
From Pedagogy to Quality Assurance in Education: An International Perspective

ISBN: 978-1-83867-107-5, eISBN: 978-1-83867-106-8

Publication date: 28 September 2020

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(2020), "Index", Flavian, H. (Ed.) From Pedagogy to Quality Assurance in Education: An International Perspective, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 175-180.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020 Edited material Heidi Flavian


Note: Page numbers followed by “n” indicate notes.

A Nation at Risk report
, 18

Academic achievement
, 38, 73

Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
, 141

Active learning
, 21

Adult education (AE). (see also Distant education; Higher education)
, 8–9, 154

adult learner needs
, 161

adult self-directed learning
, 158

humanistic approach to AL
, 157–158

in Latvia
, 156

licensing and accreditation of AE programmes
, 164

QA in context of AE in Latvia
, 157, 162–165

research methodology
, 165

research outcomes concerning QA in Latvia
, 165–170

Adult learner needs
, 161

Adult learning (AL)
, 157

, 158–160

, 160–161

, 161–162

Adult self-directed learning
, 158

American education, critical thinking in
, 16–18

American Psychological Association
, 18

Andragogy principles
, 157

Argument mapping
, 21–22

ASEAN University Network–Quality Criteria Assurance (AUN-QA)
, 139

, 92–93

Assessment and Quality Assurance Committee (AQAC)
, 47

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
, 141

Atatürk nationalism
, 65

Atatürk’s revolutions and principles
, 65

, 36–37

Attitudes of teachers
, 121

Authentic conversations
, 41

, 46

Circuit office
, 90

Classroom climate
, 76

Co-education, principle of
, 65

Cognitive skills
, 112

Collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking of learning (four Cs of learning)
, 6, 20

Collaborative learning
, 21

Collaborative teaching
, 112

Collegiate pedagogical leadership
, 41

Compulsory education
, 35, 64, 131

, 68

Constructivist learning approaches
, 68

Continuity, principle of
, 65

Cooperation between school and family, principle of
, 65

Cooperative education system
, 134

Council for Higher Education (CHE)
, 105–106

Council of the University of Thailand QA (CUPT QA)
, 140

Critical thinking
, 6, 14, 15

in American education
, 16–18

, 14–15

in elementary school
, 24

general, infusion, immersion, and mixed approaches to teaching of
, 19

at high school level
, 23

in middle school
, 23–24

models and theories
, 16

pedagogy in United States
, 19–22

, 15

at university level
, 22–23

, 36

Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS)
, 88–89

Curriculum level, IQA procedures at
, 139–140

Delphi Report
, 18

Democracy education, principle of
, 65

Department of Basic Education (DBE)
, 88

Distant education. (see also Adult education (AE))

high school
, 66–67

secondary school
, 66

, 118–119

, 20

Eastern Cape (EC)
, 90

EBSCO database
, 165, 167

Education Act (1999)
, 130

Education Criteria for Performance Excellence (EdPEx)
, 139

Education Law (1999)
, 156, 163

Education Quality Assurance Law
, 6, 46

, 5–7, 64, 67, 88

, 3

development policy
, 156–157

, 118

, 143

, 70

principle of education everywhere
, 65

project in institutions
, 37–38

, 29–30

reform frame
, 133

, 107, 118

Effective schools
, 74–76

, 34, 75

, 34

Elementary school, critical thinking in
, 24

Emotional skills
, 112

Equal opportunity, principle of
, 61

, 34

European Proficiency Framework
, 78

European Union (EU)
, 156

‘Evidence culture’
, 48

External assessment
, 47–48

External QA (EQA)
, 130, 136, 141–145

indicators for
, 150–153

Faculty levels, IQA procedures at
, 140–141

Flipped Classroom Model
, 21

Functional inclusion
, 107

General secondary education
, 66

Generality and equality, principle of
, 64

High school level, critical thinking at
, 23

Higher education
, 8–9

quality assessment in
, 71–73

TQF for
, 135–137

Higher Education Act (2019)
, 135

Higher Education Council (YÖK)
, 72

Higher education institutions (HEI)
, 130

Higher-order thinking
, 15

‘Human development’
, 38

Human education process
, 156

Humanistic approach to AL
, 157–158

Imam hatip secondary school
, 66

, 49

advantages and challenges for parents during
, 111–112

advantages and challenges for pupils during
, 111

advantages and challenges for teachers during
, 110–111

challenges and opportunities through inclusion
, 110

of children with special needs
, 103

as legislated throughout history
, 104–105

policy and processes in Israel
, 106–110

raising quality of teacher training
, 112–113

, 103–104

teacher training in Israel
, 105–106

Inclusion Law
, 104, 108–109

Inclusive education
, 40, 119

Individual and society needs, principle of
, 64

Individual pedagogical leadership
, 40

Informal assessment
, 95

Institutional levels, IQA procedures at
, 140–141

Institutional self-assessment
, 69–70

Instructional leadership
, 77

Interdisciplinary teaching
, 112

Internal QA system (IQA system)
, 136, 139–141

Internal quality assurance (IQA)
, 152

International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)
, 141

Israel, teacher training in
, 105–106

Israeli inclusion law
, 104

Law on Institutions of Higher Education
, 163

Leadership developement in community
, 40–41

, 91. (see also Adult learning (AL))

, 157

, 159–160

, 39

, 76

and teaching processes
, 70

, 111

Lifelong learning (LLL)
, 156, 163

Local inclusion
, 107

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA)
, 141

Mediated Learning Experience theory (MLE theory)
, 104

Metacognitive skills
, 112

Middle school, critical thinking in
, 23–24

Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB)
, 74

Ministry of Education (MOE)
, 108–109, 133

Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation (MHESI)
, 132

Ministry of National Education (MoNE)
, 69, 78

Ministry of University Affairs (MUA)
, 130

National Economic and Social Development Plan
, 136

National Education Act
, 136–138

National Education Standards
, 134–135

National educational system (NES)
, 47, 67

National Higher Education Plan
, 136

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
, 23

Non-experimental mixed-type research design
, 119–120

Non-formal AE programmes
, 163

Non-university education system quality in Spain
, 35–37

Office of National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA)
, 130

Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC)
, 132

One-size-fits-all approach
, 40

Organic Law on Education (LOE)
, 35–36

Organic Law on General Regulation of the Educational System (LOGSE)
, 35

Organic Law on the Improvement of Educational Quality (LOMCE)
, 36

Organic Law on the Participation, Evaluation and Governance of Educational Centres (LOPEG)
, 35

Organic Law on the Quality of Education (LOCE)
, 35

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 18, 89

Orientation, principle of
, 64

, 3–5

, 94

education and schools
, 5–7

higher education and adult education
, 8–9

, 40

special education
, 7–8

, 38

Performance indicators
, 47

Personally adapted teaching
, 112

Philosophy for Children (P4C)
, 21

Planning, principle of
, 65

Practical skills
, 112

Pre-school education
, 66

Pre-service training
, 38–39

Primary education
, 120

Primary education institutions
, 66

Problem solving
, 14

Problem-based learning
, 20

Professional development
, 38

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
, 32, 36

Project-based design
, 20

Project-based learning
, 19

, 47

Qualitative analysis
, 91

Quality assurance (QA)
, 4–5, 73, 104, 130, 157, 157

developing and managing QA in Thai Higher Education
, 136–139

education management
, 70

field of education
, 79–80

in higher education
, 71–73

initiatives for educational QA
, 78–79

institutional self-assessment
, 69–70

learning and teaching processes
, 70

, 46

support services
, 70–71

teacher training and initiatives for educational QA
, 77

teacher training in Turkey
, 77–78

in Turkish Education System
, 69

in vocational and technical education
, 71

Quality indicators
, 146

Quality management
, 49

Quality of education
, 29–30, 47. (see also Vocational and technical secondary education)

developing leadership in community
, 40–41

educational project in institutions
, 37–38

elements and strategies to improve educational quality
, 37

non-university education system quality in Spain
, 35–37

perspectives and priorities for
, 33

promoting attention to diversity in educational process
, 39–40

shift from educational goals to indicators
, 30–32

synergy between and integration of pedagogical approaches for quality framework
, 32–34

teacher training and professional development
, 38–39

Quantative indicators
, 77–78

, 120

, 34

, 34

Research and development (R&D)
, 133

, 34

Right to education, principle of
, 64

Romanian educational system
, 50

Romanian quality legislation
, 46

Romanian schools, quality assurance in

literature review
, 46–49

, 49–52

research results
, 52–59

SAGE database
, 165, 167

, 5–7, 119

Science education
, 88

Scientific, principle of
, 65

SCOPUS database
, 165, 167

Secondary education
, 66

Secularism, principle of
, 65

Self-assessment reports (SAR)
, 139

Self-directed learning
, 158

, 134

Social inclusion
, 107

Society in education
, 103–105

Sociocultural theory
, 105

Solid pedagogy theories
, 3

South Africa

assessment approaches and alignment to pedagogical approaches
, 94–95

, 88–89

congruence between pedagogical and assessment approaches
, 91

, 90–91

teachers determining assessment method
, 95–96

teachers’ common understanding and rationale for assessment
, 91–94

theoretical framework
, 89–90

Spain, education quality in
, 29–41

Special Education Law
, 106–107

Special educational needs (SEN)
, 51

, 46, 48

Structural Cognitive Modifiability
, 105

Subject advisors
, 91

Support services
, 70–71

, 34

Systems theory framework
, 89

Systems thinking
, 90


conceptual framework
, 119–120

, 118

, 120

perception in State of Sonora
, 118

research design and participants
, 120

, 120–123

, 38

training in Israel
, 105–106

, 67

, 118

Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)
, 74

Teaching and Learning Research Programme
, 88

Technocratic rationalisation
, 34

Thai higher education institutions. (see also Turkish Education System)

developing and managing QA in Thai Higher Education
, 136–139

external QA
, 141–145

Higher Education Standards
, 135

indicators for external quality assessment
, 150–153

internal QA
, 139–141

national context and holistic information of Thailand’s higher education system
, 130–134

National Education Standards
, 134–135

research on effectiveness of QA practices in Thai HEIs
, 146–147

structure of education system in Thailand
, 132

TQF for higher education
, 135–136

Thailand Qualification Framework (TQF)
, 135

for higher education
, 135–137

Thailand Quality Award (TQA)
, 141

Traditional teacher-centred approaches
, 67–68

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
, 74

Turkish Education System
, 65

constructivist learning approaches
, 68

formal education
, 65–67

initiatives for quality assurance in
, 69–73

non-formal education
, 67

pedagogical approaches in Turkey
, 67

pedagogical features of National Education System
, 64–65

results from empirical studies on school effectiveness and teacher characteristics
, 73–77

teacher training and initiatives for educational QA
, 77–80

traditional teacher-centred approaches
, 67–68

University level, critical thinking at
, 22–23

Vocational and technical secondary education
, 66

quality assessment in
, 71

Vocational Education Law
, 163

Web of Science (WoS)
, 165–166

QA in
, 168