
Shola Abidemi Olabode (University of Hull, UK)

Digital Activism and Cyberconflicts in Nigeria

ISBN: 978-1-78756-015-4, eISBN: 978-1-78756-014-7

Publication date: 24 October 2018

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Olabode, S.A. (2018), "Index", Digital Activism and Cyberconflicts in Nigeria (Digital Activism and Society: Politics, Economy And Culture In Network Communication), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 251-256.



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Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU)
, 37

African Independent Television (AIT)
, 48

, 72–73, 210

Arab Spring
, 7, 58–64, 88

in Egypt
, 58–59, 63

in Tunisia
, 58–59, 63

use of FB and Twitter
, 62–64

9/11 attacks
, 73

Avgeropoulos, Yorgos
, 192, 195

Belarusian conflict
, 88

Biafra conflict
, 35

Boko Haram
, 2, 20, 23–24, 26, 29, 36, 40–41, 79, 205, 207, 211

alliance between ISIS and
, 180

ethnic, religious and political undertones
, 154–157

evolution of
, 143

framing issues and strategy
, 157–161

core framing tasks
, 161–165

modus operandi and targets
, 167–168

situating Islamism
, 165–167

hierarchical leadership structure
, 146–148

ideological propaganda of religion
, 179

influence of global jihad movements on
, 174

influence of ICTs on
, 168–173

psychological effects
, 177

leadership of
, 178

modus operandi, tactical repertoire and organisational set-up
, 167–168, 174–175

networking style
, 171–172

mobilisation and propaganda using digital media
, 172–180

propaganda and psychological manipulations
, 178–179

pledge of allegiance
, 179

religious ideology
, 196

socio-political, economic and cultural motivations
, 149–154

in terms of CC framework
, 183

, 175–178, 182–183

Bouazizi, Mohamed
, 58

Bo Xilai
, 77

Burkinabe Protests
, 68

CAQDAS software
, 24

Communication tools, role in democracy
, 54

Computer-mediated communication (CMC), principle of
, 5

Computer-mediated environments, conflict in
, 1

Concord Group
, 46–47

Conflict movements
, 54, 206

Conflict movements in Nigeria
, 1

Conflict resolution, role of digital media

Boko Haram movement
, 180–183

Movement for Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND)
, 202–204

Occupy Nigeria movement
, 138–142

Congo protests
, 66–67

‘Coup de Text’
, 62

Crna Ruka (Black 42 Hand)
, 71

, 53, 70

in Serbian terrorist movement
, 71–72

Cyberconflict (CC)
, 2, 53–54, 205

theoretical framework
, 5–8, 83, 206

in context of conflict
, 7–8

, 6–8

media components
, 8

resource mobilisation perspective
, 7

, 5, 8

Cyber protests
, 53

, 85

‘Delta-Oil’s Dirty Business’ documentary
, 192

Denial of service (DOS) attacks
, 7

Digital activism
, 2, 53, 87, 111, 133, 205, 213

youth engagement and activism in Sub-Saharan Africa
, 55–84

Digital ICTs
, 1

Dokubo, Asari
, 188

Douglas, Susan
, 54

Egyptian revolution (2011)
, 58

Egyptians Abroad in Support of Egypt
, 59

Electronic vandals
, 71

Estrada of Philippines, ousting of President
, 62

Ethnoreligious conflict
, 1, 36, 57, 82–83, 143, 183, 212

ethnoreligious cyberconflict
, 6–8

, 1, 6, 59, 66–67, 76, 87, 211

#FeesMustFall protest
, 64–66

Framing process of movements
, 73–80

Boko Haram
, 157–168

construction and preservation of meaning
, 75–76

core framing tasks
, 76

discursive processes
, 76

essential constituents of
, 74

, 75

Movement for Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND)
, 191–195

Occupy Nigeria movement
, 98–106, 120–133

Gbomo, Jomo
, 189, 201, 203

Global Justice Movement (GJM)
, 77

, 87

‘Great Red Firewall’ tag
, 86

Green Movement protests
, 85

Guardian African Network
, 68

, 71–72

Iceland protests (2009)
, 58

Ijaw ethnic group
, 196

India vs Pakistan conflicts
, 7

India vs Pakistan conflicts

ethnoreligious CC
, 77–78, 83

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
, 1

access to
, 57, 206, 208, 210–211

in conflict scenarios
, 54–55

in Chinese context
, 86

in Congo protests
, 66–67

, 207–212

organising and advocacy of SMS
, 62

ousting of President Estrada of Philippines
, 62

ousting of President Mugabe of Zimbabwe
, 67–73

participation levels, correlation between
, 57

#RMF and #FMF
, 64–66

tactical repertoire of conflict movements
, 61

costs of communication and coordination of
, 57–58

disruptive use of
, 60

framing process and
, 73–80

future directions and developments for research
, 213–214

issues of accessibility to
, 129–130

limitations of
, 84–89

mobile structures and
, 56–58

mobilise for public relations
, 180–181

multimodal nature of
, 211

opportunity structure and
, 80–84

potential impact of
, 1–2

on political protests
, 3–8

role in safeguarding movement actors
, 72–73

socio-political demobilising effect of
, 141

transnational nature of
, 81–82

youth engagement and activism
, 53

in Sub-Saharan Africa
, 55–84

Israel vs Palestine conflicts
, 7, 83

Jihadi John
, 79

Jonathan, Goodluck
, 42–43

Karatzogianni CC framework
, 207–208

Kuwait’s women’s suffrage movement
, 61

, 66

London European Forum (ESF)
, 77

Maitatsine conflict
, 36

Mano, Winston
, 67

Motivational framing
, 75

Movement for Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND)
, 2, 14–15, 20, 23, 29, 32, 40, 79, 205, 207, 211

amnesty programme for insurgents
, 203

as an ethnic movement with regional interest
, 204

anti-globalisation and the anti-capitalist movements
, 197

core framing task
, 191–195

evolution of
, 185–190

grievances and demands
, 197, 213

influence of ICTs on
, 190–191

resource for mobilisation and recruitment
, 198–202

use of email and mobile communication
, 198–199, 201–202

leadership of
, 189–190

membership and ethnic affiliation
, 188–190

identity of
, 189

ranks of
, 189–190

motivational framing
, 194–195

religious undertones
, 195–197

spokespersons of
, 188

, 192

, 199–200

Mugabe of Zimbabwe, ousting of President
, 67–73

National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS)
, 37

National Executive Council (NEC)
, 98

National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas (NUPENG)
, 47

Natural Gas Senior Staff Association (PENGASSAN)
, 47

The Net Delusion: How Not to Liberate the World (Morovoz)
, 85

Networks of Outrage and Hope
, 131

New social movement theory
, 5


agricultural-related activities
, 41

corruption in
, 40

democracy in
, 38–39, 42

different military regimes
, 37

, 41–42

electoral dissent in
, 40

ethnic and political rivalry
, 35–36, 42–43

ethnic groups in
, 35

ICTs and digital media
, 49–52

living standard
, 41

media industry
, 44–49

Concord Group
, 46

control of information and communications
, 45

in dictatorial regimes
, 45

government opposition to press
, 45–46

ICTs and digital media
, 49–52

liberalisation of broadcast media
, 47–48

ownership and monopoly in
, 44

printing press
, 45

private media
, 44, 48

regulatory atmosphere
, 48–49

role in safeguarding public interest
, 38

as watchdog of society
, 54

militant and insurgency-related conflict in
, 40

mobile penetration in
, 129

multilingual diversity
, 33–34

oil and gas sector
, 41–42

pitfalls in governance in
, 39–40

, 33–34

post-independence period
, 35–36

leadership struggles
, 36

post-military era
, 38–44

protests on economic issues
, 40

republic transitions
, 35

rotation of power in
, 43

socio-economic and political historical context
, 34–38

Hausa-Fulani ethnic group
, 34

Yoruba ethnic group
, 34

traditional labour groups and civil society actors
, 37–38

transformative initiatives
, 39

zoning policy, idea of
, 43–44

Nigerian Bar Association (NBA)
, 37

Nigerian Broadcasting Commission (NBC)
, 45, 47–48

Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC)
, 37, 98

Nigerian Television Authority (NTA)
, 47

Nkurunziza, President Pierre
, 69

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
, 6

Nvivo software
, 24–25, 27–30

Obasanjo, Olusegun
, 38, 40, 42

Occupy Nigeria movement
, 20, 24, 32, 79, 205–207

activists and members of
, 134

central aim of
, 130

civil society actors in
, 94–96

conflict of interests and disconnect between negotiators and protestors
, 136–137

core framing tasks
, 106–110

counter-mobilisation or demobilisation effect
, 130–131

evolution of
, 91–98

Labour Civil Society Coalition’s principal responsibility
, 95–96, 125–126, 136, 140

NLC striking committee and
, 96–97

framing issues and uses of ICTs
, 98–106, 120–133

CC framework and perspectives of participants
, 140

#ChildNotBride campaign
, 135

‘Enough is Enough’
, 123

, 133–138

inter-civil society relations and information sharing
, 120–122

‘Niaraland’ forum
, 123

, 135–136

‘Save Nigeria Group’ (SNG)
, 123

sponsored handles
, 139, 141

tweets and FB posts
, 123–126, 138–139

horizontal and vertical organisational structures
, 131

political opportunity structure
, 111–120

structure of leadership in
, 93, 137

Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement
, 5, 58, 60, 210

Odimba, Ali Bongo
, 66

Okah, Henry
, 202

Online activism
, 53

People’s Democratic Party (PDP)
, 40

Political protest, impact of ICT

analytical framework
, 3–4

audiovisual and textual material online
, 20–24

case studies
, 14–15

, 13–14

cyberconflict theoretical framework
, 5–8

rational of
, 29–32

data collection
, 11–12

, 12–13

, 19–20

interview questions
, 15–16

participant characteristics
, 16–19

research design
, 8–11

secondary data
, 20–24

thematic analysis
, 24–29

The Politics of Cyberconflict (Karatzogianni)
, 5–8

Protest mobilisation and collective action

analytic framework
, 3–4

factors and motivations for contentious activities
, 4

government influence and
, 4

psychological perspective
, 3

rational choice approach
, 4

relative deprivation theory
, 3

Radio Kudirat
, 38, 60

Radio Publique Africaine
, 69

Red Brigades
, 61

Resource mobilisation theory (RMT)
, 5, 7

#RhodesMustFall protest
, 64–66

, 66

Socio-political cyberconflict
, 1, 5, 8, 82

Technological activism
, 53

Trade Union Congress (TUC)
, 98

Traore, Alain Edouard
, 68

Tulip Revolution (2005)
, 61

Tunisia revolution (2010)
, 58

, 1, 6, 59, 66–67, 86, 124–125, 211

United Action for Democracy (UAD)
, 98

‘Us vs them’
, 77

Voice of Egypt Abroad
, 59

Web 2.0
, 60

Weimann, Gabriel
, 72

, 67

Women in Nigeria (WIN)
, 37

Yaha worm
, 78

Yar’Adua, Umaru Musa
, 43

Youth engagement and activism in Sub-Saharan Africa, role of ICT
, 55–84

Arab Spring
, 58–64

framing process of movements
, 73–80

opportunity structure
, 80–84

#RohodesMustFall and #FeesMustFall
, 64–66

, 1, 59, 66, 86, 182, 211

Zapatista movement of Mexico
, 5–6