SDG8 – Sustainable Economic Growth and Decent Work for All
ISBN: 978-1-78973-094-4, eISBN: 978-1-78973-091-3
Publication date: 30 August 2019
Venkatesan, M. and Luongo, G. (2019), "Prelims", SDG8 – Sustainable Economic Growth and Decent Work for All (Concise Guides to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xiv.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Madhavi Venkatesan and Giuliano Luongo
Half Title Page
SDG8 – Sustainable Economic Growth and Decent Work for All
Series Page
Concise Guides to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Series Editors
Walter Leal Filho
World Sustainable Development Research and Transfer Centre, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Mark Mifsud
Centre for Environmental Education and Research, University of Malta
This series comprises 17 short books, each examining one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The series provides an integrated assessment of the SDGs from an economic, social, environmental and cultural perspective. Books in the series critically analyse and assess the SDGs from a multidisciplinary and a multiregional standpoint, with each title demonstrating innovation in theoretical and empirical analysis, methodology and application of the SDG concerned.
Titles in this series have a particular focus on the means to implement the SDGs, and each one includes a short introduction to the SDG in question along with a synopsis of their implications on the economic, social, environmental and cultural domains.
Title Page
SDG8 – Sustainable Economic Growth and Decent Work for All
Concise Guides to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Madhavi Venkatesan
Northeastern University, USA
Giuliano Luongo
The Niccolò Cusano University, Italy
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2019
© 2019 Madhavi Venkatesan and Giuliano Luongo. Published under exclusive license by Emerald Publishing Limited. The content of this publication has not been approved by the United Nations and does not reflect the views of the United Nations or its officials or Member States. For more information on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals see:
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-78973-094-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-78973-091-3 (E-ISBN)
ISBN: 978-1-78973-093-7 (Epub)
To all people actively engaged in forming an equal society.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
List of Figures and Tables | xi | |
About the Authors | xiii | |
Introduction to SDG 8 Economic Growth and Decent Work for All | 1 | |
1. | Sustainable Development Goal 8 in Context | 5 |
Introduction | 5 | |
Millennium Development Goals | 9 | |
Sustainable Development Goals | 22 | |
Sustainable Development Goal 8 | 27 | |
Components of SDG 8 | 27 | |
SDG 8 and the SDGs | 32 | |
Potential Emerging Issues | 33 | |
Summary | 37 | |
2. | Economic Growth | 39 |
Introduction | 39 | |
Measuring Economic Growth | 40 | |
Economic Growth and Energy Production | 44 | |
Energy Production and Climate Change | 47 | |
Decoupling Growth | 51 | |
Consumption and Economic Growth | 56 | |
Consumption and Sustainable Growth | 59 | |
Summary | 63 | |
3. | Decent Work | 65 |
Introduction | 65 | |
Historical Review, Defining Decent Work | 68 | |
Mission of ILO | 74 | |
Ensuring Decent Work | 75 | |
Decent Work and CSR | 76 | |
Decent Work, Trade and Gender Equality | 80 | |
Decent Work and the Gender Wage Gap | 83 | |
Decent Work and Poverty Alleviation | 88 | |
Summary | 90 | |
4. | Future Prospects: Issues to be Addressed | 91 |
Introduction | 91 | |
Economic Growth and Unpaid Work | 95 | |
Economic Growth and Trade | 98 | |
Sustainability Aligned Economic Indicators | 104 | |
Conclusion | 108 | |
References | 111 | |
Index | 141 |
List of Figures and Tables
Figures | ||
Chapter 1 | ||
Fig. 1. | Millennium Development Goals. | 10 |
Fig. 2. | Number of People Living on Less Than $1.25 a Day Worldwide, 1990–2015 (Millions). | 14 |
Fig. 3. | Adjusted Net Enrolment Rate for Primary Education, 2000 and 2015 (%). | 14 |
Fig. 4. | Proportion of Seats Held by Women in Single or Lower Houses of National Parliament, 2000 and 2015 (%). | 15 |
Fig. 5. | Under-five Mortality Rate, 1990 and 2015 (Deaths Per 1,000 Live Births). | 16 |
Fig. 6. | Maternal Mortality Ratio, 1990 and 2013 (Maternal Deaths Per 100,000 Live Births, Women Aged 15–49). | 16 |
Fig. 7. | HIV Incidence Rate (Estimated Number of New HIV Infections, 2001 and 2013 (Thousands)). | 17 |
Fig. 8. | Emissions of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), 1990 and 2012 (Billions of Tonnes, Data for 2012 Are Preliminary). | 18 |
Fig. 9. | External Debt Service Payments as Proportion of Export Revenues, All Developing Countries, 2000–2013 (%). | 19 |
Fig. 10. | Sustainable Development Goals. | 24 |
Fig. 11. | Sustainable Development Goal 8. | 28 |
Chapter 2 | ||
Fig. 1. | Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration: 1960–2018. | 46 |
Fig. 2. | Global GDP (Constant 2010 US Dollars). | 47 |
Fig. 3. | Shares (%) of Global Primary Energy Consumption by Fuel Source. | 48 |
Fig. 4. | Cumulative CO2 Emissions 1850–2011 (% of World Total). | 49 |
Fig. 5. | Production Possibility Frontier. | 57 |
Tables | ||
Chapter 1 | ||
Table 1. | Millennium Development Goals. | 11 |
Table 2. | Sustainable Development Goals. | 25 |
Table 3. | SDG 8 Targets and Indicators. | 29 |
Chapter 2 | ||
Table 1. | Components of GDP. | 42 |
Chapter 3 | ||
Table 1. | Global Multidimensional Poverty Index. | 86 |
About the Authors
Madhavi Venkatesan is a Faculty Member in the Department of Economics at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. Her present academic interests focus on sustainable economic development and the role of women in fostering sustainability. She serves as the Executive Director of Sustainable Practices, a 501(c)3 non-profit that she founded in 2016. Sustainable Practices is focused on increasing financial and economic literacy to facilitate sustainability. She earned a PhD in Economics from Vanderbilt University, a Masters in Environmental Management from Harvard University and a Masters in Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School. She is the Author of numerous peer reviewed articles and book chapters on the subject of sustainability and economics as well as the texts Economic Principles: A Primer, A Framework for Sustainable Practices, Foundations in Microeconomics, A Framework for Sustainable Practices and Foundations in Macroeconomics, A Framework for Sustainable Practices.
Giuliano Luongo is Acting Director at the EU-China Economics and Politics Institute (Prague and Brussels), and Contract Professor at the University of Rome ‘N. Cusano’, Department of Political Science, Department of Economics and Engineering. His current academic interests focus on sustainability education, public health and innovation policies, and the relations between development and security. He worked for United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in the area of STI-STICT policies. He has authored various articles related to sustainability, security and international politics.