ISBN: 978-1-78756-780-1, eISBN: 978-1-78756-779-5
Publication date: 15 November 2018
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Wei, Y.-M. and Liao, H. (2018), "Index", Energy Economics, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 295-310.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
Access levels model, energy demand satisfaction
, 51–53
Advisory Group on Energy and Climate Change (AGECC)
, 46, 54, 254
, 75, 77, 89, 102, 154
Air pollution exposure, solid fuel use
gender differences
, 164
house sanitation and health status
, 164–165
level and health status
, 164
residents’ health status, gender differences of
, 164
self-rated health conditions
, 162–164
See also indoor air pollution (IAP)
Anti-poverty projects of electric power
, 54
Assessing energy consumption
, 99
Atmospheric pollution emissions
, 124
Benefit-based index
, 87
Benefit-based indicators
, 91–92
, 210
, 283
and biowaste
, 29
, 210, 226, 270, 283
, 87, 90
, 266
, 89–90
, 255
power generation system
, 258
rural household
, 269–270
, 28–30, 45
efficient and high-polluting traditional
, 185
in energy poverty
, 29
, 210, 287
per capita consumption
, 60
power generation
, 210
rural energy consumption per capita
, 183
utilization efficiency of
, 9
Biomass energy
, 88–89, 178, 200
in China
, 209–210
, 84–85, 110
factors influence
, 184
Building energy efficiency
, 133, 140–141
and ventilation system
, 124
Business as Usual (BAU) scenario
, 227
CAIS. See Comprehensive Assessment Index System (CAIS)
Calorific value of coal
, 19
Canadian hydropower generation
, 197–198
Capita effective energy consumption
, 50
Carbon dioxide emissions
, 25, 84
Carbon emissions
, 12
, 245–246
trading policy
, 289
, 85–86, 248
Cardiovascular disease and energy poverty
, 133
Catalyst series products
, 21
CEDI. See Clean Energy Development Index (CEDI)
Ceiling effect
, 215
Central Heating Program
, 127
Centralized heat supply (steam)
, 83
“Children Sentinel Nutritional Assessment”
, 129
distribution of coal in 2012
, 15
energy consumption, volume and structure
, 10
energy flow chart
, 13
energy production, volume and structure
, 11
gas distribution
, 18
import oil of
, 16
installed generating capacity in 2013
, 12
power generation forms
, 85–86
solar power in
, 208–209
water resources in
, 207
See also China’s energy poverty (EP) assessment
China Energy Statistical Yearbook
, 85–86, 188
China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS)
, 150
China − −Holland project
, 266
China Hydropower 100 Memorial Conference
, 228
China’s achievements, energy poverty challenges
electrical services
, 280–281
energy infrastructures construction
, 284
new developing stage of
climate change impacts
, 288–289
economic poverty
, 289–290
energy consumption structure
, 285–286
health problems
, 286–288
regional differences
, 284–285
, 279–280
rural areas, energy efficiency and cleanness in
, 283
urban residents, energy structure
, 281–282
China’s energy development
coal supply and demand, reverse distribution
, 14–15
energy industrial system
, 13–14
energy resources shortage
, 19–21
gas, supply and demand
, 17
oil consumption
, 15–16
power inter-district scheduling
, 17–19
supply and consumption and external dependence
, 9–12
China’s energy poverty (EP) assessment
affordability and efficiency of residential energy (EAE)
, 102–103
Comprehensive Assessment Index System
calculation method for
, 91–93
energy consumption cleanliness
, 84–86
energy management, completeness
, 86–87
energy service availability
, 77–84
residential energy consumption affordability and efficiency
, 87–91
energy consumption cleanliness (ECC)
, 100
energy management completeness (EMC)
, 100–102
improved energy service availability
, 98–99
indicators and methods for
, 74
, 74–75
, 75–76
, 75
systematicness and independence
, 75
intellectual support and information resources
, 77
levels, reflection of
, 76
overall status of
, 93–98
policy recommendations to eliminate
, 116–119
regional EP, characteristics and variation trends of
, 110–116
region-specific comparison of
energy consumption cleanliness
, 105–106
energy service availability
, 105
in Northeast China, household energy affordability and energy efficiency
, 108–109
Yellow River and Yangtze River
, 103–106
scientific and practical CAIS, establishment
, 76
China’s policies and actions, energy poverty elimination
remote regions
Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Qinghai, and Gansu
, 263
power grid upgradation and solar power construction projects in Tibet
, 262–263
Xinjiang province
, 261–262
rural regions
first stage (1980 − 1995)
, 264–265
renewable energy development, “11th FYP” to “12th FYP” period
, 269–271
9th − 10th FYP period
, 265–269
urban regions
, 271–273
Chinese Energy Statistical Yearbook 2005
, 59
CIS. See Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
Clean energy development
, 286
and energy poverty
biomass energy
, 209–210
nuclear energy
, 210–211
regional assessment on
, 211–220
solar power
, 208–209
water resources
, 207
wind power
, 205–207
world renewable energy development
, 194–204
exploration and utilization of
, 225–226
, 246
, 7
, 221
Clean Energy Development Index (CEDI)
, 213–215, 217–219
Clean stoves and related publicity and education activities
, 170
Climate change
electricity disruption, socioeconomic impacts of
, 233–239
China’s negative macroeconomic impact
, 239
nine key sectors’ output
, 241–243
production capacity, impact of
, 239–241
structural factor
, 243–244
energy accessibility, impact on
carbon emissions trading
, 245–246
fiscal policy
, 246–247
price policy
, 247–248
trading policy, import and export
, 248–249
hydropower generation, impact on
, 226–228
China’s future hydropower generation, vulnerability
, 228–231
regional difference on
, 231–233
impacts on energy supply
clean energy, exploration and utilization of
, 225–226
electricity grid
, 224–225
threatening normal energy supply
, 225
issues, renewable energy development
, 200–201
renewable energy development
, 221
, 188
consumption in China
, 26
per capita consumption
, 282
, 265
reserves and distribution
, 6
residential consumption by urban and rural
, 61
supply and demand, reverse distribution
, 14–15
Coal-based energy consumption
, 19
Coal-powered centralized heating infrastructure
, 136
“Coal to electricity” policy
, 282
“Coal to electricity” project
, 271
“Coal to gas” projects
, 271
, 91–92
Commercial energy consumption
, 59–60
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
, 32
Completeness of energy management
, 77
Comprehensive Assessment Index System (CAIS)
calculation method for
, 91–93
energy consumption cleanliness
, 84–86
energy management, completeness
, 86–87
energy service availability
energy supply capacity
, 82–84
living energy consumption
, 82
modern energy services, inaccessibility
, 77–82
functional orientation of
, 76
residential energy consumption affordability and efficiency
, 87–91
scientific and practical, establishment
, 76
, 74
Consumer behavior patterns
, 187, 189
Cooking energy
, 179–181
Chinese provinces and cities, categories
, 179
coal gas and natural gas
, 180
economic level
, 181
primary and secondary
, 154–155
rural areas of medium income
, 180
rural residents’ preference
, 180
, 62–63
Cooking fuels, rural resident health
, 168–169
Cost-based indicators
, 91–92
Cost index of residential energy
, 88–89
Crop residue (stalks) consumption
, 59
Daily firewood consumption
, 59
Data availability, energy poverty
, 53–54
, 76
, 90
Degree of dependency, rural resident health
, 169
Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
, 260
Destructive deforestation
, 90
Disability adjusted life years (DALYs)
, 145–146
Distributed generation system
, 200
Diversification in cooking fuels
, 157
Diversity of application, renewable energy development
, 201
Domestic firewood consumption
, 182
Domestic rural biomass
, 286
Dose − response coefficient
, 138
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
, 266
Economic development
and electricity consumption
household electricity consumption
, 185–187
household energy consumption structure
, 188–190
level impacting energy poverty
cooking energy
, 179–181
income level and living electricity consumption
, 181–182
income level and traditional energy consumption
, 182–184
EDI. See Energy Development Index (EDI)
Elasticity coefficient
, 187
Electric energy
access to
, 28, 45
regular access to
, 28
, 9, 185, 281
in developing countries
, 26–28
grid operation and climate change
floods impact on transportation and electricity
, 224
heavy snow
, 225
typhoon impact
, 225
infrastructure, construction
, 256–260
and natural gas
, 178
pricing mechanism
, 254
Electricity consumption
per capita
, 278
Electricity-deprived population
, 26
Electricity disruption and climatic events
account description and related IO codes
, 237–238
electricity lifeline system
, 233
China − Japan’s Socioeconomic Indexes
, 240
China’s negative macroeconomic impact
, 239
key sectors in China and Japan under base case
, 244
nine key sectors’ output
, 241–243
production capacity, impact of
, 239–241
sector outputs and difference ratio under base case
, 242–243
structural factor
, 243–244
, 239
import substitution elasticity
, 236–237
inputoutput (IO) table
, 233
power network accident
, 233
short-run scenario
, 236
worldwide main large-scale power outages and their causes
, 233–236
“Electricity reaching every family” project
, 261
Electrification rate
of energy poverty countries
, 27
of India
, 26–27
Emission tax and carbon tax
, 246
Energy affordability and energy efficiency (EAE)
, 93, 102
See also affordability
Energy audits, Department of Energy
, 255
Energy Clinics project
, 260
Energy consumption
, 50
, 53
low carbonization of
, 85–86
non-OECD countries
, 2
per capital
, 7
, 176–177
structure modernization
, 84–85
, 119
Energy consumption affordability and efficiency (EAE) index
, 102–103
Energy consumption-based assessment
, 75
Energy consumption cleanliness (ECC)
, 77, 100, 105–107
index of China
, 101
Energy deficiency indicator
, 48
Energy demand satisfaction
access levels model
, 51–53
capita effective energy consumption
, 50
climatic and socioeconomic conditions
, 51
econometric model
, 51
energy consumption cutoff
, 53
energy services, power requirements of
, 51
Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)
, 51
residential electricity consumption
, 50
Energy development
, 1–2
energy poverty
, 7–9
energy trade
, 6–7
fossil energy
, 3–4
in World and China, changes and pattern of
, 21–25
world fossil energy reserves
, 4–6
Energy Development Index (EDI)
, 39, 46, 55–56, 200
Energy elasticity
, 25
Energy equipment
, 89–90
Energy expenditure cost
, 133
Energy independence
, 22–24
American foreign policy
, 23
domestic energy transformation
, 24
energy security
, 24
global climate
, 24
IEA total public energy RD&D expenditure
, 24
net importer of oil
, 24
US Domestic Oil Production and Import from OPEC
, 22–23
Energy investment
, 87
Energy management completeness (EMC)
, 86, 100–102, 108
Energy management infrastructure
, 86–87
Energy poor
, 49–50
Energy poverty (EP)
, 7–8, 277–278
aggravating behaviors
, 88
, 221
applicability to China
data availability
, 53–54
energy availability, measurement methods based on
, 46–49
energy demand satisfaction
, 50–53
indicators rationality
, 54–56
quality of energy service
, 49–50
, 56–67
in China
, 46
biomass energy
, 209–210
comprehensive index weight
, 94–95
nuclear energy
, 210–211
solar power
, 208–209
water resources
, 207
wind power
, 205–207
comprehensive index
, 96–99, 104, 113, 116
, 43–46
, 44
and economic development
, 175–179
electricity accessibility and biomass consumption
, 46
elimination policies and actions. See China’s policies and actions, energy poverty elimination
evaluation index
, 46
existing situation of
, 28–30
coal consumption in China
, 26
electricity in developing countries
, 26–28
fuel poverty
, 25–26
household energy expenditure
, 30–32
IEA definition
, 44, 46
, 48, 114–115
international assessment indicators and measurement methods
, 47
International Energy Agency (IEA)
, 37–39
measurement methods of
, 46–56
and millennium development goals
, 44
, 86–87
regional comprehensive index
, 117
, 110–112
United Nations
, 32–35
World Bank
, 40–41
World Health Organization
, 34–37
world renewable energy development
, 194–204
See also China’s achievements, energy poverty challenges; China’s energy poverty (EP) assessment
Energy poverty line
, 49
, 49
energy demand threshold
, 55
Energy poverty mitigation
constraints to economic development
, 278
difficulty in poverty reduction
, 279
harm to human health
, 278
hinderance to livelihood improvement
, 279
Energy Poverty Reduction Strategy
, 255
Energy resources and energy security
, 19
Energy saving technologies
, 87
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP)
, 41
Energy service
, 19
, 49
power requirements of
, 51
Energy service availability (ESA)
, 77, 98–99, 105
energy supply capacity
, 82–84
living energy consumption
, 82
modern energy services, inaccessibility
, 77–82
Energy service availability index
, 105–106
Energy supply
, 58–59, 82–84
energy poverty impact
, 124–125
English Housing Survey (EHS) survey
, 126
Environmental pollution problems, renewable energy development
, 200–201
EP. See energy poverty (EP)
ESA. See energy service availability (ESA)
ESMAP. See Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP)
Ethanol-based bioenergy
, 200
See also fuel ethanol
EU Environment Agency (EEA)
, 130–131
Evaluation indicators system
, 75–76
, 74–75
Expenditure on healthcare
, 287
Exposure − response relationship method
, 125–126, 139
, 75–76
Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
, 223–224
Fiscal policy
, 246–247
Fluorine-rich coal
, 147
Fuel ethanol
, 210, 226, 270, 283
Fuel poverty
, 25–26, 32, 43
, 45
evaluation indicator
, 175
in UK
, 31
Fuel-saving stoves
, 89
Fuelwood collection
, 9
Gas consumption
, 57–58
“Gasified Jilin” project
, 272
“Gas infrastructure project for southern Xinjiang”
, 266
GDP per capita
, 176
Gender inequality, electricity infrastructure
, 259–260
Global climate model (GCM)
, 228
Global coal trade
, 7
Global Tracking Framework Report
, 40
GNP. See gross national product (GNP)
Granger Causality test
, 190
Greenhouse gas (GHG)
mitigation strategy
, 125
and pollutant emissions
, 134, 287
Green power
, 20
Grid-connected solar electricity
, 12
Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 9
Gross national product (GNP)
, 191
Gross world product (GWP)
, 1–2
and energy consumption
, 2
Guizhou’s energy poverty comprehensive index
, 118–119
GWP. See Gross world product (GWP)
Hainan’s ECC index
, 118
Health implications of pollutants emissions of residential energy
, 91
Health risk
, 36–37
energy poverty
, 286–288
and solid fuel
, 146
See also rural resident health, policy implications; solid fuels in rural and resident health
Hebei’s EP index
, 118
High carbon
, 59
High energy expenditure, energy poverty impact
, 126–127
Household electricity consumption
consumer behavior patterns
, 187
, 185
economic development
, 185
, 185–186
elasticity coefficient
, 187
electricity price
, 186
factors to change
, 187
per capita
, 57
, 186–187
Household energy
affordability and energy efficiency index
, 103, 109
China Energy Statistical Yearbook
, 188
coal coefficient
, 188
consumer behavior patterns
, 189
electricity infrastructure
, 260
Granger Causality test
, 190
regression coefficient
, 188
total energy consumption and proportion
, 188
efficiency and energy poverty impact
, 124
, 30–32
practices and millennium development goals
, 34–35
, 254–255
Household fuels
, 124
availability and electricity availability
, 54
structure and efficiency
, 287
Household income situation
, 133
Household living energy consumption
, 179
“Housing, Heating and Health Study”
, 129
Huai river policy
, 136–137
Human Development Index
, 46
Human health, energy poverty mitigation
, 278
Hydropower generation
, 17–18, 201, 207
in asian energy poverty alleviation
, 197–198
climate change impact
Business as Usual (BAU) scenario
, 227
“China Hydropower 100 Memorial Conference”
, 232
China’s Grain Losses
, 226
global climate model (GCM)
, 228
interprovincial data
, 228
IPCC emission scenarios
, 227
Providing Regional Climate Projections for Impacts Studies (PRECIS)
, 227–228
rainfall pattern
, 226
regional difference on
, 231–233
regression analysis
, 227, 229–230
, 227, 231
, 228–231, 249
wind power and
, 246
Income level
and living electricity consumption
, 181–182
and traditional energy consumption
, 182–184
energy poverty
, 46–48
rationality, energy poverty
, 54–56
Indoor air pollution (IAP)
, 278
, 145
energy poverty impact
, 134–136
and health effects, solid fuel use
, 148
household welfares, indirect impact on
, 148–149
interventions proposed by WHO to reduce
, 36
measures to reduce
, 38
modern energy services
, 169–170
response to
, 37
solid fuel use
, 9
traditional biomass fuels
, 125
World Health Organization’s response to
, 37
Indoor heat comfort
, 141–142
energy poverty impact
, 132–134
Indoor lighting
, 45
Indoor temperatures
, 286–287
Integrated rural energy supply capacity
, 283
International Energy Agency (IEA)
, 7, 82, 149
and development
, 37–39
Energy Development Index (EDI)
, 39
International Energy Poverty Assessment Indicators
, 90
International policies and actions, energy poverty elimination
electricity infrastructure, construction
, 256–260
electricity pricing mechanism
, 254
household energy subsidy
, 254–255
power sector reform measures
, 257
R&D investment in renewable energy
, 255–256
two case projects in South Africa
, 258
Japan’s Fukushima nuclear accident
, 211
Kerosene, low-income households
, 255
Ladder-type electricity pricing mechanism
, 254, 272
“Light for all” project
, 259
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
, 83
low-income households
, 255
Living biomass energy consumption
, 183
Living electricity consumption
and income level
, 181–182
Living energy
, 82
, 176
, 178
Living in Wales Survey (LWS) survey
, 126
Low-income and high-cost energy poverty
, 50
Low-income households
, 255
, 178–179, 210, 291
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
, 34, 280
improved household energy practices to
, 35
Ministry of Construction (MOC)
, 140
Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil (MME)
, 256–257
Modern energy services
, 212, 284
electricity infrastructure
, 259
, 77–82
Mongolia’s ESA index
, 118
Multidimensional Energy Poverty Index
, 48, 56
National annual biogas output
, 266
National Electricity Consumption Gini coefficient
, 281
National energy planning system
, 140
National monetarily poverty line
, 49
National Plan for Poverty Reduction
, 56–57
National Project on Biogas Development
, 256
National rural per capita net income
, 182
National transregional electric power exchange
, 18–19
Natural gas
, 5, 17, 83
global trade
, 6–7
pipeline networks
, 284
producers, net exporters and net importers of
, 8
reserves and distribution
, 5
utilization policy
, 271
New energy and renewable energy
, 21
No-emissions-trading scenario
, 245
Non-corn-based ethanol
, 226
, 91–92
Non-fossil fuel usage
, 17–18
Non-solid energy
, 285
, 59, 110
as electricity
, 59
Non-solid fuel to commercial energy
, 85–86
Non-thermal power generation
, 85–86, 110
Northeast China, household energy affordability and energy efficiency
, 108–109
Northern Ireland House Condition Survey (NHCS) survey
, 126
Nuclear power
, 204, 286
in China
, 210–211
, 86
safety problems
, 200–201
unit and water resources
, 225
Offshore wind power
, 199
, 3
, 200–201
production in China
, 16
reserves and distribution
, 5
Oil-exporting countries
, 7
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
, 260
Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative measures energy poverty
, 48
Pakistan’s EP index system
, 90
People without access to electricity
, 27
Photovoltaic (PV) market
, 208–209
power generation, installed capacity
, 209
Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)
, 51
Plug-in hybrids
, 12
Policy advices, energy poverty elimination
economic benefits
, 292
energy supply relationship
, 291
gradient energy price
, 290–291
private capital
, 291–292
, 293–294
“western development” strategy
, 292–293
Pollutants diffusion
, 137–139, 287
alleviation goal
, 176
, 148–149
Power grids
, 281, 284
“Power reaching every family” project
, 263
Premature death
, 278
Price policy
, 247–248
Primary energy consumption
in selected countries
, 4
, 3–4
Private capital, energy poverty elimination
, 291–292
Providing Regional Climate Projections for Impacts Studies (PRECIS)
, 227–228
Public health community
, 146–147
R&D investment in renewable energy
, 255–256
Regional assessment indexes
, 218
Regional clean energy development
adaptation to local condition
, 220–221
analysis, conceptual framework
, 211–213
ceiling effect
, 215
Clean Energy Development Index (CEDI)
, 213–215, 217–219
data resources of
, 213
, 211
and energy poverty
deficient energy development
, 213–217
economic development benefits
, 219
renewables within southwest part of China
, 217–219
resource endowments boost effects
, 220
indicators, definition and data resources of
, 214–215
regional assessment indexes
, 218
sustainable EDI, framework for
, 212
Regional fuel poverty
, 175
Regression coefficient
, 188
Remote area electrification projects
, 259
“Renewable Energy Act”
, 270
Renewables promote world energy development
biomass energy
, 200
development trends
, 202
in different regions
, 201
distributed generation system
, 200
distribution of
, 197
eliminate energy poverty in Asia
, 200–202
ethanol-based bioenergy
, 200
hydropower, in asian energy poverty alleviation
, 197–198
Indian electricity generation capacity
, 203
power generation capacity combined with grid
, 203
solar energy development
, 199–200
wind power, energy access in Europe
, 198–199
Residential commercial energy
, 57–58, 60
Residential electricity
, 50, 185
, 247–248
Residential energy
affordability and efficiency
, 88
, 82
consumption and urban China
, 130
clean energy and
, 131
EEA member countries and China
, 130
energy poverty-relevant policies and actions
, 128–129
natural gas
, 132
rural residential energy consumption
, 127–128
consumption behavior
, 90–91
cost index of
, 88–89
cost indicators
, 88
, 88–89
health implications of pollutants emissions of
, 91
pollutants emissions
, 91
, 185
Respiratory system disease, solid fuels
, 165–168
Rural electrification
, 281
, 54
, 259
, 283
, 56–57
Rural energy
, 85
, 283
, 86
Rural Energy Integrated Construction County (REICC) project
, 265
Rural firewood living consumption and per capita income
, 182
Rural grid renovation program
, 56–57
Rural households differentiated by major cooking energy source
, 62
Rural per capita net income
, 183
Rural resident health, policy implications
clean stoves and related publicity and education activities
, 170
cooking fuels
, 168–169
degree of dependency
, 169
modern energy sources
, 169–170
regional divergence
, 169
relatively low health levels
, 169
Rural residents’ tertiary indicator
, 88
Safeguarding energy security
, 221
, 75
Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS) survey
, 126
SE4ALL. See Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL)
Second National Agricultural Census
, 149
of China
, 56
Self-assessed health level
, 150
Shale gas
, 225
Small-scale hydropower stations
, 256
Socioeconomic vulnerability
, 289
Solar energy
, 255–256
, 199–200
Solar lamp project
, 259–260
Solar water heaters
, 90, 258
Solid and clean fuels
, 156
Solid commercial energy
, 85–86
Solid energy
, 19
to commercial energy of rural household
, 62
, 59, 181
Solid fuels in rural and resident health
data sources
, 150–151
, 145–147
cooking fuels choice, shift of
, 162
exposure to air pollution
, 162–165
respiratory system disease
, 165–168
household welfares and IAP
, 148–149
IAP and
, 147
incomplete combustion
, 146
measures to reduce effects
, 148
related information
, 151–152
research in China’s regions
, 149–150
rural household cooking fuel
changes in
, 157–158, 160–161
, 152–154
, 157
, 152–154
income and rural households’ dependence
, 154
proportion of residents
, 154
regional differences
, 154–156
by rural residents
, 158–160
types of
, 153
rural households and residents, sample sizes
, 151
Straw gasification
, 83–84
Sustainability, renewable energy development
, 201
Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL)
, 32, 149
country-level actions for
, 33–34
World Bank responses
, 39–41
Systematicness and independence
, 75
Technological innovation
, 21
“Ten percent” method, energy poverty
, 50
11th Five-Year-Plan of China
, 19, 226
“12th Five-Year Plan of Renewable Energy Development”
, 206–205, 207, 209
“Tibet Golden Sun Project” for solar energy construction
, 262–263
Tibet grid connection project
, 262
Total energy consumption
, 25
and proportion
, 188
Trading policy, import and export
, 248–249
Traditional biomass
, 54–55, 175
, 145
, 290
, 84, 178, 282
and coal
, 285
fuel replacement
, 288
Traditional coal-fired boiler
, 272–273
Traditional energy
, 21
consumption and income level
, 182–184
Traditional fuels
, 141
, 200–201
Transregional electric power exchange
, 18–19
Unified electricity tariffs
, 57
United Nations
actions and commitments
, 32–34
household energy practices and millennium development goals
, 34–35
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO)
, 266
Urban central heating (steam) supply capacity
, 83
Urban energy
infrastructure construction
, 141
, 140
Urban household energy equipment
, 89–90
Urbanization, energy poverty elimination
, 293–294
Urban non-solid commercial energy
, 281–282
Urban residents health, energy poverty impact
building materials structure
, 135–136
fuel-poor households by nation
, 126
high energy expenditure
, 126–127
household energy efficiency and
, 124
Huai river policy
, 136–137
inadequate energy supply
, 124–125
indoor air pollution
, 134–135
indoor heat comfort
, 132–134
policy recommendations
, 139–141
pollutants diffusion
, 137–139
Wanton turf-scooping
, 90
Warm Front project
, 260
Weatherization Assistance Program
, 260
WEO. See World Energy Outlook (WEO)
“Western development” strategy, energy poverty elimination
, 292–293
Wind power
in China
, 205–207
, 198–199
energy access in Europe
, 198–199
, 286
World Bank
Global Tracking Framework Report
, 40
measures and projects implementation
, 40–41
World Energy Outlook (WEO)
, 37, 212
World Health Organization
, 34–36
health risk assessment
, 36–37
indoor air pollution, response to
, 37
World petroleum demand
, 22
World renewable energy development
clean energy services
, 196
clean energy transition
, 194–195
energy crisis
, 194
renewable energy utilization, current status of
in Brazil and hydropower
, 203–204
, 202–203
renewables promote world energy development
biomass energy
, 200
distributed generation system
, 200
distribution of
, 197
eliminate energy poverty in Asia
, 200–202
ethanol-based bioenergy
, 200
hydropower, in asian energy poverty alleviation
, 197–198
solar energy development
, 199–200
wind power, energy access in Europe
, 198–199
safeguard energy security
, 194–195
traditional energy substitution
, 196
World Renewable Energy Development
, 4
Xinjiang power grid
, 261–262
Yellow River and Yangtze River
, 103–106
Yunnan’s EP comprehensive index
, 118
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Global Energy Development and Energy Poverty
- Chapter 2 Measurements and General Characteristics of Energy Poverty in China
- Chapter 3 Energy Poverty in China: A Comprehensive Assessment and Region-specific Comparison
- Chapter 4 Impacts of Energy Poverty on the Health of Urban Residents
- Chapter 5 Solid Fuels in Rural and Their Impacts on Resident Health
- Chapter 6 The Interaction of Energy Poverty and Economic Development
- Chapter 7 Clean Energy Development and Energy Poverty
- Chapter 8 Climate Change and Associated Policies and Energy Poverty
- Chapter 9 Energy Poverty Elimination Policies and Actions
- Chapter 10 Prospects and Challenges of Energy Poverty Mitigation
- Index