
Crises and Popular Dissent, Second Edition

ISBN: 978-1-83549-549-0, eISBN: 978-1-83549-548-3

Publication date: 5 December 2024

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O'Donnell, M. (2024), "Index", Crises and Popular Dissent, Second Edition, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 229-249.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2025 Mike O'Donnell. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Aaronovitch, David
, 133

Abortion Act (2018)
, 185

Abortion Rights Campaign (Ireland)
, 185

Academic theory
, 11

, 24, 25, 40, 78

Act of Settlement (1701)
, 57

Act of Settlement (1688)
, 54

, 158, 176–177

Activists, xiv, xvi
, 5, 28, 85, 86, 208

Acton, Harold
, 213

, 56, 138

immigration from
, 137

, 56

, 72

West Africa
, 72, 73

Age Concern
, 181

, 29, 38, 96, 187

Aguilera, Rodrigo
, 60

Ainsty by-election
, 188

Air pollution
, 191

Akinwotu, E.
, 122

Al Qaeda, xii, xiii
, 136–137

impact of Al-Qaeda and ISIL’s attacks on racism and ethnic conflict
, 137–138

and BLM
, 136–137

Albright, Madeleine
, 56

Alder, David
, 150, 151

Almeida, P. (and Van Dyke, N.)
, 114

, 85–86, 172

Alternative for Germany Party (AfD)
, 130

, 39, 142

, 24

Ambiguity of populism
, 24

America First
, 45, 88, 116, 117

American ‘power elite’
, 106

American Constitution
, 50, 67, 123

American democratic institutions
, 122

American global ascendancy
, 3

American history
, 102

American New Left, The
, 106–108

American New Left movements, The
, 107

American presidential election 2020
, 4

American Revolution
, 102

Amersham by-election
, 188

, 32

, 10, 14, 32, 34

Anchor institutions
, 182

Anderson, Benedict
, 180

Angeli, Oliviero
, 55

Anna Coote
, 187

Anti-Corruption Foundation
, 155

, 92–96

Anti-fracking activists
, 162

, 8, 33, 131

Anti-Islamic sentiment
, 87, 131

, 29

, 28–30

, 51, 166

Arab Spring
, 32, 38

Arcadia Group
, 34, 172

, 72, 212

Assertive antiracist movements
, 10

Associative democracy
, 174

Asylum/asylum seekers (see also Refugees)
, 131

, 81

, 85–86

response of left to
, 85–86

Australian points-based system
, 98

, 87, 130, 144

Austrian Freedom Party
, 18, 33

Authoritarian leaders, x
, 4, 210

voters vote for
, 210–213

Authoritarian leadership, direct democracy and
, 33–35

Authoritarian personality
, 209

Authoritarian populism
, 60, 149

in Eastern Europe
, 146–149

Authoritarian sentiment
, 3

Authoritarian submission
, 209

Authoritarian-liberal bi-polar world, main actors in
, 74–75

Authoritarianism, ix–xi, xvi, xviii
, 1, 5–6, 20, 53, 56, 65–66, 129

and authority
, 8–9

re-emergence of Authoritarianism in west
, 3–5

, 9

authoritarianism and
, 8–9

, 66

defining political-cultural issue between democracy and
, 67

Autonomy (self)
, 159, 187

Ayyub, Rana
, 2

Banking crisis (see Financial crisis (2007–8))

Bannon, Steve
, 47, 48, 148

Banwell, Stacey
, 191

Barack Obama
, 31, 38, 109

Barton Moss anti-fracking action
, 178

battle of
, 161–162

Base (in Marxist theory)
, 47

Basic minimum income (BMI)
, 218

Battle of Barton Moss, The
, 161–162

Baxter, Sarah
, 125

BBC News
, 48–49

Beacon of participatory democracy
, 107–108

Beck, Ulrich, xiii
, 95

Belgium colonialism
, 131

Bell, Daniel
, 107

Belt and Road initiative
, 73, 74

Bentham, Jeremy
, 98, 159

Berlin Wall
, 53, 54, 146, 153

Beveridge, William
, 186

Bezos, J.
, 11

Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP)
, 211

Bibby Financial Services
, 100

Bidé, Jasmina
, 87

Biden, Joe, xvi, 4
, 56, 57, 65, 74, 84, 88, 89, 115–116

Biden and Trump Again! 2024
, 126–128

Big Tech
, 124

Bill of Rights (1689)
, 57, 102

, 168

Birrel, I.
, 165

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME)
, 80, 200–201

Black liberation movement
, 10, 111

Black Lives Matter (BLM)
, 10, 32, 80, 86, 105–112, 121, 136

Al-Qaeda and
, 136–137

movement for safety and equal representation
, 138–140

Black Panther Party
, 112

Blair, Tony
, 15, 18, 94

, 30, 89

Bolsonaro, Jair
, 31, 36, 190, 212, 215

Boohoo Factory, Leicester
, 86

Bottom-up movement
, 5

Bouazizi, Mohamed
, 38

Bradley King
, 114

Braverman, Suella
, 98–99, 217

, 72, 212

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS group)
, 72–73

Breitbart News
, 47

Bremmer, Ian, xiii, xiv, 216

, 97–100

and 2016 presidential votes
, 87–90

case for progressive revival
, 96–97

changes in British immigration and asylum law
, 98

, 78–80

‘controlling’ immigration and asylum
, 97–99

Corbyn Factor in Brexit 2016 and General Elections
, 89–90

divisiveness of Trump and
, 124–128

Eatwell and Goodwin’s, and Kaufmann’s anti-cosmopolitanism
, 92–96

factors associated with Brexit and election of Donald Trump
, 78–87

financial crisis and Great Recession
, 55

freedom to “choose” trading partners
, 99–100

frustrations and anxieties behind Brexit and Trump votes 2016
, 90–92

Hutton, Will
, 99

, 81–82

interpretations of Brexit and Trump’s 2016 Election Win
, 90–96

issues after
, 162–167

left and right populist interpretations of immigration
, 86–87

, 100

realignment of political parties in relation to class and race
, 78–80

, 78–80

response of left to austerity
, 85–86

right populism
, 83–85

right populist and conservative party post-Brexit
, 162–164

The financial crisis and the Great Recession
, 80–81

Brexit Party, x, 31
, 85, 163

Britain, x, xii, xv, xvi, 53
, 55, 66, 87, 125

left populism and/or progressive revival
, 165–167

popular power
, 157–159

populism in early nineteenthcentury England
, 159–162

radical democracy
, 167–169

right and left populism in
, 162–167

right populism and conservative party post-Brexit
, 162–164

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
, 41, 48–49

British colonialism
, 68

British Conservative Party
, 31, 216

British democracy in 19th century, elite resistance to progress of
, 207–208

British electoral system
, 30

British Empire
, 70

British General Election, xvii– xviii, 97

British immigration and asylum law, changes in
, 98

British Labour Party
, 64, 130

British media
, 48

British Nationality Act (1948)
, 82

British New Left movements, The
, 107

British political system, The
, 188

Brooks, Rayshard
, 111

Brothers of Italy party
, 33

Brown, Gordon
, 94

Bryan, William Jennings
, 101

Buchanan, Pat, x
, 113–118

, 131

Bullock Report
, 185

, 100

Burford, Rachael
, 72

Burgeoning of radical democracy
, 172–175

Burke, Edmund
, 10, 207

Burnett, Jon
, 79, 82

Bush, George
, 109, 113

Butler, Judith
, 39

Calhoun, Craig
, 25, 157, 159–161

, 138

Cambridge Analytica
, 46

Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology (CDS)
, 23

, 188

Cameron, David, ix
, 31, 151, 159, 186, 189

Cancel culture
, 49, 50

, 7, 57, 59

Capitol (United States (attack on))
, 122–124

Capitol episode
, 125

, 203

, 72

Carney, Mark
, 194

Casaleggio, Gianroberto
, 33

Catalan independence movement, The
, 152

Cecil, Nicholas
, 201

, 24

Central Bank of the United States (‘The Fed’)
, 117

Central European University
, 147

Central government funding support
, 178

Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies
, 137

Chain of equivalence
, 28, 29

Chakrabortty, Aditya
, 182

Channel Four
, 49

Charisma/charismatic leaders
, 30

Charismatic power
, 9

Charlie Hebdo (attack on)
, 137

Chartist movement
, 207

, 160

Chavez, Hugo
, 27

, 188

Chesterton, George
, 50

Child Poverty Action
, 181

China (Republic of)
, 24

China, ix, xv
, 1–3, 15, 71–75

Chinese Communist Party
, 67

Chirac, Jacques
, 134

, 9, 14, 129

Churchill, Winston
, 153, 209

Citizens assemblies
, 6, 14, 167, 168, 185

, 164

Citizens UK
, 183

Citizens’ rights
, 157, 168

Citizenship, fourth phase of
, 167–169

Civic Coalition
, 148

Civic university
, 183

Civil disobedience
, 130

Civil rights
, 58, 91, 94, 105

Civil Rights Act (1964)
, 124

Civil rights movement (1960)
, 94, 110–112

Civil service
, 34, 45, 48, 148

Civil society
, 180–184

, 200–201

and generation
, 202

realignment of political parties in relation to
, 78–80

Climate Assembly (UK)
, 195

Climate change

competition and conflict
, 190–192

and COVID-19
, 190–196

global problems need global solutions
, 196

green parties and social movements
, 193–194

integrated solution to climate change and inequality
, 202–204

local level and global perspective
, 196

small individual acts
, 193

state and international institutional response
, 194–196

Clinton, Bill
, 18

Clinton, Hillary
, 5, 46, 88, 90, 115–117

Clooney, Amal
, 212

, 32–33

Cockburn, Patrick
, 179

Cognitive ability
, 95, 96

Cohen, Michael
, 116

Cold War
, 71

Collective action
, 10, 37

Collective will concept
, 28

Colston, Edward
, 112, 139

Columbia Broadcasting (CBS)
, 47

, 53, 133

Commodification process
, 203

Commodity (data)
, 45

, 82

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
, 153

, 41–42

Communication technology
, 121, 171

Communications revolution
, 24

, 71, 147, 154

, 5

, 176–177

advantages of community participation
, 179–180

, 176–177

, 177–179

, 175–180

Community Gateway
, 182

Concept of rights
, 58

Conflict theory
, 191

Congress Party
, 211

, 79

Conservative government
, 49, 96, 158

Conservative Party
, 31, 98, 99, 135, 162–164, 186

Conservatives, xviii
, 41, 78–79

Conspicuous confusion
, 39

Conspicuous consumption
, 39

Conspiracy theories
, 16, 115

Constitution, American constitution
, 67, 123

Construction of a people concept
, 28, 29, 166

Constructive activities
, 183

Contemporary Hong Kong
, 68

Contemporary populism
, 23, 26, 216

Contemporary populism protest
, 161–162

Continental Europe
, 1, 207

, 35–36

Cooper, Ryan
, 115

Coote, Anna
, 187

COP28 (Dubai 2023)
, 72, 192, 196

Corbyn, Jeremy, xvii
, 17, 30, 34–36, 63, 77, 89–90, 97, 149

factor in Brexit 2016 and General Elections of 2017 and 2019
, 89–90

Cosmopolitan democracy
, 93

Cosmopolitan global institutionalisation
, 94–95

Cosmopolitan liberalism
, 7, 92, 95

, 79, 93, 94

COVID-19 (corona pandemic), xii, xvi, 4, 65
, 89, 189–190

class and ethnicity
, 200–201

class and generation
, 202

climate change and
, 190–196

and democracy
, 197

and equality
, 197

gathered momentum
, 189

good governance and grass roots democracy
, 197–200

and governance
, 197–200

and inequality
, 200–202

lessons for democracy and equality
, 197

and technology
, 169

, 103, 124

Cox, Jo
, 138

, 59

Crisis of liberal hegemony and authoritarian

authoritarianism and authority
, 8–9

defining far right, far left, extreme and radical right in relation to populism
, 17–18

framework for comparing populism and neoliberalism to other ideologies
, 14–19

global and local scope of struggle
, 1–3

, 13–14

key concepts in relation to themes and questions
, 7–13

, 7–8

neoliberalism’s influence within political spectrum
, 18–19

, 9–10

populism and liberalism’s relationship to other ideologies and political parties
, 13–14

populism in political spectrum
, 14–17

racialism and racism
, 12–13

radical democracy
, 5–6

re-emergence of authoritarianism in west
, 3–5

social movements
, 10

social stratification and identity concepts in relation to neoliberalism and populism
, 11–12

themes and questions
, 6–7

youth as agent of progressive change
, 20–21

Crouch, C.
, 6, 12

Cullors, P.
, 111

Cultural hegemony
, 38–40

Cultural populism, xiv, 23–51

Cultural separatism
, 145

Culture wars
, 38–47

continuation of
, 47–51

effects and influence of social media
, 43–44

hegemonic elites and mass participants
, 42–43

new battles
, 41–42

power, politics and media
, 44–47

technological revolution, social media and cultural hegemony
, 38–40

Cummings, Dominic
, 48, 190

Cutts, David
, 78

Daily Mail, The
, 89

Daily Telegraph, The
, 47, 48, 89

Daines, Steve
, 124

Danish People’s Party
, 131, 141

Davie, Tim
, 45

Davies, William dealignment (of party support)
, 96, 133

Dawn, Golden
, 17, 109, 136

, 84

Declaration of Independence (USA)
, 101, 102


, 1

, 1

, 1

, 11

Deliberative democracy
, 175

Democracy (see also Radical democracy), x, xi, 57
, 59, 175

defining political-cultural issue between autocracy and
, 67

elite power and sense of superiority
, 206–207

elite resistance to progress of British democracy in 19th century
, 207–208

grass roots
, 197–200

lessons for
, 197

mid-20th century left intellectuals, media and people
, 208–210

people and leaders
, 205–213

strengthen democracy
, 213–218

types of
, 158

voters vote for authoritarian leaders
, 210–213

Democratic deficit
, 36–37

Democratic equality
, 157–169, 200

Democratic Party (USA)
, 101, 121

Democratic reform
, 5, 6, 108, 120, 167, 172, 198

Democratic socialism
, 15, 64, 157

, 91, 118–120, 125, 128

, 124

Denmark, xiv, 87
, 130, 131, 141

DeSantis, Ron
, 125, 126

Devolution of power
, 158, 184

Di Maio, Luigi
, 33

Di Muzio, Tim
, 12

Diani, Mario
, 166

, 8, 66, 154–155, 175

Diggers (The)
, 58

Digital revolution, xiii, 42
, 188

Direct democracy
, 6, 33–35

Dis-embedding (of markets)
, 62

Discourse theory
, 39

Discursive approach
, 39

Discursive-performative approach
, 39

Divisiveness of Trump and Brexit
, 124–128

Biden and Trump Again! 2024
, 126–128

Dole, Bob
, 113

Dorling, Danny
, 46

Double movement
, 62

Doughnut Economics
, 196

Draca, Mirco
, 56, 82

Dual consciousness
, 40

Dual systems of participatory and representative democracy
, 171

Dublin Regulation
, 136

Duda, Andrzej (President of Poland)
, 148

Duterte, Rodrigo
, 2, 211–212

Dutschke, Rudi
, 30

Eastern Europe, authoritarian populism in
, 146–149

Eatwell, Roger
, 17, 18, 34, 77–80, 83, 84, 88, 90–93, 96, 116, 120

Eatwell anti-cosmopolitanism
, 92–96

Economic libertarianism
, 212

Economic Research and Action Project (ERAP)
, 108

Economically Deprived Anti-immigration
, 88

Economist’s Intelligence Democracy Index
, 75

Ecosocial welfare
, 202–204

Education and experiential learning
, 213

and participation
, 213

Education Policy Institute (Report on educational inequality)
, 202

Eldridge, John
, 45

, 75

Elite, The
, 25–26

Elite in populist theory
, 12

Elite power and sense of superiority
, 206–207

Elite resistance to progress of British democracy in 19th century
, 207–208

Elite/Mass Analysis of American Society
, 106–107

Elkins, Caroline
, 70

Emancipative values
, 60

Empire and globalisation
, 139–140

Enclosure (movement)
, 25

Encounter (journal)
, 109

English Defence League (EDL)
, 56

English populism
, 25, 160

Enlightenment, The
, 59–60

Environmental movement
, 166

Environmental pollution
, 17, 191

Episodic public protests
, 37

Equality, lessons for
, 197

Equality and Human Rights Commission
, 96

Errejon, Inigo
, 151

, 177–179

Ethnic conflict, impact of Al-Queda and ISIL’s attacks on
, 137–138

, 12–13, 200–201

Ethno-nationalism ethos
, 116

Ethno-traditional nationalism
, 133

, 85

impact of Al-Queda and ISIL’s attacks on racism and ethnic conflict
, 137–138

alternative approach to multiculturalism
, 145–146

authoritarian populism in Eastern Europe
, 146–149

, 138–140

causes of Europe’s Right/Left divide
, 132–135

consequences of empire
, 135–138

different responses to empire
, 136–137

, 140–146

expansion and member tensions
, 140–146

immigration, multiculturalism and refugee crisis of 2015
, 140–146

left populism
, 149–152

post-second world war openness to immigration into
, 134–135

responsibility for consequences of empire
, 135–138

Russia’s War’ in Ukraine
, 152–155

Second Cold War
, 155–156

shift to right
, 129–132

European Central Bank
, 143, 150

European Coal and Steel Community
, 141

European Commission
, 142, 147, 150

European Community
, 141

European Convention on Human Rights (1950)
, 141

European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
, 96, 99, 141

European Court of Justice
, 147, 162

European Parliament (2014)
, 134, 151

European Union (EU), x, xii
, 1, 2, 77, 129, 146

alternative approach to multiculturalism
, 145–146

, 144, 146

COVID-19 Recovery Fund
, 143

expansion and member tensions
, 140–143

immigration, multiculturalism, and refugee crisis of 2015
, 143–145

, 159

Extinction Generation (EG)
, 121

Extinction Rebellion (ER)
, 10, 32, 86, 193–194

Extreme capitalism
, 81

Extreme ideologies
, 15

Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google (FAANG)
, 142, 176

, 46

False consciousness concept
, 208, 209

Familiar issues
, 41–42

Fanon, Franz
, 112

Far Right/Left (see also Extremism)
, 17–18

Far-right racism
, 55, 164–165

Farage, Nigel
, 16, 31, 34, 43, 48, 55, 63, 82, 83, 85–87, 159, 163

, 3, 15, 105

Federal Bureau of Investigation
, 46

Fein, Sein
, 164

, 10, 27, 51

Fenton, Ted
, 201

, 58, 59

Fico, Robert, 2
, 149, 156

Fidesz Party (Hungary)
, 146

Figes, Orlando
, 154

Financial crisis (2007–2008)
, 55, 80–81

, 3, 130, 140

Five Star Movement (M5S)
, 33

Flinders, Mathew
, 24

Floyd, George
, 80, 111, 138, 139

Forget Populism
, 23

Fortuyn, Pim
, 143

Four freedoms (EU)
, 85

Fox News
, 47, 48

France, x, xviii, 57
, 134, 136, 141, 142, 159

Frankfurt School
, 209

Freedland, Jonathan
, 95

Freedom of speech
, 67, 123–124

Daines, Steve
, 124

Freedom Party (Austria)
, 18, 130, 144

French National Front
, 18

French Revolution
, 57

Friedman, Milton
, 169

Friedman, Rose
, 169

, 188

Front National (FN), xviii
, 134

Fukuyama, Francis
, 54, 78

Fuller, Gary
, 191

Funding (Community work)
, 177–179

, 72

Gamers and Breakers
, 123

Garza, Alicia
, 111

Gasset Ortego y
, 36

Gates, Bill
, 11

Gathering crisis of liberalism
, 55–57

Gaza, offensive in
, 127

GB News
, 48–49

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
, 113

General Elections (2017 and 2019)
, 89–90

General Theory of Employment, Money and Interest
, 62

General will concept
, 28

Generation, class and
, 202

Gentleman, A.
, 131

George Bush
, 109

, 156

Gerbaudo, Paulo
, 32, 34, 65, 106, 110

German AfD, The
, 216

German Christian Democrats
, 17

, 130, 136

Ghetto life
, 144

Giddens, Anthony
, 93, 133, 145

Gilbert, Jeremy
, 185

Gitlin, Todd
, 110, 172

Giuliani, Rudy
, 122

Glass Half Empty, The
, 60

Global problems need global solutions
, 196

Global solutions, global problems need
, 196

Global South
, 71–74

power and poor south
, 72

Global warming
, 95, 121, 191

Globalisation, xiii
, 169

empire and
, 62–63

Glorious Revolution (1688)
, 57, 58

Golden Dawn
, 17, 109, 136

Good governance
, 197–200

Goodhart, David
, 95, 96, 133, 135

Goodman, Paul
, 180

Goodwin, Fred
, 81, 96

Goodwin, Matthew
, 17, 34, 77–80, 83, 84, 88, 90–96

Gove, Michael
, 42

, 58

Gramsci, Antonio
, 40, 209

Grass roots democracy
, 107, 159, 197–200

Great Depression
, 36

Great Recession
, 19, 55, 63, 80–83, 172

Great Reform Act (1832)
, 207

Great Transformation, The
, 62

Greece, left populism in
, 149–152

Greek debt crisis, The
, 143

Greek general election (2015)
, 149

Green, Philip
, 172

Green Investment Policy
, 193

Green Paper on housing policy
, 186

Green Party
, 144, 193

, 86

Grigio, Beppe
, 33

Guardian, The
, 47

Habeas Corpus
, 57

Hagendoorm, Louk
, 143

Hailey, Niki
, 126

Hamas, xii, 3
, 4, 69

Harris, John
, 199

Harris, Kamala, xvii–xviii
, 120, 126–128

Harvey, David
, 18, 81

Hate crimes
, 56, 82, 138

Hayek, Friedrich
, 7, 62, 169

, 60

and consumption
, 185

Hebdo, Charlie
, 137

Hegemonic elites
, 42–43

, 7–8

, 40

Held, David
, 92–93

Hill, Joe
, 64

Hitler, Adolf
, 9, 209

Hobbes, Thomas
, 58–59

Hoggart, Richard
, 41

Hong Kong
, 24

Horizontal democracy
, 172

Hostile environment
, 131

House of Commons
, 185

House of Lords
, 99, 168, 184, 207

Houthis, The
, 69

Howker, Ed (and Shiv Malik)
, 12

, 54

Human equality
, 145

Human factor
, 189–190

Human hyper-competitiveness
, 192

Human rights, xi, xv
, 7, 57–59

, 58–59

Human well-being
, 185

Hungarian Fidesz Party, The
, 146

Hungary, authoritarian populism in
, 146–149

Hunt, Jeremy
, 169, 189

Hussein, Saddam
, 66, 69

Hutton, Will
, 99, 100

Hyper-masculine cultures
, 11

Identity concepts
, 11–12

, 15

Ideology debate
, 26–28

, 161, 162

Iglesias, Pablo
, 34, 38, 150–152

Illiberal democracy
, 34, 147

Illiberalism, xi, 65
, 147

Immigration, xi, xiv, xvii
, 12–13, 81–82, 130–131, 135, 139, 140, 146

and asylum, controlling
, 97–99

, 53

, 134–135

left and right populist interpretations of
, 86–87

legal status
, 140

and nationalism
, 16

nationalist response to
, 83–85

, 133, 139

United States
, 53

Immigration (2015)
, 143–145

Immigration Act (1971)
, 82, 98

Impeachments (of President Trump)
, 123

, 133

, 132

, 184

Independent Greeks Party (ANEL)
, 149

India, xviii
, 2, 111

, 150, 151

Industrial modernity
, 68

Industrial revolution
, 24, 42

, 58–59

COVID-19 and
, 200–202

integrated solution to climate change and
, 202–204

Inman, Philip
, 88

Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)
, 200

Institutional democracy
, 167, 175

Institutional racism
, 13, 139, 140

Institutional systems, xvi
, 140

Institutionalised democratic power
, 177

Integrated solution to climate change and inequality
, 202–204

Intellectual emancipation
, 176

Intellectuals, mid-20th century left
, 208–210

Intensification of argument
, 49

Intercultural policy
, 145

Interculturalism (see also Multiculturalism)
, 93, 145–146

Internal group-organisation
, 34

International Atomic Energy Agency
, 69

International geo-politics
, 155

International institutional response
, 194–196

International institutions
, 169

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 73, 85, 150

International Non-Government Organisations (INGOs)
, 86

Internet Explosive Devices (IEDs)
, 73

Internet revolution
, 49, 176

Iran, xi
, 9, 72, 73, 211


, 56

, 138

, 13, 14

and France
, 134

and Holland
, 131

and Trump
, 138

Islamic militant attacks
, 131

Islamic militants
, 81

Islamic State (IS)
, 135

, 12, 56, 77, 138

Israel, xii, xviii, 4
, 68, 69

Italy (populism in)
, 43, 131

Jackson, Andrew
, 103

Jacobs, Paul
, 107

Jefferson, Thomas
, 102, 124

Jinping, Xi
, 74

Johnson, Boris
, 8, 15, 34, 41, 43–45, 47, 48, 65, 85, 90, 163, 190, 197, 200, 207, 212, 216, 217

Jones, Bryn
, 29, 167, 216

Jones, Kate
, 195

Jospin, Lionel
, 134

Judah, Ben
, 73

Judis, John
, 18, 105

Kaczynski, Jaroslaw
, 34, 148

Kaltwasser, Christóbal
, 26–29, 110

Kaufmann, Eric
, 83, 87, 88, 90–96, 109, 115, 117, 120, 125, 133

, 74

Keynes, Maynard
, 62

Keynesian Revolution
, 62

Khan, Mayor
, 191

Khodorkovsky, Mikhail
, 154

King, Martin Luther
, 11

, 26, 71

La Republique en March
, 64

, 12

Labour movement
, 10

Labour Party, xviii
, 30, 99, 169, 186, 187, 193

Laclau, Ernesto
, 26, 38

Lady Hallett
, 189

Landau, Saul
, 107, 108, 111

, 74

Large-scale organisational systems
, 171

Latin America, xviii
, 2, 4, 83

Law and Justice Party (PiS, Poland)
, 146, 148

Le Pen, Jean-Marie
, 134–135, 141

rise of
, 134–135

Le Pen, Marine
, 83, 84

Leadership and representation
, 35–36

Leave campaign
, 77, 78, 85, 97, 105

Left modernists
, 93

Left populism, xi, xvi
, 4, 9, 16, 20, 21, 129, 165, 166, 167

and/or progressive revival
, 165–167

in Britain
, 162–167

charisma conundrum
, 35–36

, 150–152

, 149–150

and variations
, 30–38

Left populists, xvi
, 27, 29, 35

front for radical democracy
, 165

interpretations of immigration
, 86–87

, 36, 110, 111

, 131

Left social movements
, 158

Left-liberal progressive dialogue
, 63–64

, 93

Left-wing populists
, 86

Left/right model
, 17

Lega Nord (Northern League)
, 33

Levellers (The)
, 58

Levelling up
, 200, 201

Levitksy, Steven
, 54

LGBTQ movement
, 109, 166

LGBTU movement/s
, 10

Liberal capitalism
, 15

Liberal cultural values
, 60

Liberal democracy, xv
, 1, 3, 14, 26, 33, 54, 65, 66, 70, 205, 206, 212, 214

Liberal democratic regimes
, 33, 146

Liberal Enlightenment, The
, 59–61

Liberal hegemony

crisis of concepts in relation to

themes and questions
, 7–13

themes and questions
, 6–7

youth as agent of progressive change
, 20–21

Liberal ideology
, 1, 53, 57

Liberal Party
, 61

Liberal pluralism
, 28

Liberal reforms
, 160

Liberal revolution
, 57–58

Liberal social democracy
, 16, 59, 65, 129, 194

Liberal values
, 56, 60, 61, 65, 146, 154, 194

Liberalism (see also Cosmopolitan liberalism; Neoliberalism; Populism; Progressive liberalism), xi, xiv, xv
, 6–8, 14, 20, 56, 59, 77–78

in 1989
, 55–57

capitalism, democracy and human rights
, 57–59

China and Unites States
, 74–75

evolution of human rights
, 58–59

freedom of speech and expression
, 67

gathering crisis, post-1989
, 55–57

left-liberal progressive dialogue
, 63–64

mixed response to liberalism’s flawed heritage
, 65–67

, 87–90

new global order
, 70–71

new wealth challenges traditional authority
, 57–58

populism and liberalism’s relationship to other ideologies and political parties
, 13–14

progressive alliance
, 64–65

progressive liberalism and neoliberalism
, 61–75

relationship to other ideologies and political parties
, 13–14

rise of neoliberalism and globalisation
, 62–63

roots of
, 57–59

Russia, China, and ‘Global South’
, 71–74

under siege
, 53–54

tensions in
, 132–135

The liberal enlightenment
, 59–61

triumph and hubris
, 54

uncompleted ‘enlightenment’
, 59–61

impact of west on world
, 67–70

World and West
, 65–67

Lieven, Anatol
, 194–195

Lincoln, Abraham
, 75

Lipset, Seymour Martin
, 102, 108, 109

Local communities
, 178

Local democracy
, 171

Local initiatives in participation
, 181–184

Local level and global perspective
, 196

Locke, John
, 58–59, 102

Logic evidence
, 191

London Citizens
, 183

Long, Huey
, 104

Lowe, Robert
, 207

Luther King, Martin
, 111, 112

Lynd, Staughton
, 102

Macron, Emmanuel
, 64

Madoff, Bernie
, 81

Maduro, Nicolas
, 32, 36, 215

Mail on Sunday, The
, 49

Major, J.
, 19

Make America Great Again (MAGA)
, 127

Malik, Shiv (and Ed Howker)
, 12

Manafort, Paul
, 46

Mandelson, Peter
, 48

Mander, Harsh
, 51

Manifestoes (Labour Party), xviii
, 29

Marcuse, Herbert
, 107

Marliere, Philippe
, 130

Marshall, T. H.
, 48, 57, 157–158, 167–169, 186

Martineau, Harriet
, 208

, 135

, 37, 208

, 11, 13, 107, 191

Marxist base-superstructure model
, 47

Marxist concept
, 208

Maslow, Abraham
, 60

Mass (the)
, 15

Mass participants
, 42–43

Mass society (theory)
, 106, 210

Mature inclination
, 213

Mau Mau rebellion
, 70

May, Theresa
, 131

Mayo, Marjorie
, 176

McCain, John
, 31

McConnell, Mitch
, 123

McGrew, Anthony
, 93

McLuhan, Marshall
, 24, 41

McQuarrie, Michael
, 90

Media, x
, 44–47

mid-20th century left
, 208–210

Medvedev, Dmitry
, 155

Meloni, Georgia
, 33

Merkel, Angela
, 144, 145

Meyer, David
, 31, 114

Micklethwait, John
, 190, 198, 204

, 44

Middle American radicals (MARs)
, 105

Middle East, xi, xviii
, 9, 32, 55, 70, 142

Migrants (see also Refugees)
, 86, 87, 98, 214

Milei, J.
, 2, 149, 212

Miliband, Ralph
, 96

Millennium Manifesto (1999)
, 154

Miller, Jacob
, 39

Mills, Charles Wright
, 37, 96, 106, 107, 176, 205, 210

Ministry of Democracy
, 185

Ministry of Mutuality
, 185

Mishra, Pankaj
, 59

Mixed heritage
, 59–61

Mixed race
, 120, 133

Modi, Narendra
, 2, 73, 211

Moffitt, Benjamin
, 39

, 30, 31, 186

, 108–109

Moore, Tom
, 199

Moria migration camp (Greece)
, 144

, 102

Moss, Barton
, 157, 161–162, 178, 181

Mouffe, Chantal, xiv
, 26–29, 37, 40, 110, 151, 157, 158, 161, 165–167, 215

Movement (1960s), xi
, 37–38, 105–110, 148

Movement for safety and equal representation
, 138–140

Movement of the Squares
, 32, 34, 86, 106

Moyo, Dambisa
, 214

Mudde, Cas
, 26–29, 108–110, 161, 216

Müeller, Robert
, 46, 117

Muller, Jan-Werner
, 28, 29, 35

Multiculturalism (see also Interculturalism)
, 87, 109, 130, 133–135, 140–146, 166

alternative approach to
, 145–146

Murdoch, Rupert
, 48

Murphy, Mary P.
, 202–204

Murray, Douglas
, 133, 135, 145

Museveni, Yoweri
, 122

Musk, Elon
, 49


, 77, 83, 87

, 83

, 26, 43

National community
, 184

National Front (now National Rally) (France)
, 18

National governments
, 5, 169

National Guard (USA)
, 118

National levels, community at
, 180

National participatory, social renewal to
, 184–188

National populism
, 20, 34, 77

National symbols
, 112

Nationalism, xi, xiv
, 10, 16, 63, 71, 77, 83, 85–90, 131, 133, 138, 140, 145, 152, 163, 216

ethno-traditional nationalism
, 91, 133

Nationalist ideology
, 16, 77

Nationalistic right populism
, 4

Nationality Act (1981)
, 82

Navalny, Alexei, x
, 8, 155, 210

Neil, Andrew
, 48

Neiman, Susan
, 50

, 6

Neo/populism, monism’ as description of
, 108–109

Neoliberal capitalism
, 59

Neoliberal socio-cultural theory
, 62

Neoliberalism, xv
, 5, 8, 10, 11–19, 61–75, 81

concept origins
, 7–8

, 14–19

influence within political spectrum
, 18–19

rise of neoliberalism and globalisation
, 62–63

social stratification and identity concepts in relation to
, 11–12

, 87, 143

New Deal
, 103, 104

New Economics Foundation (NEF)
, 187

New Labour
, 48, 172

New Left
, 93, 105–109

Newcastle Institute for Social Renewal
, 183

Next Generation EU Fund
, 146

, 49

Non-doctrinaire municipal socialism
, 183

Non-Government Organisations (NGOs)
, 86

Non-violent protest
, 192

Non-Western democracies
, 2

North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
, 88, 113

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
, 2, 56, 137, 155, 205

Northern Ireland
, 164

, 87, 130, 135

Norwegian Progress Party (FrP)
, 134

Nottingham Council
, 179

Obama, Barack
, 31, 38, 90, 93, 109, 114–115, 148

Observational evidence
, 191

Occupy movement
, 25, 26, 32, 105, 109–110

O’Donnell, Mike
, 12, 34, 93, 172

, 48

, 8, 66, 175

Oltermann, Philip
, 193

One nation conservatism
, 19, 79, 85

One Nation group
, 19, 99, 169

Orbán, Viktor
, 2, 11, 27, 149

Organic intellectuals
, 40

Osborne, George
, 84

Owen, Robert
, 160

, 86

Oxford Concise Dictionary of Politics and international Relations
, 8, 13

Oxford Dictionary of Sociology, The
, 12

Pact of Free Cities (Visegrad mayors)
, 148

Paine, Tom
, 159, 160

Palin, Sarah
, 34, 114

, 197, 199, 200

Paris Agreement (2015)
, 192

Parker, Martin
, 199

Parliamentarians (English Civil War)
, 57

, 187

education for
, 203

local initiatives in
, 181–184

Participation Income (PI)
, 203

Participatory budgeting (PB)
, 185

Participatory democracy, xvi
, 51, 65, 107–108, 157, 167, 168, 171, 218

beacon of
, 107–108

community power and
, 175–180

Participatory democratic organization
, 172

Participatory democratic policies
, 184

, 32–33

Party for Freedom (PVV)
, 83, 131

, 190

Patel, Priti
, 98

Path to Net Zero, The
, 195

Patriot ideology
, 115

, 135, 154, 155, 216

Pax Americana
, 156

, 25, 59, 62

Peasants revolt
, 159

Peer Learning Network
, 179

People (the) in populist theory
, 25–26

People, mid-20th century left
, 208–210

People Act (1832)
, 207–208

People’s Party (Austria)
, 33

, 39

Perot, Ross, x
, 113–118

Personal data
, 45

, 188

, 2, 211

Pidd, Helen
, 200

Piketty, Thomas
, 11, 63, 85

Pinker, Stephen
, 59, 60

Planetary wellbeing, xi, xvi
, 5, 167, 185

Plato (on governance)
, 198

Pleyers, Geoffrey
, 85–86, 95, 172

Plokhy, Serhii
, 153

, 15, 28–29

, 15, 28–30

, 181, 183, 199

, 32, 38, 64, 110, 130, 150–152

Poland, authoritarian populism in
, 146–149

Polanyi, Karl
, 62, 203

Polarisation (political)
, 88, 124, 130, 135–138, 176

Political advocacy
, 176

Political discourse
, 26

Political ideology
, 11, 14, 36

Political inclusion
, 160

Political liberalism
, 60

Political movements
, 35

Political parties, xi, xvi
, 37–38

populism and liberalism’s relationship to other ideologies and
, 13–14

realignment of political parties in relation to class and race
, 78–80

Political polarisation
, 135–138

Political spectrum
, 18

neoliberalism’s influence within
, 18–19

populism in
, 14–17

Politicised racial consciousness
, 117

Politics, power and media
, 44–47

Poll tax (1381)
, 159

Popular dissent
, 160

Populism (see also Liberalism), x, xi, xiv
, 1, 4, 6, 9–12, 14, 18, 20–21, 23, 25, 37, 46–47, 53, 103–105, 129, 130, 146, 213, 215

, 60

BBC and GB News
, 48–49

big debate
, 26–30

in Britain
, 157

contemporary populism protest
, 161–162

continuation of culture wars
, 47–51

cultural populism
, 23

, 9–10

democratic deficit
, 36–37

direct democracy and authoritarian leadership
, 33–35

in early nineteenth-century England
, 159–162

in Eastern Europe
, 11

effects and influence of social media
, 43–44

framework for comparing populism and neoliberalism to other ideologies
, 14–19

freedom of speech, control, and protection
, 49–51

general will or collective will
, 28

hegemonic elites and mass participants
, 42–43

ideology debate
, 26–28

leadership and representation
, 35–36

left and right populism and variations
, 30–38

and liberalism’s relationship to other ideologies and political parties
, 13–14

monism’ as description of
, 108–109

national populism
, 34

new battles
, 41–42

participatory democracy
, 51

people vs. elite
, 25–26

pluralist or anti-pluralist
, 28–30

in political spectrum
, 14–17

populist cultural trend
, 38–47

populist parties in alliance with mainstream parties
, 32–33

power, politics, and media
, 44–47

radical right in relation to populism
, 17–18

relationship to other ideologies and political parties
, 13–14

social stratification and identity concepts in relation to
, 11–12

stages of populist development
, 37–38

technological revolution, social media, and cultural hegemony
, 38–40

in Western Europe
, 56

Populist cultural trend
, 38–47

Populist culture
, 23, 24

Populist development stages
, 37–38

Populist groups
, 25

Populist movements
, 29, 31, 37

Populist parties in alliance with mainstream parties
, 32–33

Populist Party (USA)
, 101

Populist style
, 43

Populist Zeitgeist
, 101–103

Port Huron Statement (PHS)
, 107, 108

Porto Alegre
, 16, 171, 185

Post-Brexit, xvi
, 96–97, 100, 162–164

, 203

, 27, 40

Post-pandemic, xiv
, 190, 197, 202

Post-second world war openness to immigration into Europe
, 134–135

Post-war economic expansion
, 134

Postman Neil
, 41

Poverty, xiii, xvi
, 14, 46, 80, 210

, 44–47

and community
, 175–180

elite power
, 28

redistribution of
, 26

for use
, 28

Power Elite, The
, 106

Pre-democratic regimes
, 205

Precariat (the)
, 12

, 12

Presidential Election

of 2016
, 116–118

of 2020
, 118–121

Presidential votes (2016), Brexit and
, 87–90

Preston model
, 182

Priestly, James
, 159

Prigozhin, Yevgeny
, 72, 155

Progressive alliance, xvi
, 64–65, 158, 166

Progressive liberalism, xv
, 7–8, 61–75

Progressive parties
, 187

Progressive policies
, 103

Progressive pracademic
, 204

Progressive revival, xvii–xviii
, 96–97, 165, 167

, 64, 96, 104, 166, 217

Proportional representation
, 17, 144, 185

, 24, 33, 37

Pryce, Richard
, 159

, 13, 18, 205

Putin, Vladimir
, 129, 154, 206

power vertical
, 154

sovereign democracy
, 154

Raab, Earl
, 108, 109

Race, realignment of political parties in relation to class and
, 78–80

Race Relations Acts
, 82

Racial stereotype
, 13

, 12–13

Racism, x
, 124–128

impact of Al-Queda and ISIL’s attacks on
, 137–138

, 109

, 12–13

Racist defender of segregation and white supremacy
, 104–105

Radical democracy
, 4–6, 29, 165–167, 169, 215

a fourth phase of citizenship?
, 167–169

advantages of community participation
, 179–180

, 28, 29

burgeoning of
, 172–175

civil society and social renewal
, 180–184

community at national and transnational levels
, 180

community awareness and activism
, 176–177

community development, funding and ethics
, 177–179

community power and participatory democracy
, 175–180

, 4

institutionalisation of
, 62

local initiatives in participation
, 181–184

representation to participation
, 171–175

social renewal to national participatory
, 184–188

Radical democratic citizenship
, 27

Radical democratisation of power
, 5

Radical democrats
, 166

Radical group Momentum
, 30

Radical liberalism
, 64

Radical minority groups
, 58

, 159, 160

Rankin, Nicholas
, 70

Rawnsley, Andrew
, 122

Raworth, Kate
, 196

Reagan, Ronald
, 18, 105

Realignment (Party)
, 78–80

Realism, failing
, 172

Realistic Utopia, xiv
, 180

, 12, 80–81, 115, 134

, 145

Red Wall
, 79, 80, 87, 89, 90

Red Wall Vote
, 80, 90

Rees-Mogg, William
, 43

Referendum, x
, 79, 80

Reform Act (1867)
, 207

Reform Party
, 169

Refugee Crisis (2015), xii
, 143–145

Refugees (see also Asylum/asylum seekers), xviii
, 56, 136

Regulation (economic)
, 115

Reich, Charles
, 109

Reith, John
, 45, 51

, 9, 12, 67, 211

Remain campaign
, 46, 77

Representative democracy
, 6, 28, 29, 33, 51, 57, 60, 160, 175

Republican Party (USA), x
, 17, 114, 125, 126

, 159

Ressa, Maria, x
, 2, 211, 212

Right populism, xiv
, 4, 16, 34, 83–85, 129, 130, 140–146, 191

in Britain
, 162–167

and conservative party post-Brexit
, 162–164

and variations
, 30–38

Right populists
, 35

interpretations of immigration
, 86–87

, 131

Right-wing coalition
, 33, 135

Right-wing discontent
, 114

Right-wing populism, xv
, 148

Right-wing populist movements
, 34

Right-wing populist parties
, 130, 216

Right-wing populists
, 86, 115, 117

Right/Left divide, causes of Europe’s
, 132–135

Rights legislation
, 57

Rightwards shift in Europe
, 129–156

Riots (August 2024)
, 164–165

Risk society, xiii
, 95

Robinson, T.
, 164

, 131

Roosevelt, Franklin D.
, 103, 104

Roosevelt, Theodore
, 103

Roper Centre
, 117

Ross Perot’s presidential campaign (1992), x
, 113

Rossen, John
, 102

Royal Bank of Scotland
, 81

Runciman, David
, 54

Russia, ix–xi, xv, xviii
, 1–3, 67, 71, 74

Russia’s War’ in Ukraine
, 152–155

‘cometh the hour’
, 153

‘cometh the Man’
, 154–155

Russian Wagner Group
, 72

Rust Belt Vote
, 8, 46, 84, 87, 90, 116

Rwanda agreement
, 99

Safety of Rwanda Bill, The
, 99

Safi, Michael
, 191

Salvini, Matteo
, 33, 144

Sandbrook, Dominic
, 93

Sanders, Bernie
, 31, 32, 115–116

presidential election (2016), x
, 5, 44, 46, 75, 116–118

Santelli, Rick
, 114

Saudi Arabia
, 65, 66, 72, 73

Science, xiv
, 8, 13, 59, 60, 121

Scottish government
, 185

Scottish independence
, 163

Scottish National Party
, 164

Second Cold War
, 155–156

Secularisation process
, 9

Segregation, racist defender of
, 104–105

Selby by-election
, 188

Self actualisation
, 60

Senate (USA Congress)
, 118, 123, 184, 185

Seymour, Richard, x
, 44

Shay’s rebellion
, 102

Sherbourne, Viscount
, 207

Shia-dominated regime
, 211

Silicon Valley
, 40

Silone-Yates, Josephine
, 208

Silva, Lula da
, 2, 212, 216

, 190

, 112, 124

, 2, 146, 147, 149, 156

Small individual acts
, 193

Smer Party
, 149

Sniderman, Paul
, 143

Snyder, Timothy
, 123

Social Chapter (EU)
, 142

Social democracy, xv
, 8, 14, 17, 36, 61

in Europe
, 59

Social Democratic Party (Germany)
, 130, 193

Social inequality
, 11, 16, 60, 80, 202, 208

Social justice
, 20, 80, 203

Social libertarianism
, 212, 213

Social media, x
, 38, 40, 42, 49

effects and influence of
, 43–44

, 123–124

Social movements, xi, xv
, 10, 105, 110, 166, 172, 175, 192–194

Green Parties and
, 193–194

Social renewal
, 180, 184, 188

to national participatory democratic reform
, 184–188

Social stratification
, 11–12

Social system
, 8, 40, 124, 168

Socialisation process
, 203

, 15, 16, 32

Socialist Workers’ Party of Spain (PSOE)
, 16, 151

Solberg, Erna
, 135

, 20, 28, 30, 107, 118, 139, 184

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
, 71

South Africa, xviii
, 73

South Korea
, 190

Southern populists and progressive centre
, 103–105

Charles Wright Mills
, 106–107

(early) American New Left
, 107–108

George Wallace
, 104–105

Huey Long
, 104

monism’ as description of neo/populism
, 108–109

, 164, 165

Soviet Communism
, 54

Soviet rule
, 147

Soviet Union
, 53, 71, 74, 153, 155

Soyinka, Wole
, 122

Spain, left populism in
, 16, 26, 149–152

Spanish Socialist Party
, 32, 85

Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE)
, 130

Spectacular act
, 39

Speed, Steven
, 161–162, 192, 197

Spivey, William
, 111

Sri Lanka
, 74

Standard left-right political divide
, 30

Standing, G.
, 12

Starmer, Keir
, 17, 29, 100, 158, 187

Startup Party
, 48

State (The)
, 5

State institutional response
, 194–196

State support
, 177

Stengel, Frank
, 17, 215

, 11–13, 139, 144

Stiglitz, Joseph
, 11, 85

Storming of capitol by trump supporters and global impact
, 122–124

attack on capitol attempted coup
, 122–123

Trump’s suspension from Twitter and freedom of speech
, 123–124

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
, 107

Sturgeon, Nicola
, 163

Substantial autonomy
, 177

Substantial immigration
, 132

Sunak, Rishi, xvii
, 34, 96, 98, 99, 169

Superiority, elite power and sense of
, 206–207

Superstructure (in Marxist theory)
, 47

Supreme Court (USA)
, 35, 99

, 190, 198

Sustainable welfare
, 202

, 3, 131, 143, 144

Swiss People’s Party (SVP)
, 134

Symbols (meanings of)
, 112

, 66, 73, 135, 147

, 149–150

Taiwan, xi
, 3, 68, 74–75, 190

Talk Radio
, 48

Tamames Jorge
, 151

Tax Havens
, 117

Taylor, Charles
, 145

Tea Party movement
, 31, 114

Technological innovation
, 197

Technological revolution
, 38–40

, 205

Thatcher, Margaret
, 18

, 168

The American Mind (journal)
, 125

The Clean Energy Company, xvii–xviii

The people (in populism)
, 25–26

The Power Elite (1956)
, 6, 106

Third sector
, 5, 167, 178, 204

Third Way (The)
, 18, 94

Thunberg, Greta
, 193

Tice, Richard
, 163

Tina Fetner
, 114

Tocci, Nathalie
, 3, 70–73

Tometi, Opal
, 111

Totalitarian communism
, 3, 8, 15

, 28, 56, 109

Toynbee, Arnold
, 70–72

Trade unions
, 27, 29, 96, 106

Traditional authority, new wealth challenges
, 57–58

Transnational companies
, 11

Transnational corporations
, 62, 63, 85, 142, 143

Transnational levels, community at national and
, 180

Transversal coalition
, 151

Treaty of Maastricht (1992)
, 141

Treaty of Paris (1951)
, 141

Treaty of Rome (1957)
, 141

Trilateral interdependence
, 204

, 54

Troika (The)
, 150

Troubled-Asset Relief Program (TARPS)
, 114

Trump, Donald, x–xii, xv, xvi
, 2, 4, 5, 9, 16, 17, 23, 24, 31, 34–36, 41, 43, 44, 46, 55, 57, 63, 65, 75, 77–100, 101–128, 149, 197, 200, 207, 210, 212, 215

attack on capitol attempted coup
, 122–123

divisiveness of
, 124–128

Eatwell and Goodwin’s, and Kaufmann’s Anticosmopolitanism
, 92–96

factors associated with Brexit and election of
, 78–87

frustrations and anxieties behind Brexit and Trump Votes 2016
, 90–92

interpretations of Brexit and Trump’s 2016 Election Win
, 90–96

precursors of
, 113–118

Presidential Election of 2016
, 116–118

storming of capitol by Trump supporters and global impact
, 122–124

suspension from Twitter and freedom of speech
, 123–124

, 17, 115

Truss, Lis
, 34

Trzaskowski, Rafal (Mayor of Warsaw)
, 148

Tsipras, Alexis
, 149

, 66, 136, 143

Tusk, Donald
, 146, 148

, 42, 43, 123–124

Two Treaties of Civil Government
, 58

Tyldesley, Jordan
, 48

UAE Consensus
, 196

UK Uncut
, 34, 172


conflicts in
, 3

Russia’s War’ in
, 152–155

vote for independence
, 153

war with
, 153

Umbrella Movement
, 24

Uncompleted ‘enlightenment’
, 59–61

United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP)
, 17, 19, 163

United Nations (UN), xiii
, 7, 69, 190

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
, 192

United Nations Refugee Convention
, 98

United Nations Security Council
, 71

United Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR)
, 153

United States of America, xii
, 5, 55–56, 66, 74–75, 85–87

Universal basic income (UBI)
, 5, 178

Universal basic services (UBS)
, 203

, 51

, 199

, 159

Utopian socialism
, 160

Vance, J. P.
, 126–128

Van Dyke, Nella
, 114

Varoufakis, Yanis
, 116, 150, 215

Veblen, Thorstein
, 39

Venezuela, ix
, 36

Vidal, John
, 195

Visegrad Group (VG)
, 146

Voluntary organizations
, 181

Vote Leave campaign
, 78

Voters vote for authoritarian leaders, ix, x, xii
, 4, 210–213

Voting Rights Act (1965)
, 124

Wake Up-Call, The
, 197–200

Walby, S., xii–xiv
, 216

Wall Street, x
, 32

Wallace, George
, 104–105

Walz, T.
, 126–128

War, xiii, xiv
, 191

Warrens, Donald
, 105

Washington liberal elite
, 31

Wealthier Tea Party participants
, 115

Weber, Max
, 9, 12, 117

Weiwei, Ai
, 67

Welfare state
, 115, 157, 187, 194, 195

West, re-emergence of authoritarianism in
, 3–5

West, World and
, 65–67

West impact on world
, 67–70

Western capitalism
, 40

Western democracies
, 2, 14, 15

Western domination
, 66, 68

Western empires
, 65

Western financial and economic system
, 84

Western powers
, 3, 69, 136

White supremacism
, 6, 104–105

White supremacy
, 91, 104–105

White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestants (WASPs)
, 91

Whittle, Andrea
, 89

Whitty, Chris
, 201

Wilders, Geert
, 131, 143

Williams, Raymond
, 41, 157

Wilson, Woodrow
, 103

Wine, Bobi
, 122

Winlow, Simon
, 56, 79

Wodak, Ruth
, 24

, 42

, 44

Wole Soyinka
, 122

Wooldridge, Adrian
, 190, 197, 198

, 176

and leisure
, 176

Working class (the)
, 20, 21, 88, 96, 97, 208

thelabour metaphysic
, 96, 107

World Bank (WB)
, 85

World Health Organisation (WHO)
, 200

World Trade Centre (Attack on)
, 137

World Trade Organisation (WTO)
, 85

Wylie, Christopher
, 46

, 85, 133

Youth (the young)
, 20–21

Zakaria, F., xiv

, 102

Ziblatt, Daniel
, 54

Zuccotti Park
, 32, 109, 110