
Measurement in Public Sector Financial Reporting: Theoretical Basis and Empirical Evidence

ISBN: 978-1-80117-162-5, eISBN: 978-1-80117-161-8

Publication date: 20 March 2023

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(2023), "Index", Caruana, J., Bisogno, M. and Sicilia, M. (Ed.) Measurement in Public Sector Financial Reporting: Theoretical Basis and Empirical Evidence (Emerald Studies in Public Service Accounting and Accountability), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 239-250.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Josette Caruana, Marco Bisogno and Mariafrancesca Sicilia


, 42, 222

purpose of NFP organization
, 229–230

Accountable government
, 42


for asset categories
, 56–58

asset recognition and matching method adapted to public sector specificities
, 51

asset under historical cost and current value accounting models
, 49–51

derecognition of asset in public sector accounting
, 51–52

developing consistent design for CF
, 40–43

disadvantages of current value accounting for public sector assets
, 54

for heritage goods
, 222–223

historical cost accounting for assets adapted to public sector specificities
, 46–54

illustrative examples of some asset categories
, 54

matters of asset measurement in public sector accounting
, 52–54

, 43–48

, 29, 187, 221

for post-employment
, 122

, 107–109

, 160

proposals for accounting for revenue
, 117–118

proposals for accounting for transfer expenses
, 121–122

in public sector
, 153–156

for public sector assets
, 49

standards set for NFP sector
, 231–233

, 5

visual guideline for applying our CF
, 55–56

Accounting Directive 2013/34/EU
, 67

Accounting Harmonization of Italian Subnational Governments (ARCONET)
, 157

Accounting Standards Board (ASB)
, 223, 226

Accrual accounting (see also Historical cost accounting)
, 152, 154, 162

move from cash to accrual accounting and opening balance sheet
, 21–22

, 153, 161, 163

in public sector
, 152

, 10, 19, 21, 133, 157

Accrual conversion process
, 33

Accrual methodology
, 106

Accrual-based systems
, 20

Acquisition costs
, 204

, 42

Amortised cost
, 145

Applied accounting principles
, 153

Art galleries
, 220, 228, 231

Asset Information Management System (AIMS)
, 31

Asset inventory
, 24

, 31

, 25–26

South Africa
, 27–29

, 29–30

Asset Management Accountability Framework (AMAF)
, 30

Asset Premise Registration
, 25

Asset register
, 24

, 31

, 25–26

South Africa
, 27–29

, 29–30

, 3, 6, 19, 48, 152, 159, 193, 195, 223

derecognition of asset in public sector accounting
, 51–52

historical cost accounting for assets adapted to public sector specificities
, 46–54

under historical cost and current value accounting models
, 49–51

inclusion of COV as measurement basis for
, 91–93

information framework
, 31–34

information system
, 22–24

management framework
, 22, 27

matching method adapted to public sector specificities
, 51

measurement in public sector accounting, matters of
, 52–54

recognition method adapted to public sector specificities
, 51

, 20

Associate companies
, 135–136

Associate entity
, 135

Asymmetric loss function
, 65

Asymmetric prudence
, 64–65

assessment of IPSASB’s accounting standards with respect to
, 74

from normative perspective
, 65–68

prudence in Europe with Germany as exemplary framework including
, 67–68

Auckland Museum
, 188

, 30–31

asset inventory and asset register stages
, 31

background and policy development
, 30–31

Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB)
, 232

Balance sheet approach
, 49

Banca Dati Amministrazioni Pubbliche (BDAP)
, 140

Basis for Conclusions (BC)
, 67

, 134

Borrowing costs
, 123–124

Bottom-up approach
, 41

Budgetary accounting systems
, 21

Budgets statements
, 42

Building block concepts
, 19

Business accounting models
, 43, 45

Canterbury Museum
, 187–188

Cantonal Finance Ministers (CFM)
, 29

Capital expenditure
, 118, 124–125

Capital goods
, 220, 224

Capitalised investment costs (CIC)
, 201, 203

Case study method
, 157

, 21, 56

cash-based accounting systems
, 21

cash-based process
, 49

, 56

move from cash to accrual accounting and opening balance sheet
, 21–22

, 120

Cautious prudence

, 66–67

from normative perspective
, 65–68

, 220, 228

Charities Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP)
, 232

Child benefit organisations
, 228

, 220

, 94

feedback obtained from CLs to ED 76 and ED 77 in relation to COV
, 91–100

Classification of functions of government (COFOG)
, 121

Collective services
, 120

, 121

Commitment-based accounting system
, 162

, 89

Conceptual framework (CF)
, 40, 63, 196

developing consistent design for
, 40–43

visual guideline for applying our
, 55–56

Concessionary loans
, 117

Conditional conservatism
, 66

, 66

Consolidated financial statement in measurement of local government liabilities

associate companies and joint ventures
, 135–136

consistency in liability’s measurement between LG and private entities in consolidation area
, 145–146

control under IPSAS 35 and line-by-line consolidation method
, 133–135

empirical evidence of consolidation on measurement of liabilities
, 140–144

financial and overall debts
, 141, 143

international background
, 133

Italian Accounting Standard on CFS
, 136–139

LG Group and consolidation area
, 142

sample and methodology
, 139–140

Consolidated financial statements (CFS)
, 131, 140

Italian Accounting Standard on
, 136–139

Consolidation methodologies
, 144

Consultation Paper (CP)
, 105, 194, 220

Control approach
, 133, 138

Control under IPSAS 35 and line-by-line consolidation method
, 133–135

Controlled companies
, 138

Controlled institutions
, 137

Cost approach
, 90, 99

Cost principle
, 107

COVID-19 pandemic
, 65

Cultural, heritage, scientific, and community collections (CHSCCs)
, 198

Cultural assets
, 159, 175

Cultural heritage
, 221

Current expenditure
, 118

Current operational value (COV)
, 85–88, 97

alternatives to
, 96

, 94

definition and guidance of
, 93

definition and guidance of COV
, 93–95

feedback obtained from CLs to ED 76 and ED 77 in relation to
, 91–100

inclusion of COV as measurement basis for assets
, 91–93

measurement techniques for
, 90–91, 96–100

and QCs of IPSAS CF
, 88–90

recommendations for future standard-setting process
, 100–101

replacement cost
, 96

SMC 5 in ED 77
, 93

SMC 6 in ED 77
, 94–95

suggestions from respondents
, 95–96

fair value
, 96

Current replacement cost
, 97

Current value accounting for public sector assets, disadvantages of
, 54

Current value accounting models
, 50

asset under
, 49–51

Current value measurement bases
, 199

Current value model
, 87, 145

, 157

, 27

, 222

, 134

Department of Provincial and Local Government
, 27

Department of Public Works
, 27

Department of Treasury and Finance
, 30

, 136

Depreciated replacement cost (DRC)
, 93

, 19, 52

Derecognition of asset in public sector accounting
, 51–52

, 132

Direct flows
, 203

Directive 2013/34/EU
, 146

Documentary research
, 109

Documentary sources
, 168

Economic principles
, 107–109

Economic theory of value
, 10

and concept of ‘usability’
, 199–201

, 228

Elderly care
, 228

Empirical analysis
, 31

Empirical evidence
, 64

Employee benefits
, 121n3, 122–123

Entity theory
, 43

Equity method and elimination of accounting option for proportionate consolidation
, 135–136

Equity/net assets
, 12

Europe with Germany as exemplary framework including asymmetric prudence, prudence in
, 67–68

European accounting systems
, 65, 67

European Commission (EC)
, 72, 131

European Public Sector Accounting Standards (EPSASs)
, 64, 194

Conceptual Framework
, 7

project of European Commission
, 64

role of prudence principle in IPSASB CF and in EPSAS CF
, 68–73

European standard
, 109

European System of Accounts (ESA)
, 6, 106, 112–113, 116–117, 119–122, 124, 125

, 124

, 123

European Union (EU)
, 72

Accounting Directive
, 72

, 72–73

, 154

in public sector
, 153–156

Exchange transaction
, 113

Exercise of prudence
, 67

, 118

borrowing costs
, 123–124

capital expenditure
, 124–125

collective and individual services
, 120–121

employee benefits
, 122–123

proposals for accounting for transfer expenses
, 121–122

social benefits
, 118–120

Exposure Draft (ED)
, 7, 145, 220

ED 70
, 117

ED 71
, 117

ED 76
, 8, 85, 96

ED 77

ED 78
, 194

feedback obtained from CLs to ED 76 and ED 77 in relation to COV
, 91–100

SMC 5 in ED 77
, 93

SMC 6 in ED 77
, 94–95

External Reporting Board (XRB)
, 176n1

Fair values
, 48, 87, 96, 113n2, 145

of assets
, 116

, 107

Faithful representation
, 89

Faro Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society
, 200

Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB)
, 226

Financial accountability
, 174

, 133, 138

rationale of
, 139

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
, 232

Financial assets
, 58

Financial benefits
, 134

Financial debt ratios
, 140

Financial liabilities
, 145

Financial Management Act of Parliament (FMAP)
, 29

Financial performance, measurement of
, 110–112

Financial policies
, 134

Financial reporting
, 4

Financial Reporting Standard (FRS)
, 226, 232

Financial statements
, 42

measuring and reporting elements of
, 12

Financial sustainability of LGs
, 148

Finnish Government Accounting Board (FGAB)
, 49, 49n3

Fixed assets

asset information framework
, 31–34

, 30–31

developing asset information system
, 22–24

, 24–26

move from cash to accrual accounting and opening balance sheet
, 21–22

, 20, 23, 27

research methodology
, 24

South Africa
, 26–29

, 29–30

Full method
, 141

General accounting principles
, 153

General Purpose Financial Reports (GPFRs)
, 86

General purpose financial statements (GPFS)
, 40

German Accounting Framework
, 7

German accounting principles
, 64, 79

German Commercial Code (HGB)
, 68

German Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (German GAAP)
, 68

Germany as exemplary framework including asymmetric prudence, prudence in Europe with
, 67–68

, 106

Government Asset Management Policy
, 24

Government expenditures
, 118

Government Finance Statistics (GFS)
, 105

Government Immovable Asset Management Act 19 (2007)
, 26

Government Revenue
, 114

Governmental accounting harmonization
, 156n2

Governmental entities
, 220n1

Governmental/Public Accounts
, 106

, 220n1

Gross fixed capital formation
, 124

Gross investment
, 124n4

Harmonised Accounting Model (HAM)
, 29

, 29

, 29–30

Health care
, 228

, 6, 198

accounting standard regulations in public sector
, 226–227

focusing on
, 12–13

in governments
, 222–223

items as heritage assets
, 195–198

, 194

Heritage assets
, 57–58, 86, 100, 152, 172, 175, 188, 194, 197, 226

context of analysis
, 193–195

economic theory of value and concept of ‘usability’
, 199–201

empirical application of proposed approach
, 206–208

, 201

heritage items as
, 195–198

interventionist research approach
, 198–199

new proposal for assessing
, 201–206

in public sector financial reporting
, 193

reporting in NZ
, 175–178

Heritage goods
, 220

accounting standards set for NFP sector
, 231–233

characteristics and definition
, 221–222

recognition, valuation, and disclosure of
, 222–225

research question
, 225–226

Highest value principle
, 68

Historical cost accounting

accounting for public sector assets
, 49–54

, 44

asset under
, 49–51

for assets adapted to public sector specificities
, 46

choosing between accounting models
, 46–48

, 40, 43–44, 50, 53

public sector-specific approach in line with GASB
, 48–49

Historical cost approach
, 46, 55, 87, 145

Holistic approach
, 223–224

, 33

Immovable Asset Management policy and guidance
, 25

Immovable Asset Management Procedure
, 25

Immovable assets
, 25

Imparity principle
, 68


of COV as measurement basis for assets
, 91

of indirect flows
, 203

SMC 3 in ED 76
, 92–93

Income approach
, 91

arguments in favour of retaining income approach as measurement technique for COV
, 97–98

Indirect flows
, 203

Indirect returns in three cases
, 215

Individual services
, 120–121

Inductive approach
, 21, 24

Infrastructure assets
, 86, 100, 152

Institution concept
, 137

Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS)
, 24

Intellectual vulgarism
, 13

International accounting frameworks
, 66

International Accounting Standard Board (IASB)
, 5, 63–64, 146

cautious prudence in IASB CF
, 66–67

Conceptual Framework
, 7

International Accounting Standards (IAS)
, 46, 65, 131–132, 220

International Federation of Accountant (IFAC)
, 46

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
, 65, 131–132, 135

IFRS 9 Financial Instrument
, 146

, 92

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 106

International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS)
, 47, 53, 63, 79, 86, 109, 112, 115–116, 118, 122, 131, 133, 145, 201

control under IPSAS 35 and line-by-line consolidation method
, 133–135

, 107

, 162

, 122

, 22, 176, 188–189

, 122

, 22

, 135

, 122

, 146

, 118–119

IPSAS CF, COV and QCs of
, 88–90

International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB)
, 11, 24, 40, 46–47, 53, 64, 74, 86, 109, 117, 131, 134, 172, 175, 194, 220

assessment of IPSASB’s accounting standards with respect to asymmetric prudence
, 74

Conceptual Framework
, 5–7, 10, 86, 145

measurement project
, 105–106

, 112n1

role of prudence principle in IPSASB CF and in EPSAS CF
, 68–73

Study 14
, 22–23

International Public Sector Financial Accountability Index
, 24

International Valuation Standards (IVS)
, 105

Interpretations, prudence and different, importance of
, 65–66

Interventionist research approach
, 198–199

Inventory data
, 28

Italian ‘Heritage’ working group
, 200, 206

Italian accounting reform framework
, 159

Italian Accounting Standard (IAS)
, 136

on CFS
, 136

considerations on Italian CFS
, 138–139

IAS 16 regime
, 187–188

Italian LG Group
, 136–138

Italian accrual-based accounting principle
, 163

Italian Applied Accounting Standard 4/3
, 146

Italian Applied Accounting Standard 4/4
, 136, 138–139, 146

Italian CFS
, 138–139

Italian commercial law
, 138

Italian context
, 8

Italian law
, 139

Italian legislature
, 139

Italian LG Group
, 136–138

Italian public sector
, 194

Italian Standard Setter Board (Italian SSB)
, 194

Italian system
, 153n1

Italian territorial governments
, 156

Joint ventures
, 135–136

Land database
, 25

Landscape assets
, 221

, 3, 152, 159

consistency in liability’s measurement between LG and private entities included in consolidation area
, 145–146

, 132

Line-by-line consolidation method, control under IPSAS 35 and
, 133–135

Line-by-line method
, 135, 140–141

Liquidation method
, 52

Local governments (LGs)
, 9, 131

financial debts
, 143

, 136

and private entities included in consolidation area, consistency in liability’s measurement
, 145–146

, 140

Local museums
, 178

Lower of cost principle
, 68


asset inventory and asset register stages
, 25–26

background and policy development
, 24–25

fixed assets
, 24

Malaysia Public Works Department
, 25

Manual on Government Deficit and Debts (MGDD)
, 109

Māori heritage item
, 177

Market approach
, 90, 100

measurement technique
, 90

Market output
, 114

Market principle
, 68

Market value
, 145

, 111

Matching method
, 51

, 155

, 6

accounting practice vs. economic principles
, 107–109

, 48

arguments in favour of retaining income approach as
, 97–98

of assets
, 86

, 87

, 156

empirical evidence of consolidation on measurement of liabilities
, 140–144

, 118–125

of financial performance
, 110–112

of heritage assets
, 173

implications of book chapters for public sector accounting
, 10–13

of income and expenditure
, 106

literature review
, 106–107

measurement of financial performance
, 110–112

measurement-related EDs
, 172

, 109–110

, 87

of PPE
, 175

in public sector
, 87, 153–156

, 112–118

SMC 8 in ED 77
, 97

suggestions on way forward for measurement techniques
, 99–100

techniques for COV
, 90–91, 96

theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches
, 6–10

Military assets
, 57

Ministry of Economy and Finance (MoF)
, 157, 194

Monetary-based items
, 152

Moveable Asset Management System
, 25

Moveable assets
, 25

Multi-dimensional value
, 194

Municipal Finance Management Act
, 26

, 187, 220, 228, 231

National Accounts
, 8, 12, 106–107, 110–111, 116–117, 120–121, 124

, 111

, 119

Natural assets
, 57–58

Net assets/equity line
, 9

Net direct returns in three cases
, 214

Net lending/borrowing
, 110

Net present value techniques
, 201

Net saving
, 112

, 45

New Zealand (NZ)
, 171

, 174

heritage assets reporting in
, 175–178

history of IFRS
, 172, 177

IAS 16
, 187–188

, 188–189

literature review and theoretical foundations
, 173–175

methodology and data collection
, 178

, 173, 178

, 187

reporting of heritage assets in financial statements of NZ Museums
, 179–186

standard setter
, 177

, 175

New Zealand Accounting Standards Board (NZASB)
, 176, 176n1, 177

New Zealand Auditing & Assurance Standards Board (NZAuASB)
, 176n1

New Zealand Society of Accountants (NZSA)
, 195


, 228–229

, 227–228

Non-commercial transactions
, 53

Non-controlled companies
, 138

Non-controlled entities
, 141

Non-controlled institutions
, 137

Non-exchange transactions
, 113

Non-financial assets
, 55, 86, 100

Non-financial benefits
, 134

Non-market output
, 114

Non-Moveable Asset Management System
, 25

Non-reciprocal transfers
, 112

Office of the Auditor-General (OAG)
, 174

Opening balance sheet, move from cash to accrual accounting and
, 21–22

Operating policies
, 134

Operational value
, 6

Organisations transactions
, 152

Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (OIC)
, 140

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 223

Otago Museum
, 187, 189

Other comprehensive income (OCI)
, 68, 73

, 114

Paramount principles of protective function
, 68

Perceived utility
, 201

, 42

Present value of future net returns (PVNR)
, 201, 203

of heritage assets
, 217

Presentational prudence approach
, 79

Principle of prudence in government accounting

assessment of IPSASB’s accounting standards with respect to asymmetric prudence
, 74

cautious and asymmetric prudence from normative perspective
, 65

cautious prudence in IASB CF
, 66–67

, 74–79

importance of prudence and different interpretations
, 65–66

prudence in Europe with Germany as exemplary framework including asymmetric prudence
, 67–68

prudence within IPSASB CF
, 68–72

role of prudence principle in IPSASB CF and in EPSAS CF
, 68

Private entities
, 132

Private entities in consolidation area, consistency in liability’s measurement between LG and
, 145–146

Private NFP organisations
, 220–221

Productive process
, 45

Professional accountants
, 152

Project Management System
, 25

Property, plant and equipment (PPE)
, 73, 107, 172, 175, 194

accounting standard for NZ public sector
, 176

, 26

Proportionate consolidation, equity method and elimination of accounting option for
, 135–136

Proportionate method
, 141

Province of Brescia
, 139

, 66

, 63, 116

in Europe with Germany as exemplary framework including asymmetric prudence
, 67–68

importance of prudence and different interpretations
, 65–66

within IPSASB CF
, 68–72

principle role in IPSASB CF and in EPSAS CF
, 68–73

Prudent measurement
, 68

Public accountability
, 174

Public Accounts
, 12, 106–107, 110–111, 115, 124

Public administrations equity (net assets)

measurement, evaluation, and accounting in public sector
, 153–156

, 157–158

research design
, 156

research site
, 156–157

, 158–162

Public assets
, 25

Public Benefit Entity Standards (PBE Standards)
, 226

Public context project
, 132

Public domain assets
, 159

Public entities
, 132

Public Finance Management Act 1 (1999)
, 26

Public finances
, 29

Public heritage facilities
, 222

Public management of fixed assets
, 20

Public resource management system
, 198

Public sector
, 54, 133, 228–229

asset recognition and matching method adapted to public sector specificities
, 51

historical cost accounting for assets adapted to public sector specificities
, 46–54

measurement, evaluation, and accounting in
, 153–156

, 4

public sector-specific approach in line with GASB
, 48–49

public sector-specific matching mechanism
, 46

Public sector accounting (see also Accrual accounting)
, 45, 64, 152, 172

derecognition of asset in
, 51–52

focusing on heritage
, 12–13

frameworks and methodologies
, 10–11

, 10

matters of asset measurement in
, 52–54

measuring and reporting elements of financial statements
, 12

Public sector assets
, 56, 194

accounting for
, 49–54

disadvantages of current value accounting for
, 54

Public sector entities (PSE)
, 40, 58, 220

financial statements
, 42

Public Sector Financial Reporting
, 6

Public value
, 4, 230

Qualitative characteristics (QCs)
, 86

, 88–90

Qualitative methodology approach
, 109

Qualitative research
, 109

Realisation principle
, 68

Regional museums
, 178

, 5, 11

, 5, 11

Representative evaluation
, 156

Research design
, 198

Research question (RQ)
, 132

Reserve matching mechanism
, 51

, 116, 196

, 51, 112

proposals for accounting for revenue
, 117–118

, 115–116

, 116–117

, 123

Sector-neutral reporting
, 226

Separate financial statements (SFS)
, 140

Service delivery objectives
, 96

Social benefits
, 118–120

Social insurance in National Accounts
, 123

Social risks
, 118

Social services
, 228

Social transfers
, 120

South Africa
, 26–29

asset inventory and asset register stages
, 27–29

background and policy development
, 26–27

Specific Asset Registration
, 25

Specific matter for comment (SMC)
, 91

SMC 5 in ED 77
, 93

SMC 6 in ED 77
, 94–95

Standard-setting process, recommendations for future
, 100–101

Statement of Changes in Net Assets/Equity
, 152

Static accounting
, 45

Statistical guidelines
, 114

, 116

Straight-line allocation method
, 51

Swiss central government
, 29

, 29

asset inventory and asset register stages
, 29–30

background and policy development
, 29

Tangible assets
, 25, 194

Taxable amount for direct taxes
, 203

, 115–116

Temporal attribution of cash flows
, 116

Theoretical analysis
, 40, 48, 55

Third sector
, 227

, 89

Total expenditure
, 118

Total net returns in three cases
, 216

Tout court application
, 152

, 52

Transfer expenses, proposals for accounting for
, 121–122

Transferability of accounting policies for governmental heritage to private NFP organisations
, 227

accountability purpose of NFP organization
, 229–230

NFP sector
, 227–228

previous heritage accounting research in private NFP organisations
, 230–231

public sector and NFP organisations
, 228–229

, 116–117

Unavailable reserves
, 158

, 159

Unconditional conservatism
, 66

, 89

Unified accounting system
, 132

United Nation’s System of National Accounts (SNA)
, 106, 107

Unrequited transactions
, 113

US Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
, 46, 48

public sector-specific approach in line with
, 48–49

, 201

of assets
, 10

economic theory of value and concept of
, 199–201

Valuation Guidance for Cultural and Heritage Assets
, 175

Valuation technique
, 92, 224–225


added concept
, 114

economic theory of
, 199–201

in use concept
, 194

Value added tax (VAT)
, 204

Variable benefits
, 134

, 90

Victorian Digital Asset Strategy (VDAS)
, 31

Whanganui Regional Museum
, 187, 189