
Knowledge Risk and its Mitigation: Practices and Cases

ISBN: 978-1-78973-920-6, eISBN: 978-1-78973-919-0

Publication date: 27 May 2021

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Lee, R.W.B., Yip, J.Y.T. and Shek, V.W.Y. (2021), "Index", Knowledge Risk and its Mitigation: Practices and Cases, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 223-226.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited


Adaptive case management (ACM)
, 117

Aircraft maintenance industry,159–162

Airline company, reliability management in
, 153–159

American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC)
, 181, 182

, 19

Artificial intelligence (AI)
, 1, 22, 112–113

Asset management department (AMD)
, 85

Asset-oriented approach
, 10–11

Balanced scorecard method (BSC method)
, 48

Business support system (BSS)
, 172

Capability center. (see Center of excellence (CoE))

Casualty Actuarial Society model (CAS model)
, 16

Center of excellence (CoE)
, 149, 150, 197

benefits of
, 152–153

, 151

, 151

list of expert
, 152

Civil Aviation Department (CAD)
, 159

Claim, evidence, and reasoning model (CER model)
, 34

, 42–43, 89, 97, 105, 108, 117, 127

Codified knowledge
, 42–43

Collective sense making
, 118, 120

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of Treadway Commission (COSO)
, 16

Communities of practices (CoP)
, 114, 149

Competency center. (see Center of excellence (CoE))

Computer Science Corporation (CSC)
, 11

Concept list
, 171

Construct elicitation
, 111–112

Corporate amnesia
, 125, 127, 141–145

Corporate performance measurement
, 181

assessing innovation performance
, 190–191

global MIKE
, 194–195

good practices
, 196–198

IC practice-driven innovation
, 192–194

innovative knowledge enterprise
, 188

KMMM implementation
, 182–188

MAKE survey
, 188–190

measurement models
, 181–182

Customer capital (CC)
, 45

Customer liaison team (CLT)
, 172

, 19

, 22

Data→information→knowledge→wisdom model (DIKW model)
, 4

Data–information–knowledge model (DIK model)
, 3–4

Defensive reasoning process
, 141–145

Document analysis
, 112

Double-loop learning
, 133–134, 136–138, 146

Element elicitation
, 111

Enterprise risk management (ERM)
, 15, 16

European Commission (EC)
, 45

Evaluation approach
, 17

Evaluative inquiry (EI)
, 172, 176

Evidence reasoning (ER)
, 34

Exploitative organizational learning (EOL)
, 130

Financial asset management
, 41

Financial risk
, 1, 16–17

First-person research
, 119

Future Potential (FP)
, 66

Global innovation index (GII)
, 191

Goal related method
, 111

Google Career Certificate
, 23

, 19, 34, 57

Hazard risk
, 16

High reliability organizations (HROs)
, 162

Higher-level learning. (see Double-loop learning)

Human capital (HC), 42, 153 (see also Intellectual capital (IC))

Individual learning
, 129, 145

learning organization vs.
, 128–132

Industrial technology
, 78, 82, 97–100

Industry 4.0
, 1

Information management (IM)
, 3

Information Solutions Network (ISN)
, 114

Information technology (IT)
, 2, 11, 16, 18, 72, 105, 114, 181–182, 194

Institutionalizing process
, 145

Intangible assets
, 41, 48, 60–63, 66, 85, 191

Integrating process
, 145

Intellectual asset (IA)
, 44

Intellectual capital (IC)
, 42, 71, 108, 125, 153, 181

, 60–68

balance sheet
, 62

management reference model
, 44–48

, 54–59

from workflow perspective
, 62

Intellectual capital Charting (ICC)
, 42, 48

assessment of IC elements
, 51–52

compilation of IC strategic map
, 52–54

elicitation of IC elements
, 49–51

IC indicators
, 50

Intellectual property (IP)
, 19, 41

Intellectual property rights (IPRs)
, 60

, 6, 106–107

Interpreting process
, 145

Intuiting, interpreting, integrating, institutionalizing process (4I process)
, 145

Intuiting process
, 145

Key result areas (KRAs)
, 182

, 3, 5–7, 41

, 105–108

, 97, 101

, 72, 74, 82, 86, 89–94

leakage risk
, 18, 25, 29

loss risk
, 20–21, 25–26, 29, 89, 97

, 72, 96–97, 113, 118

obsolescence risk
, 21–23, 25, 27, 29

shortage risk
, 23–24

typology of
, 7–10

, 95–96

Knowledge assets
, 1, 21, 54, 71, 73–74, 112

balance sheet
, 56

, 42–44

Knowledge audit (KA)
, 71

analysis of audit results
, 95–100

audit design
, 73

audit recommendations
, 100–103

design of STOCKS survey forms
, 75–78

framework of
, 72

knowledge inventory
, 89–94

power utility company
, 84–86

process prioritization
, 75

project execution and implementation
, 86–89

selection of audit process
, 75

STOCKS approach
, 74

STOCKS framework
, 73–74

STOCKS workshop
, 78–79, 82–84

Knowledge elicitation (KE)
, 108

application of narratives
, 113–116

ASHEN elements
, 115

design of audit methodology
, 118–119

direct KE methods
, 109–111

Gas Utility company
, 119–124

indirect KE methods
, 111–113

, 116–117

, 116, 117–118

Knowledge management (KM)
, 1, 2–7, 71, 105, 149, 181

business value of
, 12

, 150–153

core skills of
, 10–14

, 11

dynamic taxonomy
, 168–171

, 149

near miss in aircraft maintenance industry
, 159–162

near miss in hospitals
, 162–168

reliability management in airline company
, 153–159

strategy in SME
, 172–179

typology of knowledge
, 7–10

Knowledge management audit (KMA)
, 71

Knowledge management capability assessment tool (KMCAT)
, 181

Knowledge management maturity model (KMMM)
, 181, 182

analysis model
, 186

assessment procedure
, 186

, 188

, 186–188

implementation at Siemens AG
, 182, 184

of Infosys
, 183

initial and updated
, 185

Knowledge management system (KMS)
, 12, 21, 39

Knowledge representation (KR)
, 7, 73, 112, 118–119

Knowledge risk
, 18

assessment of knowledge risk factors
, 24

case study of
, 35–39

knowledge leakage risk
, 18–19

knowledge loss risk
, 20–21

knowledge obsolescence risk
, 21–23

knowledge shortage risk
, 23–24

level 1 assessment
, 25–33

level 2 assessment
, 34–35

organizational productivity
, 21

, 19

Knowledge-based business support system (KBSS)
, 176, 177, 178

, 6, 7, 24

corporate amnesia
, 141–145

, 133–134

gaps in organizational learning
, 145–146

individual learning vs.
, 128–132

intrinsic barriers to
, 132–133

, 126, 128

organizational defense routines
, 138–139

organizational forgetting
, 139–141

, 133–134

theory of action
, 135–137

List related method
, 111

, 154, 158

Market capitalization methods (MCM)
, 48

Memory decay
, 21, 105, 139–140

Mental knowledge processes
, 8

Mental model
, 8–9, 127, 130, 132, 133, 135, 155, 158

Most Admirable/Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE)
, 34, 181

Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE)
, 181

National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA)
, 142

Near miss
, 159, 164

in aircraft maintenance industry
, 159–162

in hospitals
, 162–168

, 168

reporting system
, 165

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
, 190

Operation risk
, 16

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 191

Organizational amnesia (OA)
, 144

Organizational defense routines
, 138–139

Organizational forgetting
, 139–141

Organizational learning (see Learning—organization)

Organizational memory
, 127, 129, 139–141, 143

Organizational productivity
, 21

Physical assets
, 41

Practical knowledge
, 3

Premature convergence
, 117

Private virtual network (VPN)
, 19

Process-oriented approach
, 10–11

, 111

Qualitative risk assessment
, 17

Reflective organizational learning (ROL)
, 130

Relational capital (RC), 42, 153. (see also Intellectual capital (IC))

Reliability management in airline company
, 153–159

Research and development (R&D)
, 22

Return on assets (ROA)
, 48

, 15–17

analysis, IC
, 57

calculation from likelihood
, 30

, 15–16, 57–58

, 17

meanings of scores
, 29

Risk management (RM)
, 15–17

Role of practitioner (RP)
, 118

Role playing
, 111

Rule-based approach
, 171

Sense-making methodology
, 49

Siemens AG, KMMM implementation in
, 182–188

Siemens knowledge management framework (SKMF)
, 182, 184

Single-loop learning
, 130, 133–134

Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
, 42, 108, 149

KM strategy in
, 172–179

Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
, 182

Space-based OA
, 144–145

SPICE Asia-Link Program
, 45

Stakeholder analysis
, 95

Strategic alliance (SA)
, 64

Strategic risk
, 16

Strategic tools to capture critical knowledge and skills (STOCKS)
, 72–73

, 75, 77, 78, 80

template of STOCKS schema
, 81

Structural capital (SC), 42, 153. (see also Intellectual capital (IC))

Structured business process (SBP)
, 116–117

Tangible assets. (see Physical assets)

, 111

Technology mapping
, 98–99

Theory of action
, 135–137

Third-person approach
, 119

Time-based OA
, 144

, 141

Unstructured business process (UBP)
, 116, 117–118