
Peter E. Tarlow (Tourism & More, Inc., USA)

Challenges to US and Mexican Police and Tourism Stability

ISBN: 978-1-80382-406-2, eISBN: 978-1-80382-405-5

Publication date: 21 April 2023

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Tarlow, P.E. (2023), "Index", Challenges to US and Mexican Police and Tourism Stability (Tourism Security-Safety and Post Conflict Destinations), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 273-279.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Peter E. Tarlow. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Academic circles
, 73–74

Academic criminologists
, 198–199

Academic Influence
, 42

, 220–221

Airline personnel
, 199

Allied professions with tourism policing
, 198–199

AllSides website
, 40

Ambulance units
, 199

American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
, 70, 106–107

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
, 253

American Dream
, 23–25

American law enforcement
, 2, 89

Anti-war movement
, 26–27, 43

Antipolice narrative
, 271

Antipolice rhetoric
, 73–74

Aquatic security specialist
, 194

Bad cop
, 2–3

Bail reform, issues of
, 109–111

Battle of Michigan Avenue
, 175

Big business–academic–government complex and misinformation
, 96–99

, 208–209

Black and Native American communities
, 15

Black community
, 141

Black Lives Matter (BLM)
, 48, 52, 57

Black soldiers
, 24

Border Enforcement Security Taskforces (BESTs)
, 219

Border policing
, 217

Border Region of Sixteenth–Nineteenth Centuries
, 233–235

Canadian Border
, 217–221

demographic and cultural difficulties
, 239–240

historical review of Monroe Doctrine
, 226–230

, 230–232

law enforcement and policing
, 223–226

Mexican–American relations
, 232–233

Mexican–American War of 1846–1848
, 235–236

Military Intervention in Latin American Nations
, 229

Monroe Doctrine and impact on policing
, 223

Peace Treaty of Guadalupe (1848)
, 236–238

pre-twentieth-century Latin American–United States relations
, 223

Southern Border
, 221–223

Border Wall
, 268–271

British Broadcasting Company (BBC)
, 13, 54, 72

Bureau of Justice Statistic (BJS)
, 144

Business and convention security
, 194–195

Campground/RV security
, 199

Canadian Border
, 217–221

Capacity to Combat Corruption Index (CCC Index)
, 249

Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ)
, 54

Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP)
, 55

Capitol riots
, 14

Casino security officers
, 199–200

Chattering class
, 91

, 173

Chicago Convention (1968)
, 34–36

2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile (CS)
, 264

Civil Rights movement
, 42

Civil War
, 15, 18–19

Closed circuit television cameras (CCTVs)
, 199

, 60–61

Cold War
, 247

Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
, 106–107

Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)
, 228–230

Community policing
, 94–95


factors of
, 253–256

in Latin America
, 248–250

police and
, 251–252

political instability
, 250–251


challenge of
, 37–41

, 37–39, 209–210

responsibility for rise in crime
, 81–83

and tourism
, 210–214

, 3, 63, 67

COVID’s responsibility for rise in
, 81–83

Ferguson riots and hypotheses as reasons for rise in
, 77–80

gun control issue and rise in
, 80–81

, 74–77

, 102–103

Crime analysts
, 200

Crime Bill (1994) (See Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Bill of 1994, The)

“Criminal rights” movement
, 67

Crisis management
, 200–202

, 195

, 200

“Defund the police” movement
, 270

, 1–2, 28

Democratic Convention (1968)
, 33–34, 175, 177

, 163

Donald Trump Factor
, 51–52

Donald Trump Years to Joe Biden Years
, 264–268


, 59, 61, 261–262

issues of
, 206–208

Economic repercussions from summer of 2020
, 58

Editorial offices
, 167–168

Emergency Medical Service (EMS)
, 165–166, 200

Entertainment and bar zones
, 195


and convention center security managers
, 200

management specialists
, 195

, 1–2

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
, 68

, 60–61, 207

Ferguson Effect
, 78–79

Ferguson riots and hypotheses as reasons for rise in crime
, 77–80

, 200

, 106–107

General tourism security practitioner
, 194

George Floyd

and Derek Chauvin Case
, 50–51, 151

, 151–155

, 50–51

George Soros Effect
, 84–87

George W. Bush and US–Mexico border
, 262–263

“Get tough on crime” proposals
, 66

Good cop
, 2–3

Great European immigrations
, 22–23

Gun control
, 108–109

issue and rise in crime
, 80–81

Gun-related deaths
, 73

Hands up Don’t shoot
, 45

Hegelian analysis
, 245

Henry Louis Gates Jr. Incident
, 146–160

cases in 2020 and 2021
, 151–155

individual cases to generalizations
, 147–151

, 60–61

Highly publicized legal cases
, 139

Henry Louis Gates Jr. Incident
, 146–160

O. J. Simpson Trial
, 144–145

Rodney King incident
, 140–142

strikes and under Bill Clinton
, 142–144

“Holy Week” riots
, 31–32

Home Box Office (HBO)
, 106–107

, 220–221

, 103

Hotel security staff
, 201

, 39–40

, 23–24

Illegal drugs
, 3, 206

Illegal immigration
, 260

, 66

Infectious diseases
, 209–210

Integrated border enforcement teams (IBETS)
, 219

Intentional biodangers
, 209

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
, 249

Intervención Estadounidense
, 235

Jim Crow Laws
, 20–22

, 168

Jussie Smollett Hoax
, 155–160

Kenosha riots
, 56–57

Knight Foundation
, 39–40

Korean community
, 142

Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
, 42

Kyle Rittenhouse case
, 157–160

Latin America

corruption in
, 248–250

in twentieth century
, 241–242

, 230–232

Law enforcement
, 2–3, 48, 50, 59, 61, 89–90, 162

, 139–140

, 89

big business–academic–government complex and misinformation
, 96–99

impact of conservative politics and religion on law enforcement in rural areas
, 167

gun control
, 108–109

importance of urban centers and impact on law enforcement
, 170–171

issues of bail reform
, 109–111

media’s attacks impact on police departments’ morale
, 101–105

members of media and reality
, 99–101

negative police media in New York City
, 106–108

, 1–2, 89–90

police resignations
, 105–106

and policing
, 223–226

in Post-World War II Period
, 246–247

, 7–8

psychological issues
, 90–93

statistical errors in understanding crime waves
, 93–94

tourism policing
, 95

twentieth-century innovative policing
, 94–95

US–Mexican border crisis and impact on
, 258–261

Lifeguards/Coastguard units and other aquatic police
, 201

Local journalists
, 168

Lodging security specialists
, 195

Los Angeles
, 177–179

district attorney and police defunding
, 180–181

police department
, 141

Low-level crimes
, 185

Make America Great Again (MEGA)
, 155–156

, 60–61

Marshall Project
, 32–33

Martin Luther King, death of
, 30–33

Mass shootings
, 3

, 5–6, 14–15, 48, 50

attacks impact on police departments’ morale
, 101–105

, 40

members of
, 99–101

Medical personnel
, 201

, 198

Members of parliament (MPs)
, 250–251

Mental health problems
, 220–221

, 60–61

Mexican drug trafficking groups
, 60–61

Mexican–American relations
, 232–233

Mexican–American War of 1846–1848
, 235–236

Mexican–US Border
, 241

Barak Obama
, 263–268

corruption in Latin America
, 248–250

drug cartels and
, 261–262

economic and police issues in second half of twentieth century
, 245–246

factors of corruption
, 253–256

law enforcement in Post-World War II Period
, 246–247

“plata o plomo” concept
, 256–258

police and Border Wall
, 268–271

police and corruption
, 251–252

political instability and corruption
, 250–251

second half of twentieth century
, 244–245

twenty-first century
, 262–263

United States and Latin America in twentieth century
, 241–242

United States’ twentieth-century interference in Latin American Affairs
, 242–244

US–Mexican border crisis and impact on law enforcement
, 258–261

, 59–61

Michael Brown–Darren Wilson case
, 44–45

Minneapolis Star-Tribune
, 98–99

Monroe Doctrine

historical review
, 226–230

and impact on policing
, 223

Morningside Center in 2018
, 26–27

Music Television (MTV)
, 106–107

National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
, 106–107, 152–153, 255–256

National crime wave

academic circles and antipolice rhetoric
, 73–74

America faces crime wave
, 67–73

COVID’s responsibility for rise in crime
, 81–83

crime, violence, and human condition
, 63–67

Ferguson riots and hypotheses as reasons for rise in crime
, 77–80

George Soros Effect and Election of Uber Liberal District Attorneys
, 84–87

gun control issue and rise in crime
, 80–81

increase of crime and police reforms
, 74–77

National Public Radio (NPR)
, 67, 141–142, 270–271

, 221

Negative publicity
, 91

New York City
, 181–189

negative police media in
, 106–108

New York Police Department (NYPD)
, 181–182, 212

News media
, 40

, 32

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)
, 221

Nuclear-weapons-free zone
, 247

O. J. Simpson Murder Trial of 1994
, 144

O. J. Simpson Trial
, 144–145

Obama, Barak
, 263–268

OECD Anti-Bribery Group
, 249

Opioid crisis
, 3

Pandemic biosecurity
, 208–209

Park police
, 196

Parking attendants and waitstaffs
, 201

Peace movements
, 26

Peace Treaty of Guadalupe (1848)
, 236–238

Pew Research Poll
, 48

“Plata o plomo” concept
, 59–60, 256, 258

, 268–271

American Dream
, 23–25

, 40–42

Chicago Convention (1968)
, 34–36

and corruption
, 251–252

death of Martin Luther King and ensuing riots
, 30–33

Democratic Convention (1968)
, 33–34

, 57–58

, 3–4, 43, 139–140

fallout of Vietnam War and impact on police and government
, 27–30

Jim Crow Laws
, 20–22

lack of trust
, 25

, 1, 3–4, 90

post-civil war reconstruction
, 18–19

, 74–77

, 187–189

, 105–106

, 34, 36, 43

Robber Barons
, 22–23

slavery as part of world history
, 16–18

slavery issue and election of 1860
, 15–16

United States
, 14–15

Vietnam War
, 25–27

Police Executive Research Forum (PERF)
, 4–5, 106

Police Memorial Day
, 161

Policing (See also Tourism policing)
, 1, 6

, 9

Political instability
, 250–251

Politicization of policing
, 40–41

Port and cruise police
, 196

Post-civil war reconstruction
, 18–19

Pre-twentieth-century Latin American–United States relations
, 223

Prison Policy Initiative
, 66–67

Progressive politicians
, 5

, 42–43, 174–175

Public hearings
, 1

Pygmalion effect
, 91

, 15

, 15

, 19–20

, 220

, 66

Reimagining policing
, 84

, 140

Risk management specialists
, 201

Robber Barons
, 22–23

Rodney King incident
, 140–142

Rural areas
, 165–167

impact of conservative politics and religion on law enforcement in
, 167

Search engines
, 40

Second half of twentieth century
, 244–245

economic and police issues in
, 245–246

“See something/say something” campaign
, 198

, 19–20

, 91

“Serve and protect” concept
, 6–7

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
, 58

Shiprider Integrated Cross Border Maritime Law Enforcement program
, 219


issue and election of 1860
, 15–16

as part of world history
, 16–18

Smithsonian magazine
, 32

Social disorders
, 220–221

Social media (See also Media)
, 14–15, 40, 168, 171–172

Sports security officers
, 196

Spurious correlation
, 93–94

State University of New York (SUNY)
, 73

Statistical errors in understanding crime waves
, 93–94

Students for Democratic Society (SDS)
, 25, 43

Summer of 2020
, 37, 45, 48

economic repercussions from
, 58

and tourism industry
, 58–59

Tale of Four Cities

, 185–186

, 173

impact of conservative politics and religion on law enforcement in rural areas
, 167

Democratic Convention (1968)
, 175–177

differences between urban and rural areas
, 165–167

importance of urban centers and impact on law enforcement
, 170–171

Los Angeles
, 177–179

Los Angeles district attorney and police defunding
, 180–181

New York City
, 181–189

police relations
, 187–189

, 174–175

from rural to urban law enforcement
, 169–170

social media
, 171–172

urban biases
, 167–169

urban policing
, 172–173

Washington, D. C.
, 186–187

, 202–206

, 201–202

, 206–208

, 59, 61, 202, 206

, 58–59

, 206–208

Tourism policing
, 95, 191, 197

allied professions with
, 198–199

casino security officers
, 199–200

COVID-19 and tourism
, 210–214

crisis management
, 200–202

infectious diseases and tourism
, 209–210

issues of drugs, terrorism, and tourism
, 206–208

tourism, terrorism, and
, 202–206

tourism security, bioterrorism, and pandemic biosecurity
, 208–209

, 194–197

impact of war-on-police and tourism
, 214–216

Tourism security
, 197, 208–209

, 197

Tourism-Oriented Policing and Protection (TOPPs)
, 6–7, 192

Trans-Atlantic slave trade
, 16–17

Transnational criminal organizations
, 60–61

Transparency International
, 249

Trayvon Martin case
, 44

Treaty of Tlatelolco
, 247

Trust, lack of
, 25

Truth in sentencing (See “Get tough on crime” proposals)

Uber Liberal District Attorneys, Election of
, 84–87

Unintentional biodangers
, 208–209

United States
, 14–15

Black Lives Matter
, 52–57

challenge of COVID-19
, 37–41

Donald Trump Factor
, 51–52

economic repercussions from summer of 2020
, 58

George Floyd Killing
, 50–51

historic context
, 41–45

media and law enforcement
, 48–50

Mexico, tourism, drug cartels, and law enforcement
, 59–61

, 37–38

police demoralization
, 57–58

summer of 2020 and tourism industry
, 45, 48, 58–59

in twentieth century
, 241–242

twentieth-century interference in Latin American Affairs
, 242–244

United States Center for Disease Control (CDC)
, 209–210

United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
, 219, 224–225, 261

University of Southern California (USC)
, 14–15

Urban (street) tourism policing
, 196

Urban areas
, 165–167

Urban biases
, 167–169

Urban policing
, 172–173

US Congressional Research Service (CRS)
, 221

USC Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE)
, 58

US–Canadian border
, 217

US–Mexican border
, 217

Vietnam War
, 25–27

fallout of Vietnam War and impact on police and government
, 27–30

, 63–67

Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Bill of 1994, The
, 142–143

Violent crimes
, 3

War on drugs
, 43

, 214–216

Washington, D. C.
, 186–187

Western morality
, 244

Wickersham Commission
, 42–43

World Health Organization (WHO)
, 210–211