Eco-design and packaging (EDP)
, 133–134
Eco-responsible entrepreneur
, 52–53
, 107–108, 112
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and The Pacific (ESCAP)
, 93
Elsevier Science Direct
, 302
Employee Green Behaviour (EGB)
, 4–5, 251
historical background
, 6–7
, 12
leadership and
, 8–10
literature review
, 7–8
, 12
multilevel model for
, 5–6
organizational benefits
, 11
organizational EGB strategies
, 7
personality factors influencing
, 8
real-time examples
, 13–14
theoretical framework
, 10–11
End of Life Vehicles (ELV)
, 149
Entrepreneur motivation
, 56–57, 66
Entrepreneurial education
, 195
Entrepreneurial intention
, 195–196
Entrepreneurial knowledge as mediator
, 199–200
Entrepreneurial skills
, 54, 63, 66
Entrepreneurship, subjective vision of
, 51
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
, 22–23
lack of information on
, 42
Environmental degradation
, 142–143, 240
Environmental entrepreneur
, 49, 52–53
Environmental marketing
, 271–272
Environmental outcomes
, 131
Environmental performance
, 131, 170
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
, 286
Environmental Quality Act
, 130
Environmental regulations
, 167–168
Environmental sustainability
, 226–227, 248
Environmental transformational leadership (ETFL)
, 9
Environmentally friendly entrepreneur
, 49
Equator Principles for Project Finance
, 300
Ethical and managerial perspective of stakeholder theory
, 228–229
External barriers
, 149–151
of green concept implementation
, 152–154
identification of
, 144–145
inadequate academic research
, 151
inadequate environmental administrative support
, 150
lack of green collaborative practices
, 150–151
lack of stakeholder’s interest
, 149–150
Extra-role green behaviour
, 5
Gastronomy tourism
, 112–113
Geographical indications (GI)
, 117–118
Global Footprint Network
, 240
Governmental pressure
, 269
Green access practices
, 280–281
Green banking
, 300
adoption of green banking classification
, 308
adoption of green banking practices
, 301–302
analysis by research method and methodology
, 306–307
articles by country studied
, 308
bibliometric analysis
, 310–312
citation analysis
, 308–310
distribution based on journal
, 307
distribution based on publication year
, 304
findings from systematic literature review
, 313–314
, 302–303
results and analysis
, 303–308
, 39
Green behaviour (GB) (see also Employee Green Behaviour (EGB))
, 3–5, 186–187, 246, 248–249, 252, 254
in-role and extra-role
, 5
Green blogging (GB)
, 185–188
literature review
, 185–187
moderating role of perceived trust in social media
, 187
research implications and limitations
, 189–190
research methodology
, 187–188
, 188–189
Green Business Model
, 286–287
Green businesses
, 294–295
Green climate (GClim)
, 252–254
Green Climate Fund (GCF)
, 21–22
Green concepts
, 143
external barriers
, 149–151
identification of internal and external barriers
, 144–145
internal barriers
, 145–149
solutions to barriers and action plans
, 151–155
Green creativity (GC)
, 248–249, 251–252, 254
Green entrepreneurial intention
, 197–198
Green entrepreneurial knowledge
, 197–198
Green entrepreneurial practices
, 50
Green entrepreneurs
, 48
intentions for
, 290–292
, 49–50
Green entrepreneurship
, 48–49, 196, 198, 286
accessibility to capital for
, 55–56
, 288–295
case study
, 292–294
chances for
, 54–55
, 288
data analysis
, 60
data collection
, 59
, 295
green entrepreneurship-related factors
, 54–57
hurdles for
, 294–295
incentives schemes for
, 56
limitations of study
, 73
literature review
, 48–57
need of research
, 287–288
objectives of study
, 53
participant companies
, 60–61
percentage of SMEs
, 61–69
possibilities for
, 66
, 289–290
, 73–74
research design
, 57–58
research methodology
, 57–60
research methodology and design
, 296
research problem
, 52–53
sampling design
, 58–59
scope of study
, 53
study population
, 58
Green financing
, 21–22
, 42
Green Human Resource Management (GHRM)
, 5, 8
Green initiatives
, 142–143, 148
Green innovation (GI)
, 164–166, 168, 252, 254
, 248–249, 251
Green Innovative Practices (GIP)
, 165–166
Green Innovative Work Behaviour
, 4
Green management
, 93
challenges for Malaysia’s seaports
, 100–101
, 94–95
at Malaysian seaports
, 95–98
opportunities and future
, 101–103
ports in Malaysia
, 93
positive outcomes
, 98–99
, 243–244
Green marketing
, 220, 268
literature review
, 221–229
, 221–229
proposed constructs of customer willingness
, 230–232
, 220
Green Marketing Campaigns
, 279
Green marketing mix (GMM)
, 268–269, 271–272
case study
, 272, 278–279
competitive pressure
, 270
developing sides of world and role of
, 278–279
, 273
, 269–270
governmental pressure
, 269
issues of cost and profit
, 270
methodology and design
, 278–281
need of developing sides and sustainability
, 270
need of research
, 270–271
purpose and significance of study
, 271
revolutionizing of own business activities
, 270
in service industry
, 272
social responsibility
, 269
Green Oil Energy Sciences
, 293
association and explanation
, 293
Green performance appraisal
, 5
Green perspective of transformational leadership
, 245–246
Green practices
, 8, 78–79, 83, 144
conceptual research framework
, 83
literature review and hypotheses formulation
, 79–83
relationship between technological, organizational, and green practice implementation
, 79–81
theoretical foundation
, 79
Green process innovation
, 167
Green procurement (GP)
, 131, 133–134
Green product development (GPD)
, 244, 251–252, 254
analysis and results
, 252–255
hypothesis development
, 245–249
limitations and future research
, 256–257
literature review
, 242–245
material and methods
, 250–252
, 250–252
population and sample
, 250
practical implications
, 256
theoretical research and research implications
, 255–256
Green products
, 184, 226–227, 273
group characteristics
, 273
, 170
Green Promotions
, 275–276
Green purchase intention (GPI)
, 185–186
Green supply chain management (GSCM)
, 94–95, 130–132, 143
Green technology
, 164–166, 168
, 168
Green Technology Master Plan (GTMP)
, 102–103
Green Technology Master Plan Malaysia 2017–2030
, 197
Green tourism (see also Sustainable tourism)
, 107–108
, 109–110
factors affecting tea preferences of foreign tourists in India
, 118–119
foreign tourist’s tea preferences
, 115–120
limitations and future research agendas
, 120
practical implications
, 120
sustainability strategies for growth of green tourism
, 111–112
tea and ecotourism
, 112
tea and gastronomy tourism
, 112–113
tea and sustainable tourism
, 112
tea tourism
, 110–111
tourism and tea integration and impacts on sustainable livelihood
, 113–114
tourism and tea marketing
, 113
Green transformational leadership (GTL)
, 246, 250–252, 254
and follower green behaviour
, 246
and innovative climate
, 247
Green value practices
, 280
Green-SIVA Marketing Mix
, 271
, 279
Self-determination theory
, 7–8
Self-efficacy towards green entrepreneurial intentions
, 291
Service industry, GMM in
, 272
SIVA Marketing Mix Elements
, 279
SIVA-green marketing mix
, 271
Skills, Incentives, and Entrepreneurial Education (SIE)
, 288–289
Small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
, 50–51, 78–79, 130, 244, 287
data, sample, and analysis
, 132–135
environmental performance
, 131
, 131–132
Malaysia SMEs’ sustainability
, 130
in Pakistan
, 50–51
percentage of
, 61–69
practical implications, and future research
, 135–137
Social enterprises
, 285–286
Social entrepreneurship
, 285–286
Social media
, 184
moderating role of perceived trust in
, 187
, 185
Social media usage
, 185
influence of
, 186
Social responsibility
, 170, 269
Stakeholder pressure
, 166
Stakeholder theory
, 227–228
ethical and managerial perspective of
, 228–229
linking stakeholder theory to CSR practice
, 229
Structural model
, 188
, 252–255
Structure–Action Model
, 52
Substitution effect
, 225–226
Supportive peer groups
, 9
, 48–49, 170, 194, 219–220, 244
in asset operations and pollution prevention
, 165
history of
, 22–23
strategies for growth of green tourism
, 111–112
Sustainable business model innovation (SBMI)
, 170–172
Sustainable business models (SBMs)
, 166
Sustainable business practices, factors influencing
, 63
Sustainable development
, 96, 107–108, 164
Sustainable Development Growth (SDG)
, 300
Sustainable finance
, 22–23
, 22–24
, 40
disparities in financial access
, 41
green financing initiatives
, 42
inadequate risk management
, 41
lack of information on environmental, social, and governance
, 42
, 24
policy implications
, 42–43
political obstacles
, 41–42
rationale of study
, 23–24
regulatory obstacles
, 41
results and findings
, 24–43
Sustainable financing
, 22
Sustainable marketing (see Green marketing)
Sustainable performance
, 168
Sustainable practices
, 302
Sustainable tourism
, 112, 194, 196
data collection and analysis methods
, 201
demographic characteristics
, 202–203
, 107–108
, 201–209
literature review
, 196–200
measurement development
, 201
measurement model evaluation
, 204–205
mediation analysis
, 207
path analysis
, 205
research design and sample
, 200–201
research methodology
, 200–201
Systematic literature review
adds value
, 313–314
dominance of survey research
, 313
emerging topic
, 313
findings from
, 313–314
lack of inter-country research
, 313
statements and declarations
, 315
Systematic review
, 302–303