Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Decision Making in Modern Business Systems
Specifics of Decision Making in Modern Business Systems
ISBN: 978-1-78756-692-7, eISBN: 978-1-78756-691-0
Publication date: 1 August 2019
The aim of the study is to determine the nature and specificity of methodological approaches to management decision making in modern business systems. Management decisions are among the creative operations in the technology of management work. The methodology of decision making is of great applied importance and inevitably increases with the complexity of economic situations and management tasks. It is argued that on the one hand, decision making is a logical thinking activity and is implemented by senior staff and, on the other hand, is a management procedure and, therefore, should have a deep methodological study and be carefully organized and regulated by legislative and regulatory framework. It is proposed to consider approaches to management decision making as a set of basic methods of obtaining new knowledge, methods, and tools for solving problems of achieving the best result on the basis of in-depth study and compliance with the principles of organization of work in the chosen direction. The variety of approaches to management decision making reflects the different aspects of management processes taking place at the state and industry level, in the management of a particular business system. The practice of developing effective management solutions requires knowledge of universal and special approaches to the management of modern business systems and is a necessary competence of the management of a modern company.
Danilova, O.V. and Sorokina, A.V. (2019), "Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Decision Making in Modern Business Systems", Popkova, E.G., Chesnokova, A.V. and Morozova, I.A. (Ed.) Specifics of Decision Making in Modern Business Systems, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 71-83.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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