
Teaching the EU: Fostering Knowledge and Understanding in the Brexit Age

ISBN: 978-1-80043-275-8, eISBN: 978-1-80043-274-1

Publication date: 13 May 2021


(2021), "Prelims", Visvizi, A., Field, M. and Pachocka, M. (Ed.) Teaching the EU: Fostering Knowledge and Understanding in the Brexit Age (Emerald Studies in Higher Education, Innovation and Technology), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xv.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021 Anna Visvizi, Mark Field and Marta Pachocka

Half Title

Teaching the EU

Series Page

Emerald Studies in higher education, Innovation and Technology

Series Editors: Miltiades D. Lytras and Anna Visvizi

Emerald Studies in Higher Education, Innovation and Technology seeks to provide a multifaceted and interdisciplinary approach to these interconnected topics and invites proposals from all scholars working in these fields. The underlying purpose of this series is to demonstrate how innovations in education, educational technology and teaching can advance research and practice and help us respond to socio-economic changes and challenges.

The series has a broad scope, covering many topics, including but not limited to: learning analytics, open and distributed learning, technology enhanced learning, digital pedagogies, data mining, virtual and augmented realities, cloud computing, social media, educational robotics, flipped classrooms, active learning, innovation networks and many more.

Interested in publishing in this series? Please contact Miltiades D. Lytras and Anna Visvizi, and

Published books:

The Future of Innovation and Technology in Education: Policies and Practices for Teaching and Learning Excellence, edited by Anna Visvizi, Miltiadis D. Lytras and Linda Daniela

Management and Administration of Higher Education Institutions at Times of Change, edited by Anna Visvizi, Miltiadis D. Lytras and Akila Sarirete

Technology-Enhanced Learning and Linguistic Diversity: Strategies and Approaches to Teaching Students in a 2nd or 3rd Language, edited by Patrick-André Mather

Effective Leadership for Overcoming ICT challenges in Higher Education: What Faculty, Staff and Administrators Can Do to Thrive Amidst the Chaos, edited by Antonella Carbonaro and Jennifer Moss Breen

Emerald Studies in Higher Education, Innovation and Technology

Teaching the EU: Fostering Knowledge and Understanding in the Brexit Age

Title Page

Teaching the EU: Fostering Knowledge and Understanding in the Brexit Age

Edited by

Anna Visvizi

Deree College – The American College of Greece, Greece

Mark Field

University of Portsmouth, UK


Marta Pachocka

SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK

First edition 2021

Editorial Matter and Selection © 2021 Anna Visvizi, Mark Field and Marta Pachocka. Individual chapters © the respective Author/s. Published by Emerald Publishing under an exclusive licence.

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

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ISBN: 978-1-80043-275-8 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-80043-274-1 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-80043-276-5 (Epub)


About the Contributors vii
List of Contributors xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xv
Part 1: Why Bother? Higher Values and the Universal Cause in Teaching the EU
Chapter 1 What Is at Stake in Teaching the EU in Times of Brexit? An Introduction
Anna Visvizi, Mark Field and Marta Pachocka 3
Chapter 2 “Why Bother?” Learning and Teaching About European Union Politics
Cláudia Toriz Ramos 15
Chapter 3 Vision, Not Division: EU and EU Citizenship in Teaching About the EU
Olga Bombardelli 27
Part 2: Innovation in Teaching and Learning the EU in HEI in Times of Brexit
Chapter 4 Brexit as a Breeding Ground for Problem-Based Learning
Dina Sebastião and Sara Dias-Trindade 43
Chapter 5 Using Simulations to Teach Within UK Higher Education: An Analysis of Student Perceptions of European Studies-Based Simulations’ Pedagogical and Other Benefits
Karen Heard-Lauréote and Mark Field 69
Chapter 6 Technological Tools in Teaching the EU: A Design Thinking Proposal
Emilio J. González and José M. Mella 85
Chapter 7 Mixing Teaching, Research and Expertise Within the Jean Monnet Chair Framework: The EUMedEA Crash Course
Stefania Panebianco, Jean Monnet Chair Holder 103
Chapter 8 The Regional Dimension of Teaching About the EU and Entrepreneurship in Poland
Małgorzata Dziembała 117
Part 3: Country and Regional Dimensions of Teaching the EU: Issues and Implications
Chapter 9 Teaching and Learning the European Union in Romania: Traditional and Digital Tools
Cristina Matiuta 137
Chapter 10 Teaching EU in Hungary
Anna Molnár and Mónika Szente-Varga 149
Chapter 11 Teaching EU law in Difficult Times in Turkey
Feyza Basar 167
Chapter 12 Turning the Tide in Curriculum Development in Teaching European Studies in Africa
Samuel Ojo Oloruntoba, Christopher Changwe Nshimbi and Dickson Ajisafe 179
Chapter 13 Teaching the EU, and Teaching How to Think: Concluding Remarks
Anna Visvizi, Mark Field and Marta Pachocka 193
Index 199

About the Contributors

Dickson Ajisafe, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political Sciences, University of Pretoria, South Africa, with specialization in European Studies. He has undertaken academic teachings on European Studies and Comparative Regionalism at the University of Pretoria. He is an Advisory Board member of Diversity, Inclusion and Multi-disciplinarity in European Studies) – an Erasmus+ project funded by the European Union. He is also a Visiting Research Associate at the Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice, Queen’s University Belfast, UK. He is an alumnus of Erasmus+ and Commonwealth Scholarships and the Winner of 2020 Council for European Studies’ trans-continental travel grant.

Feyza Basar, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of law at the Istanbul Gedik University, specialized in EU law, human rights and EU–Turkey relations, and Director of the EU Research Centre of the same university. In 2004–2005, she studied for her LL.M degree in European Law category at King’s College London with the support of the Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme of the European Commission. She is the President of the European Forum Association which was established in 2009 to support EU–Turkey relations. Since 2017, she works for Act.NOW based in Vienna, where she acts as an Advisor to mayors of the most refugee-hosting cities in the world, and as a member of the gender equality working group she develops projects for the protection of refugee children and young people.

Olga Bombardelli, Senior Professor of Educational Studies at the Department of Humanities, Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy. Former J. Monnet Chair devotes her interest to citizenship education, European and Intercultural dimension, inclusion and teacher training. Runs international projects on citizenship education, participation, inclusion, and publishes researches in articles and books on the same topics, in several countries and languages. She is member of national and international associations as Associazione Universitaria di Studi Europei (AUSE). She serves as Editor in scientific journals and publishing houses, takes part as speaker in international conferences.

Małgorzata Dziembała, Ph.D. (dr hab.), Associate Professor at the Department of International Economic Relations, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland. Her research focuses on European economic integration, European Union regional policy, and competitiveness of the regions, international cooperation of the regions, including cross-border cooperation, and innovation policy. She publishes extensively and she is the author or co-author of articles and chapters in monographs comprising more than 90 publications. Her academic teaching refers to issues of international economics, management of EU funds, and international business. She has delivered lectures in France, Finland, Russia, Switzerland, USA, among others.

Mark Field, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Politics, University of Portsmouth, UK. His research interests are chiefly around transparency of expertise in the policy-making process; the role of Civil Society Organisations in promoting transparency; and the impact of Brexit on British and European politics.

Emilio J. González, lecturer in International Economics at the University Autonomous of Madrid and Comillas Pontifical University-Icade, PhD in Economics, member of AMENET (Africa, Mediterranean, and Europe Jean Monnet Network), and member of ASEPELT (International Association of Applied Economy). His research field is focused on international economic integration.

Karen Heard-Lauréote, Head and Professor of Learning and Teaching within Solent University’s Learning and Teaching Institute. Her research interests span questions of access and participation in HE; HE policy and HE leadership and management; Active learning pedagogies (esp. simulations) in the curriculum and in HE outreach and recruitment activities; flexible postgraduate degrees (MRes/Flexible doctorates); and PGRS mental health and wellbeing.

Cristina Matiuta, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Oradea, Romania, where she teaches in the fields of political parties and theories of democracy and civil society. She has published as author/co-author seven books and more than 50 articles in collective volumes and journals. She is Jean Monnet Professor in the field of the European integration studies and Founder and Editor of the Journal of Identity and Migration Studies (

José M. Mella, Emeritus Professor at the University Autonomous of Madrid (UAM), PhD in Economics, Coordinator of Africa, Mediterranean, and Europe Jean Monnet Network, and Member of the research team of Informat Diasporas in EurAfrica for Legal Migration. His main research field is the economic development of Africa. He is teaching the same topic at the Master of Economic Development and Public Policies of the UAM.

Anna Molnár, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the National University of Public Service, Budapest; Head of the Department of International Security Studies (2016–) and in charge of the International Public Management bachelor’s program. She was the Head of International Studies MA Programme at the University of Pannonia (Institute of Social Sciences and International Studies, Veszprém) between 2010 and 2013. Her published papers cover a wide range of topics whose central theme is security studies, EU CFSP/CSDP, Europeanization of Hungary, the European Union’s Mediterranean policy, and Italian history and politics. She teaches courses on European integration, international studies, and Italian politics at Hungarian and foreign universities. She had a Bolyai Research Fellowship provided by the Hungarian Academy of Science (2007–2010).

Christopher Changwe Nshimbi, Ph.D., Director of the Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (GovInn) and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Sciences, University of Pretoria. He researches migration, borders, regional integration, the informal economy, and water governance.

Samuel Ojo Oloruntoba, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Thabo Mbeki School of Public and International Affairs; Visiting Professor, Institute of African Studies, Carleton, University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He is the Author of Regionalism and Integration in Africa: EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements and Euro-Nigeria Relations; and in New York: Palgrave. He is rated by the National Research Foundation of South Africa.

Marta Pachocka, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Institute of International Studies, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, and Head of the Migration Policies Research Unit at the Centre of MigrBigoation Research of the University of Warsaw, Poland. Her expertise covers migration studies and European studies.

Stefania Panebianco, Ph.D., Holder of the Jean Monnet Chair EUMedEA (EU Mediterranean Border Crises and European External Action), Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Catania. Teaches Mediterranean Politics and Institutions of Global Trade at the University of Catania, Migration Politics in the Mediterranean at LUISS-Rome. Visiting at IBEI, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 2019. Co-editor of Global Affairs. Author of the monographic book L’Unione Europea ’potenza divisa’ nel Mediterraneo (EGEA, Milano, 2012) and articles for Third World Quarterly, Geopolitics, Contemporary Italian Politics, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Her main research interests: Mediterranean migration crisis, EU foreign policies, and EU-MENA relations.

Cláudia Toriz Ramos, Universidade Fernando Pessoa & CEPESE Universidade do Porto, Portugal. She teaches political science and European integration and researches in the areas of democracy, democratization, and the process of European integration.

Dina Sebastião, holds a PhD in European Studies and is Assistant Professor at the University of Coimbra, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and a Full-researcher of the Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century (CEIS20-UC). She researches on the relation of Iberian Peninsula and European integration, through the study of policies and parties, on European public policies, the europeanization dynamics and problematization of policies in the EU multilevel system. She has been participating in international conferences and publishing chapters and articles in peer-reviewed journals. She was awarded the Jacques Delors 2017 Prize/Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mónika Szente-Varga, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the National University of Public Service, Budapest since 2015; was for two and a half years Vice-Dean of the Faculty of International and European Studies, responsible for the areas related to education (2016–2019). She used to work as a Lecturer in Mexico, at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (2006–2007) and at the Universidad de las Américas, Puebla (2006–2008). Her fields of research include both modern and contemporary history of Latin America and Spain. She is National Coordinator for Hungary in the European Association of Latin American Historians, and a member of the network Political A.T.L.A.S. Agency, Transfers, Links. Latin America – Southern Europe, 20th century.

Sara Dias-Trindade, holds a PhD in History (Didactics) and a postdoctorate in Education and Communication Technologies from the University of Coimbra, teaches at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra and is a Full-researcher of the Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century (CEIS20-UC), currently integrating its coordination team. She collaborates with several research centers of Brazilian Universities, also teaching in different postgraduate courses in Education and Digital Technologies. She has been participating in different international projects related to Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (currently coordinating the project "Digital Teaching Skills in Portugal," based at CEIS20-UC).

Anna Visvizi, Ph.D. (dr hab.), is Associate Professor, Deree College – The American College of Greece, Greece. Her expertise covers issues relevant to the intersection of politics, economics, and ICT, including the EU. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy (Emerald).

List of Contributors

Dickson Ajisafe University of Pretoria, South Africa
Feyza Basar Istanbul Gedik University, Turkey
Olga Bombardelli Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy
Małgorzata Dziembała University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
Mark Field University of Portsmouth, UK
Emilio J. González University Autonomous of Madrid, Spain
Karen Heard-Lauréote Solent University’s Learning and Teaching Institute, UK
Cristina Matiuta University of Oradea, Romania
José M. Mella University Autonomous of Madrid, Spain
Anna Molnár National University of Public Service, Budapest
Christopher Changwe Nshimbi Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (GovInn), South Africa
Samuel Ojo Oloruntoba Thabo Mbeki School of Public and International Affairs, Africa
Marta Pachocka Institute of International Studies, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Stefania Panebianco Jean Monnet Chair EUMedEA, University of Catania, Italy
Cláudia Toriz Ramos Universidade Fernando Pessoa & CEPESE Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Dina Sebastião University of Coimbra, Portugal
Mónika Szente-Varga National University of Public Service, Budapest
Sara Dias-Trindade University of Coimbra, Portugal
Anna Visvizi Deree College – The American College of Greece, Greece


The origins of this volume lie in the recognition that the art of teaching the European Union (EU) and, so the effectiveness of teaching and learning, have a direct bearing on our students’, and so citizens’, stance toward European integration. In times when the foundational values upon which the EU builds are openly questioned, it is imperative that teaching the EU involves not only that basic information about the EU is conveyed to our students, but also that they are equipped with the skills of critical analysis, self-learning, and independent thinking. The chapters included in this volume offer a detailed insight into this issue.

We would like to thank all contributing authors for sharing their chapters with us. The Covid-19 pandemic , and the elevated hours devoted to remote teaching and instruction as well as to attending other additional duties, exerted their toll on this book too. We are therefore most grateful to our authors for their patience and hard work. We would also like to thank the Publisher, Emerald Publishing for the opportunity to publish. The professionalism and kindness of the entire Emerald team, especially the Senior Editor, Kim Chadwick are greatly valued.

The Editors

Anna Visvizi

Mark Field

Marta Pachocka


This volume represents one of the deliverables of B-in-EU, that is, “Jean Monnet Module on the European Union and active EU citizenship for business students: an interdisciplinary approach,” an EU co-funded project run under ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet Module scheme. The project, co-ordinated by Dr Anna Visvizi, was implemented at Deree College – The American College of Greece over the period 2017–2020 (project reference number: 587632-EPP-1-2017-1-US-EPPJMO-MODULE). The support of the European Commission is thus gratefully acknowledged.