US Navy Talent Development Program

Lori J. Spina (The Delta Group Network, Inc., USA)
James D. Spina (The Delta Group Network, Inc., USA)

Harnessing Change to Develop Talent and Beat the Competition

ISBN: 978-1-83909-999-1, eISBN: 978-1-83909-996-0

Publication date: 3 June 2020


Spina, L.J. and Spina, J.D. (2020), "US Navy Talent Development Program", Harnessing Change to Develop Talent and Beat the Competition, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 181-185.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © The Delta Group Network, Inc., 2020. Published under exclusive licence

Sailor 2025 is the Navy's program to improve and modernize personnel management and training systems to more effectively recruit, develop, manage, reward, and retain the force of tomorrow. We are focused on empowering sailors, updating policies, procedures, and operating systems, and providing the right training at the right time in the right way to ensure sailors are ready for the fleet.

Recruiting, developing, and retaining the right number of sailors with the right skills to man our force demands innovation built on a framework of three pillars: a modern personnel system, a career learning continuum that we call Ready, Relevant Learning, and Career Readiness. While the Navy is in a good position today with respect to recruiting, retention, and manning, we are at a strategic crossroad where we need to think about how we will conduct business for the sailors of the future.

Personnel System Modernization

Our personnel initiatives are aimed at empowering commanding officers, developing flexible policies, increasing transparency, providing better tools to sailors and leadership, and giving more choices to sailors. To continue to recruit and retain the very best talent, we need modern policies and retention tools that offer flexibility and choice to sailors. We are modemizing our personnel polices to give sailors more control and ownership over their careers, as well as allow the Navy to adapt to economic changes and corresponding effects on the recruiting market and retention.

Current Initiatives

  • Fleet Scholar Education Program (FSEP) expands fully funded, in-residence graduate-degree opportunities at civilian institutions by 30 billets at the officer's (URL and IWC officers eligible) choice of institution

  • Meritorious Advancement Program (MAP) provides more opportunities to fleet COs, CMCs, and the Chiefs' Mess to better identify and meritoriously advance talented, hard-working sailors at sea and shore

  • SECNAV Tours with Industry (SNTWI) provides opportunities for 30 top-performing sailors at high-performing corporations to observe and learn the newest insights and best practices to bring back to the fleet

Future Initiatives

  • Revamp pay and personnel systems increase automation and streamline processes to allow sailors to conduct all manner of personnel issues, from pay and leave, to interactions with detailers, via modern, easily accessible, and simple-to-use programs that work on a personal mobile device

  • Rating modernization enhances career flexibility where combinations of rates with similar training and experience exist and provides greater training and credentialing opportunities

  • Overhaul the Enlisted Advancement Exam Process to make it more relevant and effective

  • Transform the performance evaluation system

  • Enable ease of movement back and forth between the Active and Reserve Components

  • Implement “Detailing Marketplace” Fleet-wide, which will allow sailors to negotiate job assignments directly with gaining commands

Ready, Relevant Learning

Our goal is to provide the right training at the right time in the right way for our sailors. To accomplish this, we are developing a career-long learning continuum where training is delivered by modern methods to enable faster learning and better knowledge retention at multiple points throughout a career. This will help us transform our industrial, conveyer belt training model into a modern one and ensure that content is refreshed for changing technologies so sailors are ready to perform on Day 1 at their new units.

Current and Future Initiatives

  • Adopt and introduce improved and proven training techniques to the fleet

  • Replace one-and-done classroom training events with career continuums supported by a mix of in-classroom instruction and modern training methods and technology tailored to the unique requirements of each career path

  • Increase access to training for sailors outside the classroom with mobile training delivery platforms, workplace-embedded job aids, and enduring reach-back/refresher capabilities

  • Leverage cloud-hosted training content to increase the speed of updates to training to match the pace of technological change in the fleet

Career Readiness

Our goal is to enhance sailors' career readiness by better developing our leaders, building a team that looks like the nation we serve, and removing obstacles that negatively influence a sailor's decision to stay in the Navy when they are looking to start or raise a family. We also recognize that leveraging our diversity is crucial to reaching our potential. Leaders generate success and achieve unparalleled performance when they tap into the energy and capability of an actively inclusive team.

Current Initiatives

  • Created a Leader Development Framework – Recognizes we can no longer take character for granted

  • Established a Navy Civilian Workforce Framework designed to provide our Navy civilian teammates the same career management opportunities as our uniformed sailors

  • Build inclusive teams that leverage our sailor's diverse backgrounds, experiences, and skillsets to improve our warfighting capacity and readiness

  • Expanded Child Development Center hours to better accommodate sailors' work schedules

  • Changed dual-military/dual-professional spouse and single-parent policies to improve stability and work–life balance

  • Expanded maternity leave – Eligible members are entitled up to 12 weeks of nonchargeable maternity leave

  • Career Intermission Program (CIP) – Removed some program eligibility barriers and increased participant quotas. Allows individuals to take a sabbatical from the Navy for up to 3 years to pursue goals of their choosing

  • Strengthen resilience, health, and fitness across the Force

  • Improved PFA program and nutrition awareness

  • Lengthened Fitness Center hours to better meet sailors' needs

  • Assigned Deployed Resilience Counselors to aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships. For additional Sailor 2025 program information and guidance, visit the website or scan:ærs-npc/career/talentmanagement/Pages/defauIt2.aspx. To receive the Weekly Wire and stay up to date on new NAVADMlNs, upcoming events, and policy updates or to provide additional ideas to pursue as part of Sailor 2025:

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