
Organizing Marketing and Sales

ISBN: 978-1-78754-969-2, eISBN: 978-1-78754-968-5

Publication date: 29 May 2018


(2018), "References", Andersson, P., Axelsson, B. and Rosenqvist, C. (Ed.) Organizing Marketing and Sales, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 317-332.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited

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Part I Introduction: Organizing Marketing and Sales
Chapter 1 Contemporary Developments and Challenges in Sales Organizations: Some Observations
Chapter 2 Marketing Reorganization in a Globalized Market: The Case of ABB Robotics
Chapter 3 Marketing Organization Research and Ideas Revisited
Part II Sales Management and Organization Revisited
Chapter 4 Value-based Selling in the Service-dominated Business Landscape: Creating, Acting, and Organizing to Improve Customer’s Profits
Chapter 5 Organizing for Sales in VUCA Contexts: The Transformation Process from Products to Solution Sales
Chapter 6 Business Maneuvering: A Dynamic View of B2B Selling Processes
Chapter 7 Organizational Balancing: An Integrated View of Sales Management
Part III Organizing Interactions with Customers
Chapter 8 The Other Side of the Coin: On Developments in Procurement Practices and Their Implications for Sales
Chapter 9 Successful and Value-creating Interplay between Buyer and Seller: Organizing Mutuality
Chapter 10 Potential Business Improvements when Utilizing CRM Tools: and Challenges in Making It Happen
Chapter 11 The Next Generation CRM Tools: Bridging the Gaps between Sales Needs and CRM Tools Architecture
Part IV Organizing for Business Development and Extended Customer Offerings
Chapter 12 Outside in — To Capture the In-betweens: Organizing the Sociotechnical Embedding Process of New Technology
Chapter 13 Creating and Delivering Sustainable Customer Solutions: On Organizing Capabilities in the Era of Servitization
Chapter 14 Marketing and Sales in Ambidextrous Organizations: Organizational Challenges from Digitalization?
Part V New Perspectives on Marketing Organizing Processes
Chapter 15 Toward a Conceptual Model for Analyzing Marketing Reorganization and Transition Processes
Chapter 16 Organizing Marketing and Sales in a Networked Business World
Chapter 17 Brand Orientation as a Method to Inspire, Change Culture, and Lead the Implementation of Solutions Business
Chapter 18 Future Studies of Marketing and Sales Organization