towards non-traded sector
, 108–109
Absolute beta convergence
, 300, 302
of forest products
, 302
Absolute convergence phenomena
, 16
Academy for Educational Development, The (AED)
, 158
Accompany Children College related matter (ACCRM)
, 313
Accompany Children for School/College related matter (ACSRM/ACCRM)
, 313, 317
Adult literacy rate (ALR)
, 205
Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030)
, 46
, 325
, 323
, 322
, 162
, 325
, 224, 230, 322
Akaike information criterion (AIC)
, 9
Allocative efficiency
, 107
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
, 49
, 50
Annual Development Programme (ADP)
, 129
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
, 16
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
, 171
, 173
Strategy 2020
, 171
Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF)
, 183
Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL)
, 183
Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA)
, 183
Azure, IoMT FHIR Connector for
, 278–279
Balance of payment (BoP)
, 221
Balochistan Drought Needs Assessment Report (BDNA Report)
, 117
, 118, 120
, 119
tribal groups
, 119
Baluchistan, socio-economic profiles of tribes of
, 118–121
Baluchistan Institute of Technical Education (BITE)
, 121
Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA)
, 120
, 129
current development paradigm of Bangladesh finance for development
, 129–130
development governance in Bangladesh
, 132–135
DPs’ involvement and development effectiveness in
, 131–132
Bangladesh Development Forum (BDF)
, 132
Bangladeshi Taka (BDT)
, 133
Bank credit
, 259
, 262–263
, 260
observations from literature on credit and economic development
, 259–260
, 263–267
TOPSIS algorithm
, 261–262
Beta convergence (β convergence)
, 16, 63, 258, 300
, 272, 274
, 279
architecture for blockchain in IoMT
, 275
DLT integration with IoMT
, 276
eye hospital stores details of eye donators
, 278
IoMT FHIR connector for Azure
, 278–279
remote patient monitoring with IoMT
, 277–278
setup and requirements
, 279
standards and technology
, 273
, 272
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
, 276
Boston Housing’s study
, 143
Box plots for comparative macroeconomics rankings of states
, 270
Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS)
, 16
, 60
Break points, results of test on
, 251–254
British Indian Empire
, 119
Business Process Management (BPM)
, 228
Business process outsourcing (BPO)
, 226
CA Bi-plots
, 264
for cross-tabulation based on SCB credit and macroeconomic performances
, 270
Capital government expenditure (CGE)
, 181, 185
Capital-intensive production techniques
, 98
Central Provident Fund
, 175
Chattogram–Cox’s Bazar Railway Project
, 132
Chhotonagpur Plateau’
, 296n1
Chi-square test statistic
, 92
Child’s right to free and compulsory education. project
, 253
Children’s Average Education (CAEd)
, 312, 318
Children’s educational attainment
, 310
in Assam
, 312
Classical linear multiple regression model (CLMRM)
, 49, 52
Climate smart soil (CSS)
, 197
CO2 emissions
, 20, 27, 63, 66
Cobb–Douglas production function
, 184
Coefficient of determination
, 49
Coefficient of variation (CV)
, 49, 56, 63, 327
Composite performance indicator
, 263
Compulsory education Act (1964)
, 253
Computable general equilibrium (CGE)
, 248
Conditional beta convergence
, 303
, 299
Conditional convergence concept
, 16
Confidence Interval Approach (CIA)
, 49, 279
Congolese copper belt
, 242
Construction industry stakeholders
, 201
Consumption-based services
, 227
Contextual factors influencing price of real estate
, 145–147
real estate market analysis
, 141
, 147–151
selection of variables
, 143–145
Conventional irrigation methods
, 162
Conventional method of ADF test
, 185
Conventional β-convergence hypothesis
, 64
, 63, 258, 296, 298
, 258
aims and objectives
, 49
data source
, 49
of forest products
, 302–303
of income from forestry
, 301–303
literature survey
, 61–63
, 49–50, 63
, 64–65
, 60–61
, 17
, 50–56
results of test on
, 251–254
review of literature
, 47–48
, 258
Convergence analysis
, 302
Correlation coefficient
, 49, 327
Countries in study sample
, 30–31
, 128, 130, 223
pandemic process
, 196
Credit allocation
, 98
to MSME’s and formation of usurious interest rates
, 99–101
priority sector lending and
, 105–106
tariff protection for
, 104–105
Credit flow dynamics, cross-country empirical analysis of
, 111
Credit mobilization
, 98
through FDI
, 102–103
Cross-country empirical analysis of credit flow dynamics
, 111
Cryptographic techniques
, 277
Current daily status (CDS)
, 225
Dasherkandi Sewage Treatment Plant (Dasherkandi STP)
, 134
, 80–81
, 275
management layer
, 275
Debt autonomy (DA)
, 205, 207
Decision of marriage and higher education for their children (DCBMHEdC)
, 317
Decision regarding Choice Between Marriage and Higher Education of Children (DCBMHEdC)
, 313
Decision regarding Higher Education of Children (DHEdC)
, 313
Decision regarding Marriage of Children (DRMC)
, 313
Decision-making process
, 117, 120
Delta Plan 2100, The
, 130
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
, 242
Department of Statistics (DoS)
, 162
Dependency ratio (DR)
, 49, 54
Depreciation of human capital
, 82
Developed countries
, 4, 8–9
dependency on MSMEs for employment in developing and less
, 99
Developing countries
, 4, 7
Development effectiveness agenda
, 128
Development effectiveness in Bangladesh
, 131–132
Development Effectiveness Wing (DEW)
, 132
Development governance in Bangladesh
, 132–135
Development process
, 241–242, 284
Development Project Proforma (DPP)
, 132
Development projects in Bangladesh
, 134
Diesel Electrical Multiple Unit (DEMU)
, 134
Difference stationary (DS)
, 251
Digital adoption in business across countries
data analysis
, 90–91
empirical results
, 92–94
literature review
, 89–90
, 90–92
Digital Adoption Index (DAI)
, 89–90, 92–93
in business
, 90
dependent variable as
, 91
, 91
Digital finance inclusion
, 89
Digital Ledger Technology (DLT)
, 273
integration with IoMT
, 276–278
Digital transformation
, 88
, 90
in financial sector
, 88
information technology
, 89
, 220
Digression to flexible coefficient case
, 107–108
District Primary Education Program (1997–1998)
, 253
Domestic economy of Nigeria
, 180
, 131
involvement in Bangladesh
, 131–132
Dropping variable technique
, 292
Dynamic panel equation
, 8
Dynamic panel regression structure
, 9
Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)
, 311
Eco Development Committees (EDC)
, 297n5
Econometric equations
, 302
Econometric technique of least square method
, 302
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)
, 159
Economic development
, 322
observations from literature on credit and
, 259–260
Economic growth
, 6, 180, 241
, 63
, 60
in Nigeria
, 181
Economic Relations Division (ERD)
, 132
, 61, 120, 248, 310–311, 322
, 122
Education of mother in years (MEd)
, 313
Electronic commerce (e-commerce)
, 88
, 224–226
sectoral contribution of
, 221–224
Endogenous growth theory
, 184
Endogenous variables
, 104
Enthusiasm for microcredit
, 100
Entrepreneurship development
, 227
Epanechnikov Kernel function
, 206
Error correction modelling techniques (ECM techniques)
, 183
, 188–189
Estimation, results of
, 251
Ethnic groups
, 116
of Pakistan
, 117
Ethnic/religious fragmentation (ERF)
, 205
EU-funded SPuMoNI project
, 274
European sovereign debt crisis
, 222
Excel version (2021)
, 243
, 116, 220
policy of
, 119
Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC)
, 133
Expenditure ratio (ER)
, 205–207
Explanatory variables
, 313, 317
External-debt-to-GDP ratio
, 221
Factor analysis
, 145, 241
Factor score coefficient matrix
, 146
Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)
, 117
socio-economic profiles of tribes in
, 121–122
Final-demand linkages
, 237
Financial institution
, 230
Financial sector reform
, 221
Financial services
, 228–229
Financialization process
, 228
Fiscal decentralization
empirical model and variable description
, 209–210
, 204
, 206
, 206–209
, 211–214
Five Year Plans (FYP)
, 130
Flexible coefficient case, digression to
, 107–108
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
, 157 296
Foreign direct investment (FDI)
, 20–21, 34, 72, 99, 130, 222, 235
credit mobilization through
, 102–103
Foreign institutional investors (FII)
, 222
Forest products, convergence of
, 302–303
Forest protection Committees (FPC)
, 297n5
Forest Survey of India (FSI)
, 296
, 296–297
convergence of income from
, 303–305
, 298
Fossil fuel-based energy resources
, 34
Generalized Entropy Index (GE Index)
, 208
Generalized Method of Moments strategy (GMM strategy)
, 8
GMM Kernel estimations
, 206, 210
Ghana Statistical Service 2010 Population and Housing Census (PHC)
, 243
Gini coefficient
, 209, 242
Global financial crisis
, 222
Global health stagnation
, 61
Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC)
, 128
, 221
data and methodology
, 8–9
empirical results
, 9–11
literature survey
, 5–7
, 45
, 72, 128–129
, 128
Government deficit financing (GDP)
, 185
GDP per capita (2009)
, 174–175
, 222
Government expenditure (GE)
, 180
Government of Bangladesh (GoB)
, 129, 131
Government-DP Local Consultative Group (Government-DP LCG)
, 132
Granger causality tests
, 259
Great Crisis (2007–2011)
, 72, 74, 78–79
Gross district domestic product (GDDP)
, 20, 301
Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 72, 90, 180, 235, 258, 272, 325
Gross enrolment ratio (GER)
, 253
Gross national product (GNP)
, 241
Gross non-performance asset ratio (GNPAR)
, 111
Gross state domestic product (GSDP)
, 249, 262
Gross value added (GVA)
, 262
, 226
India’s growth story
, 221
lack of convergence in
, 258
, 220, 251
sectoral contribution of
, 223–226
GSDP expenditure on education (GSDPE)
, 250
Guaranteed Employment Program
, 175
Gwadar Institute of Technical Education (GITE)
, 121
Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED)
, 134
Implementation process
, 129
Inclusive development
data presentation and analysis
, 185
ECM results
, 188–189
empirical issues
, 182–184
Johansen co-integration test result
, 186
literature review
, 181
long-run statistic regression of SMEs output
, 186–188
model specification
, 184–185
Musgrave theory of public expenditure growth
, 181–182
SMEs and
, 189
Solow’s Growth Theory
, 182
theoretical framework
, 184
unit root test
, 185
Inclusive growth
, 47, 170, 220, 230, 322
changes of benefits and coverage of SPI and spending on SPI in our study period 2009–2015
, 174–175
database and methodology
, 173
results and analysis
, 176–177
status of components of SPI across selected states
, 173–174
, 220
aims and objectives
, 49
data source
, 49
enigma to
, 230–231
, 49–50
, 50–56
review of literature
, 47–48
, 4
convergence of income from forestry
, 303–305
data and methodology
, 8–9
data requirement and method
, 243
empirical results
, 9–11
, 241
, 194, 196
, 39, 50
literature review
, 236–242
literature survey
, 5–7
, 243–244
Income Concentration Index (ICI)
, 50
Index of democracy (ID)
, 205
, 204
alternative discourse
, 229–230
analyzing different subsectors of services sector to understand outperformance
, 226
enigma to inclusiveness
, 230–231
financial services
, 228–229
growth story
, 221–223
India’s growth process
, 220
India’s irrigational efficiency
, 323
information technology/information technology-enabled services
, 228
sectoral contribution of growth and employment
, 223–226
service-led growth in
, 224
Indian States
, 258, 262
, 251
, 250–251
overview of literature
, 248–249
results of estimation
, 251
results of test on convergence and break points
, 251–254
Indigenous technology, lack of
, 102
Industrial liberalization
, 221
Industrial Revolution (IR)
, 34
, 224
Industry 5. 0
, 272
, 4, 11, 46, 209, 214, 241
in LEB
, 50
Inequality in education (IE)
, 50
Inflationary rate (INF)
, 185–187
Information technology (IT)
, 223
information technology/information technology-enabled services
, 228
, 228
Initial regression equation
, 9
Intel software guard extensions technology (Intel SGX technology)
, 273
Intellectual property rights
, 272
International aid basket
, 128
International financial institutions
, 75
International institutions
, 73
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 6, 75, 129
International policies for water sharing
, 161
Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
, 274
, 274, 278
DLT integration with
, 276–278
FHIR Connector for Azure
, 278–279
Internet of Thing (IoT)
, 197, 272
Irrigation facilities, disparities in
, 321–322
data descriptions and sources
, 326–327
literature review
, 324–325
major hypotheses
, 326
, 327
research gaps and objectives
, 325–326
, 328–332
Irrigation impact on agricultural productivity
, 325
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
, 116
Macroeconomic performance
, 263
, 262–263
, 260
observations from literature on credit and economic development
, 259–260
, 263–267
TOPSIS algorithm
, 261–262
Marshall and Pigou’s direct effect
, 5
Mass Rapid Transit Project (MRT Project)
, 132
Medical Services Layer
, 275
Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME)
, 98
credit allocation to MSME’S and formation of usurious interest rates
, 99–101
credit guarantee, moral hazard and allocative efficiency
, 107
credit mobilization through FDI
, 102–103
cross-country empirical analysis of credit flow dynamics
, 111
dependency on MSMEs for employment in developing and less developed countries
, 99
digression to flexible coefficient case
, 107–108
hindrances in expansion of MSMEs
, 99
issues on unorganized sector
, 108–109
lack of credit rating of MSME
, 102
lack of indigenous technology
, 102
, 103
priority sector lending and credit allocation
, 105–106
impact of protection of organized sector and impact on non-traded unorganized sector
, 109–111
review of literature
, 99
tariff protection for small-scale sector and credit allocation
, 104–105
Micro and small enterprises (MSEs)
, 99
Microfinance institution (MFIs)
, 98, 100
Microfinance repayment schedules
, 100
Millennium Development Goals (MDG)
, 47
, 236
, 236
, 235
Ministry of Water & Irrigation (MWI)
, 158
Model-1 standard OLS. 290
Modernization of industries
, 98
Modified fundamental index of fiscal decentralization (MFDI)
, 207, 210
, 208
Mother’s Age (MA)
, 313, 318
Mother’s Decision-Making Power regarding Children’s Education (MDMPCEdu)
, 313, 315–318
, 315
Mother’s education
, 317
, 312
explained variable
, 312
explanatory variables
, 313
, 315–318
, 312
objectives of study
, 312
reliability analysis
, 315
, 313–315
review of literature
, 311
Mother’s Property (MP)
, 313
MSE Rating Agency of India (MSERA)
, 102
Multi-brand retail trade (MBRT)
, 102
Multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM)
, 258
Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA)
, 49
Multiple regression equations
, 54
Multiple Regression Model (MRM)
, 49
Musgrave theory of public expenditure growth
, 181
Wagner’s Law/Theory of Increasing State Activities
, 181–182
Muslim communities of Pakistan
, 117
Myanmar Climate Smart Agriculture Strategy (MCSAS)
, 198
National Accounts Classification (NAC)
, 223
National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID)
, 230
National Human Development Report (2017)
, 121
National income (NI)
, 182
National Research Institute
, 273
National Vision and Strategy (2015)
, 162
Nationalistic spirit of Pakistan
, 121
Near-field communication (NFC)
, 276
Negative ideal situations (NS)
, 261
Neighbourhood prestige
, 151
Neo-classical economic models
, 259
Neo-classical labour economics
, 238
Neoclassical theory
, 4–5, 239
Non-revenue water (NRW)
, 160
Non-traded unorganized sector, impact on
, 109–111
Non-traditional products
, 102
Normalization, anonymity, monotonicity, proximity, uniformity and signalling (NAMPUS)
, 208
Nuclear energy
, 34–36
analysis results
, 38
data source
, 38
socio–economic indicators of nuclear energy investments
, 36
theoretical background
, 36–38
Nykaa (consumption-based services)
, 227
Paddy production
data descriptions and sources
, 326–327
disparities in
, 324
literature review
, 324–325
major hypotheses
, 326
, 327
research gaps and objectives
, 325–326
, 328–332
three different types of
, 326
, 117
federal government
, 119
Pakistani nationalism
, 116, 118
Panel causality approach
, 260
Panel data
, 61
regression analysis
, 111
Panel regressions model
, 92, 251, 253
Parliament Members (MP)
, 135
Paschim Medinipur District in West Bengal
, 325
Per capita income (PCI)
, 9, 89, 248
Per capita renewable water resource
, 158
Personal health data management
, 281
Perspective Plan (2021–2041)
, 129
Planning Commission Databook (2014)
, 210
Positive ideal solution (PS)
, 261
Poverty alleviation programs
, 170
Poverty headcount ratio (POV)
, 9, 204, 208
Poverty-based social tension (PBST)
, 209
Poverty-led economy of IoMT under Industry 5. 0
architecture for blockchain in IoMT
, 275–279
overview of proposed architecture
, 274–275
proposed methodology
, 274
, 279–280
review technique and strategy
, 273–274
Poverty-related information
, 171
Poverty–line expenditures
, 172
Predictive Analytics SoftWare (PASW)
, 147
Price of real estate, contextual factors influencing
, 145–147
real estate market analysis
, 141
, 147–151
selection of variables
, 143–145
Principal component analysis (PCA)
, 315
Principal component method
, 145
Pro-market growth momentum
, 220
, 224
, 93
Public expenditure growth, Musgrave theory of
, 181–182
Public works programs
, 171
Punjab Education Sector Reform Programme (PESRP)
, 252
Purchasing power parity (PPP)
, 4, 46, 65, 222
Sarva Siksha Abhiyan project
, 253
Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs)
, 258
Schnorr Identification Scheme (Schnorr IS)
, 272
Second-order auto-correlation test
, 11
Secondary data sources
, 49
Security reference architecture (SRA)
, 274
Segmentation theory
, 238–239
Segmented labour market (SLM)
, 239
, 238
Selection of Course of Study for the children (CSSC)
, 313
Selection of School or College for the children (SSFC/CCFC)
, 313
Service-led growth
, 222
in India
, 224
Service-oriented production system
, 102
Services sector
analyzing different subsectors of services sector to understand outperformance
, 226–227
in India
, 223
Share of urban population (SUP)
, 205
Sigma convergence (σ convergence)
, 50, 56, 63, 258, 300
Simple moving average (SMA)
, 326
Small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
, 99, 181
and inclusive development
, 189
long-run statistic regression of SMEs output
, 186
in Nigeria
, 180
, 182, 189
, 180
Small-scale sector, tariff protection for
, 104–105
Smart Eko-Social Villages
, 198
Smart villages
, 196, 199
recommendations for smart villages effective in sustainable socio-economic development
, 196–200
Smartness transformation strategy
, 199
Social exclusion
, 284
analytical perspectives
, 289–293
construction of social exclusion index
, 286–289
formalization of concept of
, 282
groundwork for measuring social exclusion
, 285–286
review of some of studies of
, 284–285
Social inclusion
, 200–201
Social Protection Index (SPI)
, 171–172
changes of benefits and coverage of SPI and spending on SPI in our study period 2009–2015
, 174–175
components of
, 173
status of components of SPI across selected states
, 173–174
Social Protection Program on Inclusive Growth
, 173
Social protection programmes
, 63
Social sector expenditure on education (SSEE)
, 248
Social sector expenditures (SSE)
, 249
on education
, 250
Socio-economic development
Jordan’s water resources and problems
, 159–160
strategies and recommendations for solving Jordan’s water problem to support
, 160–162
Socio-economic inclusion process
, 116
Socio-economic inclusiveness process
, 116, 123
Socio-economic indicators
, 119
analysis results
, 38
data source
, 38
drivers for transformation and establishment of villages into sustainable and smart ones
, 195–196
of ES
, 54
of nuclear energy investments
, 36
recommendations for sustainable and smart villages effective in sustainable socio-economic development
, 196–200
of SS
, 54
theoretical background
, 36–38
Socio-economic profiles
of tribes in FATA
, 121–122
of tribes of Baluchistan
, 118–121
of tribes of Khyber Pashtun Khoa
, 122–123
Socio-economic security concept
, 170
Socioeconomic aspects of society
, 310
Socioeconomic convergence
, 18
literature review
, 16–18
methodology and data
, 18–20
, 20
Socioeconomic status (SES)
, 47
Solar water treatment technology
, 162
Solow’s Growth Theory
, 182
South Asia social protection
, 170
Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)
, 274
Spearman coefficient
, 150
Spearman’s correlation coefficient
, 267
Spearman’s rank correlation test
, 266
Standard deviation (SD)
, 50, 327
Static panel data model variables
, 92
Static panel regression
, 91
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (2021) (SPSS)
, 243
Subsectors of services sector to understand outperformance, analyzing different
, 226–227
Supply-leading hypothesis
, 260
Surface water resources
, 159
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 46, 195
Sustainable management of Jordan’s water resources
, 158
Sustainable smart villages
, 197–198
Sustainable socio-economic development, recommendations for sustainable and smart villages effective in
, 196–200
Sustainable villages
, 196, 199
Swiggy (consumption-based services)
, 227
Tariff protection for small-scale sector and credit allocation
, 104–105
Technical Project Proforma (TPP)
, 132
Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)
, 258, 261–262
Technology driven FDI (TFDI)
, 75
Test of Significance Approach (TOSA)
, 49
Theory of convergence
, 299
Total factor productivity growth (TFPG)
, 324
Trade liberalization
, 221
Trade openness ratio (TOR)
, 205
Transfer dependency ratio (TD)
, 205, 207
Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB)
, 135
Trend stationary (TS)
, 251
Tribes of Pakistan, The
, 123
research objectives, questions and methodology
, 116
review of literature
, 116–117
socio-economic profile of tribes of Khyber Pashtun Khoa
, 122–123
socio-economic profiles of tribes in FATA
, 121–122
socio-economic profiles of tribes of Baluchistan
, 118–121
theoretical outline
, 117–118
Twelfth Five-Year Plan, The
, 99
Two-step cluster analysis
, 147, 149