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University Social Responsibility (USR) and Its Mission: The Case of the Universidad Panamericana in Mexico

Strategy, Power and CSR: Practices and Challenges in Organizational Management

ISBN: 978-1-83867-974-3, eISBN: 978-1-83867-973-6

Publication date: 24 July 2020


At present, Higher Education Institutions around the world are developing and implementing university social responsibility(USR) as part of their strategy. They do so because they seek to assure the quality of higher education systems, as well as to positively impact their surrounding environment. This chapter aims to analyze the university’s role in the process of building social responsibility in line with efforts to adequately fulfill its three missions of teaching, research, and linking with society. The case study herein refers to the Universidad Panamericana (UP), a private university in Mexico with humanistic and Christian roots, which recently celebrated its 50th year. The analysis demonstrates the UP’s significant efforts to build a social responsibility system and its achievement of significant social impact through programs that support the community, healthcare, and people with disabilities. However, management of USR should be done at an institutional level and across the board.



Terán-Bustamante, A. and Torres-Vargas, A. (2020), "University Social Responsibility (USR) and Its Mission: The Case of the Universidad Panamericana in Mexico", García-Álvarez, S. and Atristain-Suárez, C. (Ed.) Strategy, Power and CSR: Practices and Challenges in Organizational Management, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 235-257.



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