
George R. Goethals (Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond, USA)

Realignment, Region, and Race

ISBN: 978-1-78743-792-0, eISBN: 978-1-78743-791-3

Publication date: 30 April 2018

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Goethals, G.R. (2018), "Index", Realignment, Region, and Race, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 183-194.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited


14th Amendment
, 104

15th Amendment
, 104

Adams, John
, 54–57, 155

Adams, John Quincy
, 65–67

Affordable Care Act
, 163

African Americans
, 4, 42, 43, 61, 79, 82

Al Smith and
, 133–137

FDR and
, 133–137

Ku Klux Klan and
, 13, 98

Military Reconstruction Acts and
, 94

negative views of
, 5

Northern industries and
, 126

party realignment and
, 6

regional conflict over rights for
, 4

Union armed services and
, 92

white majority hostility toward
, 43

African slaves
, 19, 58

Agnew, Spiro
, 152

Alien Act
, 55

American Colonization Society
, 61, 90

“American dilemma”
, 54

The American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy (Myrdal)
, 138

American government

, 50–52

Jim Crow segregation in
, 124

American imperialism
, 113–115

American Nations

American Revolution and
, 47–50

and the politics of race
, 15–23

American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America (Woodard)
, 16

American Party
, 75, 79, 80–81

See also Know Nothings

American Revolution
, 16, 21

American Nations in
, 47–50

Army of Northern Virginia
, 93

Arthur, Chester A.
, 104, 106

Asian Americans
, 43

Barkley, Alben
, 139

Bates, Edward
, 87

Battle of Gettysburg
, 105

Battle of New Orleans
, 59, 60, 72

Battle of Trenton
, 61

Bell, John
, 8, 87–89

Benton, Thomas Hart
, 81

Black Lives Matter
, 39

Blaine, James G.
, 106

“Bleeding Kansas”
, 80

, 127–128

See also Communism

Born Fighting (Webb)
, 22

“Boston Massacre”
, 48

Boston Police strike
, 128

Boston Tea Party
, 48

Bourbon Democrats
, 103, 111

Bovay, Alvan
, 78

Brando, Marlon
, 33

Breckinridge, John C.
, 7, 86

British Civil Wars
, 18

Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
, 137

Brown vs Board of Education
, 141

Bryan, William Jennings
, 10

Bourbon Democrats and
, 111

Chicago convention and
, 111

economic policies of
, 112

populism and
, 110–113

presidential election of 1896 and
, 113

Buchanan, James
, 80–82, 86, 101, 106

Buckley, William F.
, 145

Burleson, Albert
, 123–124

Burns, James MacGregor
, 27

Burr, Aaron
, 57

Bush, George H.W.
, 154–158, 160, 164, 170

Bush, George W.
, 1, 165, 166, 168, 170

elections of
, 160–164

Bush, Jeb
, 166

Byrd, Harry
, 143

Calhoun, John C.
, 44, 65–66

Campaign to Re-elect the President (CREEP)
, 151

, 103, 108

Caro, Robert
, 123

Carter, Jimmy
, 151–156

Iran hostage crisis and
, 154

racial divisions and
, 153

Southern identity
, 154

victory in 1976
, 154, 156–157, 161, 164

Cass, Lewis
, 72, 78, 83

Castro, Fidel
, 143

centrality of esteem needs
, 31–33

century of alignment transition
, 6–9

Cernak, Anton
, 132

charismatic leaders
, 32–33

Charles I, King of England
, 18

Chase, Salmon
, 87

The Chicago Defender
, 132

Chinese Exclusion Act
, 106

Church of England
, 18

civil rights
, 14–15

Goldwater and
, 14–15

presidential commission on
, 139

Truman’s support for
, 14, 137–140

Civil Rights Act of 1866
, 94

Civil Rights Act of 1964
, 145–146, 153, 170

Civil War
, 1–2, 4, 6–7, 9, 12, 14, 44, 47, 55, 95–97, 100–101, 103, 109, 112, 117, 136, 162

Clay, Henry
, 61, 63, 65–70, 73, 86, 118

Cleveland, Grover

collapse of leadership of
, 111

election of 1884 and
, 10, 106, 107

Clinton, Bill
, 156–160

impeachment of
, 159

West Coast and
, 164–166

Clinton, Hillary
, 162, 164, 166–167, 169–171

Cold War
, 48, 138, 140, 143, 148

, 127, 144, 148

See also Bolshevism

Compromise of 1820
, 63, 66, 77

See also Missouri Compromise

Compromise of 1850
, 73, 77, 83

Compromise of 1877
, 101, 104

Connally, John
, 152

Constitutional Convention
, 52, 57

Constitutional Union Party
, 87

Continental Army
, 49, 52–53

Continental Congress
, 48

Coolidge, Calvin
, 11, 128

Cox, James M.
, 12, 128

Crawford, William
, 65

The Crisis
, 122

Cromwell, Oliver
, 18

Crump, E.H. “Boss”
, 132

Cruz, Ted
, 166

culture of honor
, 43–46

Davis, Jefferson
, 78

Davis, John W.
, 12–13, 134

Debs, Eugene V.
, 123

Declaration of Independence
, 49, 50, 79, 84

Deep South

Democratic Party and
, 145–149

voting for Republican
, 14–15

Democratic Leadership Council (DLC)
, 157

Democratic Party
, 1, 66

African Americans and
, 133–137

Northern States and
, 133–137

popular vote and
, 164–166

slave states abandoning
, 12–14

white Deep South bidding farewell to
, 145–149

dependence, of self-concept
, 34–36

DePriest, Oscar
, 137

Dewey, Thomas E.
, 7, 11, 139

, 146

Truman and
, 137–140

Douglas, Stephen A.
, 9, 73, 77, 83–84

DuBois, W.E.B.
, 116, 122

Dukakis, Michael
, 155–157, 161, 164–165

early American republic (1789-1861)
, 52–56

“the eight ages of man” theory
, 40–41

Eisenhower, Dwight D.
, 5, 14, 105

elections of
, 140–145

struggle with Communist North Viet Nam and
, 146

election of 1860
, 85–89

election of 1876

and end of Reconstruction
, 101–102

slave states and
, 12

Emancipation Proclamation
, 62, 92

Embargo Act of 1807
, 59

Emerson, Ralph Waldo
, 70–71

“The Era of Good Feelings”
, 60, 63, 68

Erikson, Erik
, 35–36, 40–41

esteem needs

belongingness and
, 30

centrality of
, 31–33

leaders and
, 33

physiological needs and
, 30

safety needs and
, 30

exclusive identity stories
, 38–43

Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC)
, 138

Federal Elections Bill
, 108

See also Force Bill

Federalist Party
, 58, 60


decline of
, 57–64

Jeffersonian opposition to
, 56

Federal Reserve System
, 123

Fillmore, Millard
, 73, 81

first Gulf war
, 157

Force Bill
, 108

See also Federal Elections Bill

Ford, Gerald
, 152–153, 157, 165

Franklin, Benjamin
, 54

Freedmen’s Bureau
, 94

Freedom Riders
, 143

Free Soil party
, 72, 75, 80–81

free states
, 1, 7–8

“Lower North”
, 15

Republicans and
, 9–12

“Upper North”
, 15

Frémont, John C.
, 81, 84

French and Indian War
, 48

French Revolution
, 53

Fugitive Slave Act
, 73

Fugitive Slave Law
, 74

Gardner, Howard
, 3, 26, 38–39, 153

Garfield, James
, 104

Garner, John N.
, 135, 137

Garvey, Marcus
, 132

Gilded Age
, 102, 106, 109

Republican Party
, 89–93


Grant and
, 99–101

Republican Party
, 106–110

Gold Rush
, 22

Goldwater, Barry
, 14–15, 143, 145–149, 152, 165, 173

Gore, Al
, 1, 159

Grand Old Party (GOP)
, 4–5

post-Civil War
, 95–99

South and
, 140–145

Grant, Ulysses S.
, 9, 93

DePriest and
, 137

gold and
, 99–101

Lincoln and
, 95–99

re-election in 1872
, 9

The Great Commoner. See Bryan, William Jennings

Great Depression
, 13

Greater Appalachia
, 16, 21–22, 46, 49–50, 161, 165, 171

Great Migration
, 126

and urban black voters in the North
, 131–133

World War I and
, 131

Great Recession
, 162

Great Society programs
, 155

“the Great War”
, 124

Greeley, Horace
, 79, 85, 91, 99, 112, 172

greenbacks, and Republican Party
, 106–110

Haidt, Jonathan
, 41

Hamilton, Alexander
, 53, 56

Hammond, James
, 85

Hancock, Winfield
, 104, 112

Harding, Warren G.
, 11–12, 127–128

Harris, Joel Chandler
, 121

Harris, Julian
, 121

Harrison, Benjamin
, 107–109

Harrison, William Henry
, 67–69, 107

Hartford Convention
, 59

Harvard University
, 40

Hayes, Rutherford B.
, 12, 101, 103

Heifetz, Ronald
, 28

Hoar, George F.
, 108

Hobart, Garret
, 115

Hogg, Michael
, 37–38

Hoover, Herbert
, 11, 13, 128, 134–136, 141, 166

Hudson, Henry
, 18

Hughes, Charles Evans
, 7, 11, 124

Humphrey, Hubert
, 142, 147–149, 164–165

Hussein, Saddam
, 161

identity stories

, 38–43

, 38–43

inclusive identity stories
, 38–43

independence, of self-concept
, 34–36

Inflation Bill
, 100

Iran-Contra scandal
, 155

Jackson, Andrew
, 21, 64–68

British army invasion and
, 21, 59–60

political leadership of
, 67–68

Van Buren and
, 155

James, William
, 34–36

Jefferson, Thomas
, 17, 41, 49, 53, 54, 63

Jefferson Republican Party
, 65

Jesus of Nazareth
, 40

Jim Crow
, 4

Johnson, Andrew, and Presidential Reconstruction
, 93–95

Johnson, Lyndon B.
, 5, 14–15, 142, 144, 146–148, 155, 165

Kansas-Nebraska Act
, 7, 75, 77–82

Kasich, John
, 166

Kelly, Edward J.
, 132

Kennedy, Edward (Ted)
, 154

Kennedy, John F.
, 7, 25, 37, 43

assassination of
, 15

civil rights legislation and
, 144

elections of
, 140–145

Kerry, John
, 161

King, Martin Luther, Jr.
, 144

King, Rufus
, 60

Know Nothings
, 75, 79–80

See also American Party

Korean War
, 140

Ku Klux Klan
, 13, 98, 133

LaFollette, Robert M.
, 134


social comparison and
, 36–38

social identity and
, 36–38

Leading Minds (Gardner)
, 39

League of Nations
, 127

Lee, Robert E.
, 93

Lenin, Vladimir
, 127

Lewinsky, Monica
, 159

Lincoln, Abraham
, 1, 5, 25, 42, 51, 79

colonization and
, 62

emancipation proclamation and
, 91–92

free states
, 7–9

rise of
, 82–85

Lodge, Henry Cabot
, 108

Louisiana Purchase
, 59, 63, 68

Louis XVI of France
, 53

Madison, James
, 17, 54

“Make America Great Again,” (MAGA)
, 26, 39, 171

Manifest Destiny
, 71

Marshall, George
, 39–40, 42

Marshall Plan
, 40

Marx, Karl
, 96

Maslow, Abraham
, 29

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
, 29–30

McAdoo, William
, 133

McCain, John
, 1, 161–163

McClellan, George B.
, 9, 93

McGovern, George
, 149

McKinley, William
, 10, 112

McPherson, James
, 64

Mexican War
, 71, 74, 83

, 70–75

Military Reconstruction Acts
, 94–95

Missouri Compromise of 1820
, 63, 64, 66, 77–78

See also Compromise of 1820

Mondale, Walter
, 155

Monroe, James
, 17, 58, 60–63, 65, 95

“moral elevation”
, 41

Myrdal, Gunnar
, 138

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
, 122

National Republican Party
, 66

National Review
, 145

National Union Party
, 94

Native Americans
, 21, 43, 67


, 30, 31–33

, 29–30

, 29–30, 142

New Deal programs
, 137, 155

The New York Times
, 114

New York Tribune
, 79, 99, 112

Nixon, Richard M.
, 7, 14, 141–143, 147–149, 151–159

Northern Democrats
, 72, 78, 86, 91–92, 144

Northern States

Al Smith and
, 133–137

FDR and
, 133–137

Nothing Party
, 79

Obama, Barack
, 1

elections of
, 160–164

West Coast and
, 164–166

Obamacare. See Affordable Care Act

On The Waterfront
, 33

Operation Desert Storm
, 157

Parker, Alton B.
, 118

Penn, William
, 20

Pennsylvania Quakers
, 54

Perot, Ross
, 158

Phillips, Kevin
, 149

Pierce, Franklin
, 74, 77, 80

political parties

emergence of
, 56–57

, 104–106

politics of race, and American nations
, 15–23

Polk, James K.
, 69

Pope John XXIII
, 39–40, 42

popular vote

inclusive future
, 170–171

mismatch future
, 168–170

Trump and
, 166–168

, 110–113

Presidential Reconstruction
, 93–95

Progressive Party
, 121

, 18

Racism in the Nation’s Service (Yellin)
, 123

Randolph, A. Philip
, 137

Reagan, Ronald
, 147

Ford and
, 152–153

Iran-Contra scandal and
, 155

reconstructive regime of
, 151–156

“trickle down” approach of
, 157–158

realignment of American politics

American nations and the politics of race
, 15–23

century of alignment transition
, 6–9

civil rights
, 14–15

deep South votes Republican
, 14–15

free states becoming less Republican
, 9–12

Goldwater, Barry
, 14–15

orienting framework
, 3–6

Republican rule in roaring twenties and evolving dynamics of
, 126–129

slave states abandoning Democrats
, 12–14

realistic conflict theory
, 43

, 4, 7

election of 1876 and the end of
, 101–102

Republican Party
, 89–93

Red Scare
, 127

Republican Party
, 1, 65

American imperialism
, 113–115

birth of
, 77–82

Deep South votes
, 14–15

from equality to inequality
, 95–99

free states becoming less
, 9–12

generation of political party parity
, 104–106

gold, silver, and greenbacks
, 106–110

Grant and gold
, 99–101

quarter century regime
, 57–64

Roosevelt, Theodore and progressive
, 116–120

rule in roaring twenties and evolving dynamics of realignment
, 126–129

Theodore Roosevelt and progressive
, 116–120

war, Reconstruction, and Gilded Age
, 89–93

William Jennings Bryan and populism
, 110–113

Wilson experiment and “racism in the nation’s service”
, 121–126


, 64–68

election of 1860
, 85–89

Revolutionary War
, 4, 54, 60

Richardson, Heather Cox
, 116

“Robbers Cave” experiment
, 29

Rockefeller, Nelson
, 142

Roman Catholic Church
, 40

Romney, Mitt
, 163

Roosevelt, Eleanor
, 137–138

Roosevelt, Franklin D.
, 25, 42, 74

African Americans and
, 133–137

death of
, 138

Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC)
, 138

Northern States and
, 133–137

Roosevelt, Sarah Delano
, 135

Roosevelt, Theodore
, 5

progressive economic policies and
, 118

Progressive Party and
, 121

and progressive Republican Party
, 116–120

Rough Riders and
, 115

Rubio, Marco
, 166

Russian Revolution
, 127

Scott, Dred
, 82, 86

Scott, Winfield
, 72, 74

Second Great Awakening
, 64

Second Gulf War
, 161

Sedition Act
, 55

self-categorization theory
, 37–38


dependence of
, 34–36

independence of
, 34–36

September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
, 161

Seward, William
, 87

Seymour, Horatio
, 9–10, 112

Sherif, Muzafer
, 29

silver, and Republican Party
, 106–110

Sirica, John
, 151

Skowronek, Stephen
, 155

, 17, 55

Alien and Sedition Acts and
, 55

Lincoln on
, 6–7

Northern and Southern differences regarding
, 4

Northerners and
, 44

Pennsylvania and
, 21

Revolutionary War and
, 54

Second Great Awakening and
, 64

Tidewater region
, 17–19

slave states, abandoning Democrats
, 12–14

slave trade
, 17, 19, 51, 54, 58

Smith, Al
, 11

African Americans and
, 133–137

Northern States and
, 133–137

social comparison

leaders and
, 36–38

social conflict
, 43–46

social identity
, 3

culture of honor and
, 43–46

, 43

leaders and
, 36–38

racial dynamics and
, 2

social comparisons and
, 36–38

, 37

social psychology
, 3

Southern Democrats
, 67, 77, 86, 101, 108, 123, 137, 139

Spanish American War
, 47, 113–114

Sparkman, John
, 141

Stevenson, Adlai
, 14, 141

The Strange Career of Jim Crow (Woodward)
, 114

Sumner, Charles
, 98

Taft, Robert
, 141

Taft, William Howard
, 10, 117–123, 141, 172

Taney, Roger
, 82

Taylor, Zachary
, 72, 83

, 161

“terror management theory”
, 32–33

, 68–70

Thurmond, Strom
, 7, 14, 143

Tilden, Samuel J.
, 10, 101, 168

Todd, Mary
, 83

Treaty of Ghent
, 59

Truman, Harry
, 7, 11, 137

civil rights and
, 137–140

Dixiecrats and
, 137–140

21st-century realignment and
, 137–140

Trumbull, Lyman
, 83

Trump, Donald
, 26, 39

popular vote and
, 166–168

prospect of a populist realignment and
, 166–168

, 166–168

Tuskegee Institute
, 116

25th Amendment
, 152

Tyler, John
, 69

Uncle Remus (Harris)
, 121

uniquely human motivations
, 29–31

centrality of esteem needs
, 31–33

dependence and independence of self-concept
, 34–36

United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)
, 132

United States

expansion of
, 68–70

House of Representatives
, 62, 65, 67, 72, 80–82, 92–95, 101–102, 106–107, 110–111, 121, 136, 152, 159

and Mexico
, 70–75

, 62

United States Colored Troops (USCT)
, 92

University of Michigan
, 45

US Constitution
, 13

12th Amendment to
, 57

13th Amendment to
, 93

14th Amendment to
, 94

15th Amendment to
, 95

18th Amendment to
, 13

25th Amendment to
, 152

framing of
, 4, 50

slave holders and
, 52

slave trade and
, 54, 58

Van Buren, Martin
, 66–68, 72–73, 155

Van Vugt, Mark
, 28

Viet Nam War
, 162

Voting Rights Act
, 146

Wallace, George
, 148

Wallace, Henry
, 137

War of 1812
, 60

Warren, Earl
, 139, 141

Washington, Booker T.
, 116–117

Washington, George
, 17, 49

Continental Army and
, 49

Farewell Address of 1796
, 56

The Washington Post
, 151

Watergate Office Building
, 151

Watergate scandal
, 152

Weaver, James
, 109

Webb, James
, 21

West Coast

Clinton and
, 164–166

Obama and
, 164–166

Whig Party
, 67, 78

Wilmot, David
, 72

“Wilmot Proviso”
, 72

Wilson, Woodrow
, 7, 10, 117

Wilson experiment
, 121–126

Woodard, Colin
, 16, 68

Woodward, C. Vann
, 114

World War I
, 47

African Americans leaders and
, 173

Great Migration and
, 131

World War II
, 47, 138, 173

The Worm at the Core: The Role of Death in Life (Solomon, Greenberg, & Pysczczynski)
, 32

Yankee Congregationalists
, 18

Yellin, Eric
, 123