Challenge-Based Learning in Engineering Education: Toward Mapping the Landscape and Guiding Educational Practice
The Emerald Handbook of Challenge Based Learning
ISBN: 978-1-80117-491-6, eISBN: 978-1-80117-490-9
Publication date: 8 August 2022
Challenge-based learning (CBL) is a trending educational concept in engineering education. The literature suggests that there is a growing variety in CBL implementations, stemming from the flexible and abstract definition of CBL that is shaped by teachers' perceptions. The chapter discusses how the CBL concept has been developed at Eindhoven University of Technology and describes the development and use of two educational resources aimed to facilitate conceptualization, design, and research of CBL for curriculum designers and teachers. The first resource is a set of CBL design principles for framing the variety of CBL and providing teachers with advice about how to develop CBL courses within an overall CBL curriculum. The second resource is a curriculum-mapping instrument called the CBL compass, which aims at mapping CBL initiatives and identifying gaps, overlaps, and misalignments in CBL implementation at a curriculum level. Both CBL design principles and the CBL compass have been developed by combining insights from theory and practical examples of CBL at TU/e into a higher order model of vision, teaching and learning, and support. We discuss the two educational instruments and showcase their application in the Eindhoven Engineering Education (E3) program, and we discuss preliminary findings and insights. The chapter concludes with recommendations for future practice and research.
Doulougeri, K., van den Beemt, A., Vermunt, J.D., Bots, M. and Bombaerts, G. (2022), "Challenge-Based Learning in Engineering Education: Toward Mapping the Landscape and Guiding Educational Practice", Vilalta-Perdomo, E., Membrillo-Hernández, J., Michel-Villarreal, R., Lakshmi, G. and Martínez-Acosta, M. (Ed.) The Emerald Handbook of Challenge Based Learning, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 35-68.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Karolina Doulougeri, Antoine van den Beemt, Jan D. Vermunt, Michael Bots and Gunter Bombaerts. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited