
Managing the Ageing Workforce in the East and the West

ISBN: 978-1-78714-639-6, eISBN: 978-1-78714-638-9

Publication date: 7 November 2017

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(2017), "Index", Flynn, M., Li, Y. and Chiva, A. (Ed.) Managing the Ageing Workforce in the East and the West (The Changing Context of Managing People), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 271-285.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited


Active Ageing agenda
, 53, 145, 226

Age Action Alliance
, 229

Age-based seniority pay systems
, 10

Ageing workplaces
, 2

in China
, 5–7

in Europe
, 7–9

Tiger economies. See Tiger economies

Ageism and manager attitudes, learning and training

ageist stereotypes
, 197

age norming
, 198–199

external stereotyping
, 197

human capital theory
, 197

individual career trajectories
, 198

inter-generational conflict and tension
, 198

older worker learning and development
, 196–197

productivity and return-on-investment
, 198

Age Management (AM)
, 36, 176, 181, 182

policies, Korea
, 131

All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU)
, 146–147

Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach
, 12

Anti-age discrimination legislation
, 114

Authoritarian state control
, 125

Auto-enrollment pension scheme
, 87, 118, 120

Average life expectancy
, 5

Bismarckian PAYG scheme
, 56

Block model
, 57

‘Business case’ arguments
, 114

Career-stage model
, 188

Caring responsibilities, eldercare management
, 210

demographic change
, 210–212

welfare state
, 218–219

Cascade Healthcare
, 219

Central Statistical Office
, 30–31

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
, 181, 186, 215

Chemical, Steel and Retail sectors, collective agreements
, 9

Chile’s pension reforms
, 25

China Aging Problem National Commission Office
, 218–219

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
, 147

Chinese government’s Development Research Foundation
, 4

Class-based and enterprise unions

ageing populations
, 142

challenge-facing representatives
, 142

Civil Service, Hong Kong
, 158–159

collective bargaining
, 156–157

dependency ratio
, 142

employment relations
, 143

lifelong learning opportunities
, 142

lump of labour theory
, 142–143

macro-level balance
, 142

older workers’ perceptions

agency model
, 154

awareness of
, 151–152

careers and retirement plans
, 154

, 151

finial solidarity factor
, 152

linear regressions
, 150, 154

pension and retirement income
, 154

planned retirement age
, 154

pre-retirement planning services
, 153–154

retirement age
, 154

service-related unionism
, 150, 160

solidarity-based unionism
, 151

survey responses
, 154

Western trade unionism
, 152

see also Older workers

social equality
, 143

trade unions and retirement. See Trade unions

Collective bargaining
, 156–157

Community Business
, 228, 229

Community care
, 216

Community social service stations
, 216

Company-based early retirement offers
, 53

Company-based enterprise unions
, 148

Comparative public policy research
, 244

Comparative welfare states
, 244–245

Confidence interval (CI)
, 97

Consumer Price Index
, 156

Continuity theory
, 190

Coordinated Market Economy
, 125

Cross-sector strategy
, 31

Data Centre of the German Centre of Gerontology
, 66

Defined Contribution (DC) pension scheme
, 88

Demographic window
, 4, 226

Department for Work and Pensions UK (DWP)
, 201

Disability-free longevity
, 3

Diversity and Inclusion in Asia Network (DIAN)
, 228

Domestic economy
, 20–21

Domestic labour market
, 25

Eastern welfare states
, 149

Educational level
, 68

Education, labour market resource
, 54, 65

Elder Academy
, 190

Eldercare management, United Kingdom and China

care requirements
, 209

caring responsibilities
, 210

demographic change
, 210–212

welfare state
, 218–219

Cascade Healthcare
, 219

cognitive dissonance
, 210

cultural dimension

care and work coordination
, 213

economic opportunities
, 214

family planning policy
, 212–213

family responsibilities
, 214

household structure
, 214

pivot generation
, 213

public policy
, 215

sandwich generation
, 213

employment rights
, 215–217

medical treatment and public health promotion
, 208

multiple health conditions
, 208

one-child policy (OCP)
, 208

sandwich carers
, 210

social and cultural values
, 209

survey results
, 220–222

‘unexpected career,’
, 211

women’s labour force participation
, 219

workplace flexibility policies
, 208

Employees’ Social Security Act
, 180

Employer defined-benefit pension schemes
, 117

Employer networking organisations
, 227

Employers’ Forum on Age (EFA)
, 229

Employers’ Network for Equality and Inclusion (enei)
, 229

Employer-sponsored pension plans
, 25

Employment Equality (Age) Regulations
, 61, 145, 146

Equal Employment Opportunity Law
, 29

Equal Opportunities Commission
, 62, 233–234

Ethical/value-based agencies
, 227

European Agency for Safety and Health
, 175–176, 181

European Employment Strategy
, 8

European Social Survey
, 13

European Working Conditions Survey
, 13

European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations (EY2012)
, 35

Europe’s growth strategy
, 35–36

, 8

Exploratory data analysis (EDA)
, 95

Family care
, 216

Family planning policy
, 212–213

Family Status Discrimination Ordinance
, 218

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
, 65–66

Financial planning security
, 31

Financial situation
, 54–55, 65

Financing retirement

confidence interval (CI)
, 97

demographic components
, 108

economic growth and movement
, 84

empirical models
, 109

employee data
, 84

household income
, 108

logistic regression analysis results
, 97, 105–107

policy makers
, 84

quality of life
, 84

respondents characteristics
, 91–95

retirement and retirement income
, 109

saving options
, 97, 101–103

social change and attitudes
, 84

statistical analysis
, 90–95

test of associations
, 97, 98–100

in United Kingdom and Hong Kong, pension systems
, 85–89

welfare and non-welfare states
, 84

zero-order correlation analysis
, 95, 96

Finnish Institute for Occupational Health
, 9

Finnish Workability Model
, 9, 122

Firm-based mandatory retirement ages
, 10

Flat-rate pension
, 85

Formal-based learning
, 196

Gender, retirement preferences
, 54

Gender-segregated labour markets
, 54

German Ageing Survey
, 65–66

German policy makers
, 57

Government-established labour policy
, 35

Government Programme for Promoting Senior Citizens Social Activity
, 28

Hazard Identification Risk Assessment & Risk Control (HIRARC)
, 174

Health management programmes
, 242

Health, retirement preferences
, 54

Healthy life expectancy
, 211

Healthy workplaces

, 180

economic and social development
, 171

global life expectancy
, 167

hazard exposure reduction
, 172–174

hazardous working conditions
, 166

hazards identification
, 167–168

indirect costs
, 171

management systems approach
, 171

mental/physical health
, 171

occupational risks
, 166

older workers

ability to work
, 180

Age Management
, 181, 182

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
, 181

chronic illness
, 179–180

European Agency for Safety and Health
, 181

health status
, 180

injury risks
, 180

participatory approach
, 182

physical changes
, 178–179

Retirement and Re-employment Act (RRA)
, 181

Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives
, 181

Special Employment Credit (SEC)
, 181–182

violence and stress
, 180

see also Older workers

personal health resources
, 168

, 174–175


Age Management framework
, 176

European Agency for Safety and Health
, 175–176

, 175

Industrial Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality
, 176

internal and external drivers
, 175

Occupational Safety and Health in the Service Sector and Health Management System (OSHMS)
, 176

risk reduction measures
, 176–177

Systematic Occupational Health Enhancement-Level Programme (SOHELP)
, 176

psychosocial work environment. See Psychosocial work environment

risk management measures
, 171–172

skills and experience
, 167

State Pension Age
, 167

Work Ability concept
, 177–178

World Health Organization (WHO)
, 168

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)
, 50–51, 55, 78–79, 148, 233

see also Retirement plans

Household income
, 68

Human capital theory
, 197

Ikigai concept
, 33

Individual learning
, 239

Individual level
, 68

, 54

Individual psychology models
, 120

Individual retirement plans
, 52

Industrial Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality
, 176

Institutional and workplace contexts change

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)
, 50–51

see also Retirement plans

multi-pillar pension structure
, 77

pension reform cohorts
, 77

political and management interventions
, 50

political level
, 50

retirement ages

level differences
, 68

multivariate linear regression analyses
, 69, 70–75

orientation marker
, 68

sectoral characteristics
, 69

workplace characteristics and conditions
, 69

retirement preferences

demographic ageing
, 51–52

individual financial situation
, 55

individual level
, 54–55

institutional characteristics
, 55

institutional level
, 52–53

nation-specific survey
, 55

plans, in countries. See Retirement plans

workplace level
, 53–54

Institutional care
, 216

International financial institutions
, 2

International Labour Organization (ILO)
, 2

International Social Survey Project and National Adult Learning Survey
, 13

International Trade Union Confederation
, 147

Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Affairs
, 27

Japanese old-age employment regime
, 11

Japanese pension system
, 24

Japan Institute for Labour Policy and practical training (JILPT)
, 34

Japan NGO Council on Ageing (JANCA)
, 34

Job retention system
, 27

Keynesian welfare state
, 125

Korean Federation of Trade Unions (KFTU)
, 147

Labour force participation rate
, 23

Labour Force Surveys
, 13

Labour market developments

business perspective
, 36

governmental perspective
, 34–36

individual perspective
, 37–39

Labour Retirement Benefit
, 149

Learning and Talent Development’ (L&TD)
, 187

Learning and training
, 200–202

ageism and manager attitudes. See Ageism and manager attitudes, learning and training

in Asia
, 199–200

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
, 186

, 186

EU labour force survey
, 188

, 193–194

Learning and Talent Development’ (L&TD)
, 187

learning organisations
, 195–196

life stages

cognitive changes
, 191–193

, 188–191

organisation culture and climate
, 194–195

reactive learning
, 187

, 187

skills maintenance and enhancement
, 186

training rates
, 187–188

Life-cycle approach
, 8

Lifelong learning opportunities
, 142

Lifetime employment model
, 148

Linear regressions
, 150

union membership and retirement plans
, 154–155

Lisbon Council
, 8

Lisbon Protocol
, 145

Logistic regression analysis, financing retirement
, 97, 105–107

Lump of labour theory
, 142–143, 236, 241

Malaysian Social Security Organization (SOCSO)
, 179, 180

Management systems approach
, 171

Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Ordinance
, 60, 85–88, 149

Manual Handling Operations Regulations
, 173

Mentoring and reverse mentoring
, 241

Mid-Career Review (MCR)
, 237, 239

Multi-generational workforces
, 244

National Council of Social Services
, 85

National Employment Savings Trust (NEST)
, 59, 86–88

National-funded pension schemes
, 149

National Health Service (NHS)
, 156, 157

National Institute for Care Excellence
, 124–125

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
, 169

National Insurance system
, 86

National labour markets
, 52

National social security systems
, 114

Nation-specific institutional configurations
, 52

Neo-liberal global economic order
, 125

Non-financial Defined Contribution model
, 147–148

Non-regular employment

employment proposition
, 29, 30

motivational factors
, 33

Normative life stages models
, 188

Occupational Retirement Scheme Ordinance (ORSO)
, 60, 87, 88

Occupational Safety and Health Act
, 170

Occupational safety and health (OSH) hazard
, 170

Occupational Safety and Health in the Service Sector and Health Management System (OSHMS)
, 176

Occupational Safety & Health Master Plan (OSH-MP)
, 172

Office for National Statistics (ONS)
, 210, 211

Old Age Allowance
, 59

Old-age dependency ratio
, 26

Old-age poverty
, 3

Older workers

European Social Survey
, 13

European Working Conditions Survey
, 13

experience dataset
, 13

Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach
, 12

, 12

quality of life
, 12

retirement plans
, 12, 13

risk factors
, 12

skills and abilities
, 12

work choices
, 1

work environments and context
, 12

International Social Survey Project and National Adult Learning Survey
, 13

Labour Force Surveys
, 13

learning and training. See Learning and training

UK and Hong Kong Survey

demographic profile
, 249–251

survey question responses
, 252–266

One Child Policy
, 4, 208

Organisational workforce planning
, 115

Organisation culture and climate
, 194–195

Pay-as-you-go pension scheme
, 24

‘Peak wage’ system
, 129

Pension Commission Report
, 86

Pension Kosei nenkin
, 24

Pension Reform Act
, 116

Pension systems
, 2

in Europe
, 7

Tiger economies
, 10

in United Kingdom and Hong Kong
, 59–60

auto-enrollment scheme
, 87

, 90

Defined Contribution (DC) pension scheme
, 88

flat-rate pension
, 85

income and wealth sources
, 89

National Employment Savings Trust (NEST)
, 86–88

National Insurance system
, 86

occupational pensions
, 86, 87

Occupational Retirement Scheme Ordinance (ORSO)
, 87, 88

pension age
, 86

Pension Commission Report
, 86

residual welfare states
, 85

retirement plans
, 89–90

satisfaction/dissatisfaction level
, 89

security model
, 85

self-employed workers
, 86

social insurance contributions
, 85

UK Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
, 87

welfare states
, 88–89

work and career
, 90

workplace pension scheme
, 86

Personal responsibility agenda
, 118

Polish pension system
, 25–26

Positive working environments
, 233

precariousness in work
, 3, 29, 57, 119, 128, 131, 148, 150, 154

quality of work
, 12, 198, 233

Productive ageing society, Japan and Poland

baby boomer generation
, 20

broad-based social media campaign
, 40

characteristic work motivation
, 23–24

, 20, 23

domestic economy
, 20–21

early retirement
, 24

economic and social contributions
, 20

employment proposition

attitudes and behaviours characteristics
, 31

Central Statistical Office
, 30–31

cross-sector strategy
, 31

dependency ratio
, 30

employment rate of population
, 30

Equal Employment Opportunity Law
, 29

, 29

financial planning security
, 31

non-regular employment
, 29, 30

psychological maturity
, 32

work culture
, 29

external and internal stakeholders
, 41

external factors
, 22

financial situation
, 24

framework of
, 23

labour costs
, 22

labour force participation rate
, 23

labour market developments

business perspective
, 36

governmental perspective
, 34–36

individual perspective
, 37–40

motivational factors

ikigai concept
, 33

Japan Institute for Labour Policy and practical training (JILPT)
, 34

labour force participation rate
, 32–33

mental balance
, 33–34

regular/non-regular employment
, 33

retirement age
, 32, 33

national economies
, 21


Chile’s pension reforms
, 25

domestic labour market
, 25

employer-sponsored pension plans
, 25

individual pension savings programs
, 25

life expectancy
, 24

national and occupational pension funds
, 24–25

old-age dependency ratio
, 26

open pension funds
, 25

participation rate, labour market
, 26

pay-as-you-go pillar
, 25

pension Kosei nenkin
, 24

, 21

population structure
, 26

provident fund Kyosai nenkin
, 24

public social security programme
, 25

retirement pension
, 25

state/quasi-state pension fund
, 24

see also Pension systems

personnel policy
, 21

productive activities
, 23

Rhineland economies
, 21

silver economy concept
, 40

stability employment act
, 39

welfare policies. See Welfare policies

working lifetime
, 22

Provident fund Kyosai nenkin
, 24

Psychological development theories
, 189

Psychosocial work environment
, 168

decision-making processes
, 170

impact of
, 169

inter-personal and social interactions
, 168

job demand
, 168

job satisfaction
, 169

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
, 169

Occupational Safety and Health Act
, 170

occupational safety and health (OSH) hazard
, 170

poor psychosocial work environments
, 168

positive psychosocial work environments
, 168

violence and stress
, 170

workers’ mental health
, 169

work-related stress
, 170

Public social security programme
, 25

Quality of life
, 12, 84, 189–190

Reactive learning
, 187

Residual first-tier pension
, 85

Residual welfare states
, 85

Retirement Age Act (RAA)
, 234

Retirement and Re-employment Act (RRA)
, 181, 234

Retirement benefits
, 52

Retirement plans

in Germany
, 55, 78

contribution-based German system
, 76

, 65–66

, 77

employer policies
, 58

labour market
, 57

multivariate linear regression analyses, planned retirement age
, 74–75

operationalisation and methods
, 66–68

pension systems and retirement pathways
, 56–57

institutional features
, 62, 63

planned retirement age
, 62, 64

trade unions. See Trade unions

in United Kingdom and HKSAR
, 55, 78–79

age discrimination regulation and retirement age
, 60–61

company policies
, 61–62

, 65–66

, 73

liberal system
, 76

multivariate linear regression analyses, planned retirement age
, 70–73

operationalisation and methods
, 66–68

, 59–60

welfare state and labour market
, 58–59

Retirement policy

in China
, 5, 6

in Europe
, 9

Retrospective analyses
, 51

Return-to-work (RTW) assistance
, 179

Rhineland economies
, 21

Riester reform
, 56

Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives
, 181

Second-tier pension system
, 85, 87

Self-employed workers
, 86

Sequential life stages
, 189

, 187

Service-related unionism
, 150, 160

Silver economy concept
, 40

Single Equality Act
, 146

Social Care Service System Construction Plan
, 216–217

Social inequalities
, 3

Social Security Act
, 144

Social security systems
, 51

Social welfare policies
, 3

Social welfare states
, 3

Socio-economic recovery
, 26–27

Socio-emotional theory
, 189

Special Employment Credit (SEC)
, 181–182

Stability employment act
, 27, 39

State-controlled enterprises
, 119

State-financed and state-organised early retirement schemes
, 114

State pension age (SPA)
, 116

State-run Social Insurance Institution
, 25

Statistical analysis, financing retirement
, 90–95

Stockholm Council
, 8

Systematic Occupational Health Enhancement-Level Programme (SOHELP)
, 176

Taiwanese unions
, 148

Tax-benefit systems
, 8

The Age and Employment Network (TAEN)
, 229

Tiger economies
, 4

age-based seniority pay systems
, 10

, 9–10

firm-based mandatory retirement ages
, 10

Japanese old-age employment regime
, 11

pension systems
, 11

phased retirement
, 10

trade unions and retirement
, 147

Trades Union Congress
, 146, 229

Trade unions

Active Ageing framework
, 145

All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU)
, 146–147

ancillary social unrest
, 144

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
, 147

company-based enterprise unions
, 148

duality strategies
, 146

Eastern welfare states as Productivist
, 149

economic security
, 144

Employment Equality (Age) Directive
, 145, 146

four-year part-time phased retirement
, 145

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR)
, 148

International Trade Union Confederation
, 147

Korean Federation of Trade Unions (KFTU)
, 147

Labour Retirement Benefit
, 149

lifetime employment model
, 148

Lisbon Protocol
, 145

Mandatory Provident Fund
, 149

mass unemployment
, 144

national-funded pension schemes
, 149

Non-financial Defined Contribution model
, 147–148

post-war enterprise unionism
, 143

Single Equality Act
, 146

Social Security Act
, 144

state and occupational pension schemes
, 144

state early retirement welfare scheme
, 145

state pension systems
, 143–144

Taiwanese unions
, 148–149

Tiger economies
, 147

Trades Union Congress
, 146

Western state pension systems
, 149

worker solidarity
, 148

Two Child Policy
, 5

UK Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
, 87

UN International Plan of Action on Ageing
, 2

Uniwersytety Trzeciego Wieku (UTW)
, 28–29

UN Political Declaration
, 2

Varieties of Capitalism framework
, 125

Walking the Tightrope Report
, 215

Welfare policies

age-appropriate workplace design
, 28

baby boomer generation
, 27

job retention system
, 27

personnel policy
, 28

socio-economic recovery
, 26–27

stability employment act
, 27

state-interventional measures
, 28

Uniwersytety Trzeciego Wieku (UTW)
, 28–29

Welfare states

caring responsibilities
, 218–219

labour market, United Kingdom and HKSAR
, 58–59

, 52

workplace age diversity
, 236

Western economies
, 51

Western Pacific Region (WPRO) Guideline
, 171

Western state pension systems
, 149

Western trade unionism
, 152

Work Ability concept
, 177–178

Work and Families Act
, 215

Workforce management and older staff retention

age-diverse teams
, 114

age-positive HRM
, 114

Age Related Human Resource Management (ARHRM)
, 1, 61, 114–115

competitive pay packages
, 113

employees’ employment status
, 113

externalisation strategies
, 115

Human Resource Management (HRM)
, 112–116, 130

institutional contingencies
, 113


age management policies
, 131

authoritarian state control
, 125

contractual mandatory retirement
, 127

Coordinated Market Economy
, 125

developmental welfare regime
, 125–126

early retirement pathways
, 130

export-dominated economy
, 126

free market mechanisms
, 125

‘honourable retirement’ policies
, 127

income inequality and old-age poverty
, 129

labour force
, 127

labour market flexibility
, 130

life-time employment contracts
, 130

national pension scheme
, 126

neo-liberal global economic order
, 125

‘peak wage’ system
, 129

pension eligibility age
, 129–130

, 128–129

policy solutions
, 125

post-retirement career
, 127–128

post-secondary institutions
, 128

public pension benefits
, 127

retirement age
, 127

social policies
, 126

Varieties of Capitalism framework
, 125

younger workers
, 128

labour market group
, 113

national and international competitiveness
, 112

national labour market
, 116

national social security systems
, 114

negative stereotypes
, 113–114

older job applicants and staff
, 115

organisational politics
, 113

organisational workforce planning
, 115

‘reserve army’ employers
, 115

retirement saving
, 114

small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
, 115

state-financed and state-organised early retirement schemes
, 114

strategic organisational goals
, 112

United Kingdom

auto-enrolment pension scheme
, 118, 120

decision architecture
, 123

, 123

dependency ratio
, 116–117

employer defined-benefit pension schemes
, 117

experience and skill-set
, 122

financial implications
, 116

Finnish workability concept
, 122

government-funded research
, 120

individual psychology models
, 120

individual responsibility
, 124

manipulative motives
, 118–119

National Institute for Care Excellence
, 124–125

neo-liberal orientation
, 117

occupational pension membership
, 119

opt-out rates
, 119

pension failures
, 120

personal responsibility agenda
, 118

public policy reticence
, 124

public sector pension eligibility
, 116

socio-technical and psycho-social components
, 123

State-controlled enterprises
, 119

State pension age
, 116

taxation arrangements
, 123

tax liabilities and impacts
, 121

traditional apprenticeship opportunities
, 121

welfare state regulation
, 116

see also Older workers (OWs)

Working hours systems
, 66

Chinese law
, 217

Working Longer Review partnership group
, 156

‘Working pensioner’ policies
, 2

Work–life balance (WLB)
, 211

Workplace age discrimination
, 3

Workplace age diversity

Active Ageing agenda
, 226

active ageing policy and research agendas

age intersection
, 244

business case
, 245–246

comparative public policy research
, 244

comparative welfare states
, 244–245

generational perspectives
, 243

joblessness and age
, 245

multi-disciplinary perspective
, 243

multi-generational workforces
, 246

training and development, life course
, 239

Age Action Alliance
, 229

Age and Employment Network (TAEN)
, 229

ageing demographics
, 226

ageing workplaces
, 230–231

, 231


baby boomers
, 240

economic development and transformation
, 241

health management programmes
, 242

intergenerational work teams
, 240

long-term employment
, 240

lump of labour theory
, 241

mentoring and reverse mentoring
, 241

multi-generational workforce
, 241

UK National Health Service
, 242

Community Business
, 228, 229

demographic dividend
, 226–227

demographic window
, 226

Diversity and Inclusion in Asia Network (DIAN)
, 228

eldercare employees challenge
, 232

employer networking organisations
, 227

Employers’ Forum on Age (EFA)
, 229

Employers’ Network for Equality and Inclusion (enei)
, 229

generational diversity
, 228

Government agencies
, 230

large-scale loss of expertise
, 231

multi-generational workforces
, 227

personnel management profession
, 227

positive working environments
, 233

public policy

age discrimination ordinances
, 235

career development and planning
, 239

employer identify training/development needs
, 235

employment regulations and pension rules
, 233

Equal Opportunities Commission report
, 233–234

individual learning
, 239

job security
, 237

knowledge transfer
, 237

‘lump of labour’ theory
, 235

Mid-Career Review (MCR)
, 237, 239

Retirement Age Act (RAA)
, 234

Retirement and Re-employment Act (RRA)
, 234

retirement plans
, 234

sectoral agreements
, 238

skills/vocational training
, 238

Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government
, 233

tax and pension rules
, 235

, 238

welfare states
, 236

working conditions improvement
, 238

silver dollar and marketing strategies change
, 232

support career development
, 233

Trades Union Congress
, 229

traditional retirement ages
, 231

workplace networking organisations
, 228

young talent shortage
, 231–232

Workplace conditions
, 66

Workplace level
, 50

Workplace pension scheme
, 86

Work strains
, 66

Work tasks satisfaction
, 66

Zero-order correlation analysis
, 95, 96