
Insights and Research on the Study of Gender and Intersectionality in International Airline Cultures

ISBN: 978-1-78714-546-7, eISBN: 978-1-78714-545-0

Publication date: 5 July 2017


(2017), "References", Mills, A.J. (Ed.) Insights and Research on the Study of Gender and Intersectionality in International Airline Cultures, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 479-517.



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Section I Introduction: The Gendering of Organizational Culture Over Time
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Organization, Gender, and Culture
Section II Mapping Out Culture and Gendering Over Time
Chapter 3 The Gendering of Organizational Culture: Social and Organizational Discourses in the Making of British Airways
Chapter 4 Rules, Sensemaking, Formative Contexts, and Discourse in the Gendering of Organizational Culture
Chapter 5 Studying the Gendering of Organizational Culture over Time: Concerns, Issues, and Strategies
Chapter 6 Digging Archeology: Postpositivist Theory and Archival Research in Case Study Development
Section III Researching the Past
Chapter 7 When Plausibility Fails: Toward a Critical Sensemaking Approach to Resistance
Chapter 8 The Gendering of Air Canada: A Critical Hermeneutic Approach
Chapter 9 Men on Board: Actor-Network Theory, Feminism, and Gendering the Past
Chapter 10 Performing the Past: ANTi-History, Gendered Spaces, and Feminist Practice
Section IV Gendering Over Time
Chapter 11 Strategy, Sexuality, and the Stratosphere: Airlines and the Gendering of Organizations
Chapter 12 Dueling Discourses: Desexualization versus Eroticism in the Corporate Framing of Female Sexuality in the British Airline Industry, 1945–1960
Chapter 13 Cockpits, Hangars, Boys, and Galleys: Corporate Masculinities and the Development of British Airways
Chapter 14 Flying in the Face of Reality: Gender Rules in Trans-Canada Air Lines and the British Overseas Airways Corporation, 1919–1947
Chapter 15 Masculinity and the Making of Trans-Canada Air Lines, 1937–1940: A Feminist Poststructuralist Account
Chapter 16 Duelling Discourses at Work: Upsetting the Gender Order
Chapter 17 Pleading the Fifth: Re-Focusing Acker’s Gendered Substructure through the Lens of Organizational Logic
Chapter 18 Organizational Logic and Feminist Organizing: Stewardesses for Women’s Rights
Section V Toward Intersectionality in Time
Chapter 19 Man/Aging Subjectivity, Silencing Diversity: Organizational Imagery in the Airline Industry. The Case of British Airways
Chapter 20 Markets, Organizations, Institutions, and National Identity: Pan American Airways, Postcoloniality, and Latin America
Chapter 21 The Junctures of Intersectionality: Race, Gender, Class, and Nationality and the Making of Pan American Airways, 1929–1989
Chapter 22 Reading Qantas History: Discourses of Intersectionality and the Early Years of Qantas
Section VI Lessons Learned
Chapter 23 Lessons Learned over Time