardinality of a finite set
||·|| the Euclidean norm
arg minx F(x) the set of x attaining the minimum of the function F(x)


Road pricing as an effective means of both managing road traffic demand and raising additional revenue for road construction has been studied extensively by both transportation researchers and economists. Practical implementation has been progressing rapidly and electronic road pricing schemes have been proposed and tested worldwide. It is likely that over the next few years, with increasing public acceptability, there will be greater use of road pricing. The incontestable fact is that there is a great need for the development of efficient road-use pricing models.

Despite a few monographs and journal special issues in the literature that have been devoted to the topic in recent years, most studies have focused on empirical studies, policy experience, environmental issue of road congestion and road pricing. There is still scope for methodological development of advanced road pricing systems, such as dynamic pricing, integrated road and transit pricing, as well as practical toll charging schemes in general road networks. This book is intended to deal with a number of timely topics including: fundamentals of user-equilibrium problems; principle of marginal-cost pricing applied to road pricing; existence of optimal link tolls for system optimum under multi-class, multi-criteria, multiple equilibrium behaviors; social and spatial equity issues in road pricing; optimal design of private toll roads; simultaneous determination of optimal toll levels and locations; trial-and-error implementation of marginal-cost pricing on networks with unknown demand functions; dynamic road pricing.

This book would appear to be the first book devoted exclusively to the mathematical and economic investigation of road-use pricing in general congested networks, which aims at alleviating traffic congestion, improving transport conditions and enhancing social welfare. It constitutes an update of the state of the art of the latest research, mainly by the authors and their colleagues. The book is targeted at students, professionals and scientists who are studying and working in relevant transportation fields.

We are most thankful to a number of individuals for their help during our work in this field. First and foremost we would like to acknowledge the contribution and continuing encouragement of Prof. M.G.H. Bell of Imperial College London (ICL). In fact, the manuscript was finalized during the first author‘s sabbatical leave at ICL in early 2005, and he is particularly grateful to Prof. Bell for his hospitality during a very fruitful and enjoyable stay in ICL. Thanks are also due to Prof. R. Lindsey of the University of Alberta, Prof. E. Verhoef of the Free University of Amsterdam, Prof. W.H.K. Lam of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Prof. S.C. Wong of the University of Hong Kong throughout our study of the various road pricing problems and in the preparation of this book. We highly appreciate our research collaboration that produced some of the material included in the book. We also wish to greatly thank three former Ph.D students at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Dr. Qiang Meng (currently at the National University of Singapore), Dr. Xiaoning Zhang (currently at the Tongji University of Shanghai) and Dr. Judith Wang (currently at the University of Auckland) for their contributions to various topics in the book. Thanks also go to Miss Wei Xu and Mr Xiaolei Guo (currently PhD students at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) who helped in discussions in earlier drafts of the book. Funding for the research was provided by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the National Natural Science Foundation, P.R. China.

Hai Yang

Hai-Jun Huang

31 May 2005