Best Practices in Urban Solid Waste Management
ISBN: 978-1-80043-889-7, eISBN: 978-1-80043-888-0
Publication date: 12 July 2021
Romano, G., Marciano, C. and Fiorelli, M.S. (2021), "Prelims", Best Practices in Urban Solid Waste Management, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xiii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 by Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Best Practices in Urban Solid Waste Management
Title Page
Best Practices in Urban Solid Waste Management
Ownership, Governance, and Drivers of Performance in a Zero Waste Framework
Giulia Romano
University of Pisa, Italy
Claudio Marciano
University of Turin, Italy
Maria Silvia Fiorelli
University of Pisa, Italy
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
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ISBN: 978-1-80043-889-7 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-80043-888-0 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-80043-890-3 (Epub)
List of Tables and Figures
Table 1. | An Overview of the Urban Waste Management Operator Case Studies. |
Table 1.1. | Waste Generation, Excluding Mineral Waste, EU-28, 2004−2016 (Million Tons). |
Table 1.2. | Municipal Waste Generated (kg per Capita) during 1995–2017 and Its Variations. |
Table 1.3. | Municipal Waste Treatment by Treatment Method, in Million Tons and in kg per Capita. |
Table 1.4. | Incineration of Domestically Generated Waste, 2016. |
Table 1.5. | Waste Treatment, 2016 (% of Total). |
Table 1.6. | Municipal Waste Landfilled, Incinerated, Recycled, and Composted in EU-28 during 1995–2018 (% of the Total Amount of Waste in Tons). |
Table 3.1. | Trend of Separate Collection Rate and Waste per Capita and Differences with Provincial and Regional Average. |
Table 3.2. | Main Economic and Financial Indicators (2015−2018). |
Table 5.1. | Rates Applied in 2012 and 2018 by ASCIT by User Type. |
Table 1. | Linkage between Key Drivers and Performance Results. |
Figure 1.1. | Enlargement Process of the European Union. |
Figure 1.2. | Municipal Waste Generated (kg per Capita) in 2017. |
Figure 1.3. | Municipal Waste Generation and Treatment in the European Union (EU) Member States, 2015. |
Figure 1.4. | Development of Waste Treatment, EU-28, 2004−2016. |
Figure 1.5. | Municipal Waste Treatment in the EU-28, from 1995 to 2017 (kg per Capita). |
Figure 1.6. | Municipal Waste by Treatment Method from 2002 to 2018 in Finland. |
Figure 1.7. | Four Pillars of Good Waste Management for Voka Snaga Ljubljana. |
Figure 1.8. | Separate Collection and Residual Waste Production Results from 2004 to 2018. |
Figure 1.9. | Waste Generation and Recycling Rate in Helsinki Region. |
Figure 3.1. | Management Models in Public Service Provision. |
Figure 4.1. | Materiality Matrix from the Intermunicipal Waste Management of Greater Porto. |
Figure 5.1. | European Union's Waste Hierarchy. |
Figure 5.2. | The Responsibility Framework of Contarina. |
Figure 5.3. | Knowledge Sharing at Macro-, Meso-, and Microlevels. |
Figure 1. | Relationships among Ownership, Key Drivers, and Performance in a Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Approach. |
List of Abbreviations
Optimal Territorial Areas
Berliner Stadtreinigungsbetriebe
Chief Executive Officer
General Direction of Employment and Labor Relations
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization
- EU
European Union
Formia Rifiuti Zero
Gross Domestic Product
Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority
Key Performance Indicators
Municipally Owned Enterprise
Municipal Solid Waste
Not In My Backyard
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Personal Absorbent Products
Pay As You Throw
Public Sector Organization
Radio-Frequency Identification
Sustainable Development Goal
Services of General Economic Interest
- SGIs
Services of General Interest
State-Owned Enterprise
Triple Bottom Line
Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
- ZW
Zero Waste
Zero Waste Europe
Zero Waste International Alliance
About the Contributors
Maria Silvia Fiorelli is Researcher and Teacher of Business Organization at the University of Pisa; She has a Phd in Business Economics. She is authors of papers and books about network and human resources. She teaches Business Organization in Master classes at the University of Pisa.
Latest publications: Fiorelli, M. S. (2019), Family business and leadership models; in International Journal of Business and Social Science; Fiorelli, M. S. (2018), Il processo generazionale nelle PMI (analisi e modelli di sviluppo imprenditoriale), ed. Arnus, 988865284414
Claudio Marciano is a Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Turin in Sociology of Economy and Adjunct Professor in Sociology and Politics for Innovation at University of Aosta Valley. His research interests concern sociology of territory with a focus on the urban public policy, local public services, and social innovation. Engaged in several multidisciplinary team of research for private companies and no profit organizations, he was deputy major on charge of urban sustainability and smart cities in Formia Municipality (40.000 inhab.).
Latest publications: Torres, A., Bejarano, J. F., Manzanera, R., Pellizzoni, L., Marciano, C. (2020), A critical analysis of circular economy among Southern Europe: an innovative proposal for environmental degradation and sustainability of life. In “Social Problems in Southern Europe: A Comparative Assessment” (eds Entran Duran, F., Soriano Miras, R. M., Duque Clavache, R.). Southern European Societies, Edward Elgar Publishing, London, ISBN: 978-1-78990-142-9; Marciano, C., Cassone Idone, V., Onnis, E., Paini, G., (2020), Università e Territorio: il modello del Knowledge Interchange. Il caso Piemonte 2029. In Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali, n.1/2020, Il Mulino: Bologna. ISSN: 0382-2278
Giulia Romano is Associate Professor of Business Administration, Corporate Governance, and Economics of Public Services. She has the National Scientific Habilitation to Full Professor. She was Scientific Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module “European Water Utility Management” funded by the EACEA (EU) (2014–2017). She coordinated and participated in many research projects and is author of more than 50 international research articles, books, and book chapters on utility management, waste management, performance analysis, and corporate governance.
Latest publications: Minoja, M., Romano, G. (2021), Managing intellectual capital for sustainability: Evidence from a Re-municipalized, publicly owned waste management firm, Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 123213; Romano, G., Masserini, L., Lombardi, G. V. (2021). Environmental performance of waste management: Impacts of corruption and public maladministration in Italy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 288, 125521; Romano, G., Molinos-Senante, M. (2020), Factors affecting eco-efficiency of municipal waste services in Tuscan municipalities: An empirical investigation of different management models, Waste Management, 105, 384–394; Romano, G., Rapposelli, A., Marrucci, L. (2019), Improving waste production and recycling through zero waste strategy and privatization: An empirical investigation, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 146, 256–263
Giulia Romano and Maria Silvia Fiorelli acknowledge financial support from the University of Pisa, PRA 2018.
- Prelims
- Introduction and Methodology
- 1 Urban Waste Management in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities
- 2 Zero Waste Genealogy: A Social Movement and the Italian Experience
- 3 The Ownership and Governance Models of Urban Waste Services
- 4 Measuring and Comparing Waste Management Performance in an Integrated View: The Triple Bottom Line Approach to Foster Sustainability
- 5 Key Drivers of Sustainable Urban Solid Waste Management
- Conclusion: Considering the Linkage between Ownership and Corporate Governance, Key Drivers of Good Waste Management and Performance under the Zero Waste Framework
- References
- Index