ISBN: 978-1-78714-669-3, eISBN: 978-1-78714-668-6
Publication date: 20 November 2017
Redhead, S. (2017), "References", Theoretical Times, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 253-277.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © Steve Redhead, 2018
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et al. While reading this book, listen, as a soundtrack, to my freely downloadable podcasts with Tara Brabazon on the genesis of the ideas, figures and theorists behind my trope of theoretical times and the history and politics of contemporary theory: “Theoretical Times: Claustropolitanism” “Theoretical Times: Accelerated Culture” “Theoretical Times: Reproletarianisation” “Theoretical Times: Foreclosure” “Theoretical Times: Claustropolitan Sociology” “Theoretical Times: Bunker Anthropology” “Theoretical Times: Louis Althusser” “Theoretical Times: Alain Badiou”Žižek “Theoretical Times: Slavoj Žižek” “Theoretical Times: Paul Virilio” “Theoretical Times: Jean Baudrillard” “Theoretical Times: Lucio Colletti” = 13322766 “University of Trumpland”
et al. While reading this book, watch my freely downloadable vodcasts on the culture and politics of theoretical times with Tara Barabazon: = lK9UolZUQ9I “Writing (in) Theoretical Times” = zn2J7vbsxKA&t = 9s “This Modern Sporting Life in Paperback” = MatVRBsLIyc “From Blog to Book” = SCBJavSBb4U “What is Physical Cultural Studies?” = Rv4qUotgSyg “What is Sporting Claustropolis?” = TfLf-IDozf0 “Digitising Judas (and Dylan): I Don’t Believe You, You’re a Liar” = 1BPWrFVQWpo “Digital Dylan: On Blonde on Blonde”