Insights and Research on the Study of Gender and Intersectionality in International Airline Cultures
ISBN: 978-1-78714-546-7, eISBN: 978-1-78714-545-0
Publication date: 5 July 2017
(2017), "Prelims", Mills, A.J. (Ed.) Insights and Research on the Study of Gender and Intersectionality in International Airline Cultures, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xiv.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Title Page
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ISBN: 978-1-78714-546-7 (Print)
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ISBN: 978-1-78714-969-4 (Epub)
List of Contributors
Lawrence T. Corrigan | Sobey School of Business, Halifax, Canada |
Gabrielle Durepos | Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada |
Kelly Dye | F.C. Manning School of Business, Acadia University, Canada |
Christopher M. Hartt | Dalhousie University, Canada |
Jean C. Helms Mills | Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s University, Canada |
Albert J. Mills | Saint Mary’s University, Canada |
Susan E. Myrden | University of Maine, Maine, USA |
Donna Boone Parsons | Mars Hill University, Mars Hill, North Carolina, USA |
Kathy Sanderson | Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario |
Ellen Shaffner | Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s University, Canada |
Shannon R. Webb | Fanshawe College, Ontario, Canada |
Heidi Weigand | Saint Mary’s University, Canada |
About the Authors
Lawrence T. Corrigan, MBA, CPA, FCGA, PhD, is Assistant Professor at the Sobey School of Business in Halifax, Canada. Lawrence has 25 years of management experience in the not-for-profit sector. His research interest is to investigate the usefulness of qualitative research methodologies, with a focus on accounting systems. These are often thought of as mundane administration but instead are relational, theatrical, and historically situated. Lawrence is Associate Editor of Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management. Example publication: Corrigan, L.T. (2016), Accounting practice and the historic turn: Performing budget histories. Management & Organizational History, 11(2), 77–98.
Gabrielle Durepos, PhD, is Associate Professor at Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada. Her co-authored book, ANTi-History: Theorizing the Past, History, and Historiography in Management and Organization Studies, addresses the need for more history in organization studies. She is Co-Editor of the SAGE Encyclopaedia of Case Study Research as well as the SAGE Major Work on Case Study Methods in Business Research. Her recent publications appear in Management & Organizational History, Journal of Management History, Critical Perspectives on International Business, and Organization. Gabrielle is a co-investigator on a SSHRC funded project focused on Reassembling Canadian Management Knowledge. She is the Executive Director of the Atlantic Schools of Business Conference. She is currently engaged in an organizational history of a museum in Canada. She can be reached at Her website URL is:
Kelly Dye is Professor at the F.C. Manning School of Business at Acadia University. Key areas of her research include gender and diversity in organizations and organization change management. Her thesis work culminated in a modified framework which can be used to better understand gendered processes within organizations. Kelly Dye’s work has been presented and published internationally in various books, encyclopedias, and journals. Publications include a co-authored textbook entitled Understanding Organizational Change (Routledge), entries in the Encyclopedia of Case Study Research (Sage), and The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (MacMillan Library Reference), and a co-authored journal article in The Journal of Change Management.
Christopher M. Hartt is Associate Professor of Management at Dalhousie University Canada and regularly lectures at partner institutions in the Netherlands, Czech Republic, and occasionally Ethiopia. He is co-author of The Future of Business, the most popular introduction to business textbook in Canada. He brings his long history as an entrepreneur to the study of organizations, decision-making, and particularly the telling of history in a social milieu. He is the author of three books, and more than 60 peer-reviewed articles.
Jean C. Helms Mills is Professor of Management in the Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s University, Canada, Docent at Jyväskylä University School of Business, Finland, and has been a Senior Research Fellow at Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, since 2008. Jean has presented her work on historiography, critical sensemaking, gender, culture, and change at numerous conferences and published in various journals. Currently, she is Co-Editor of Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management and Associate Editor for Gender, Work and Organization. She is past divisional Co-Chair of the Critical Management Studies Division of The Academy of Management.
Albert J. Mills is Director of the Sobey PhD Program at Saint Mary’s University in Canada. The author of over 40 books and edited collections, his research interests focus on the impact of organization and management on the lives and well-being of people. His most recent publications include Absent Aviators: Gender Issues in Aviation (2014, Ashgate); The Oxford Handbook of Diversity on Organizations (2015, Oxford University Press), and the Routed Companion to Management and Organizational History (2015). Albert currently serves as the co-chair of the International Board for Critical Management Studies and the co-editor of Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal.
Susan E. Myrden is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Maine where she teaches courses in introductory marketing, services marketing, and retail management. She completed her BComm. (Co-op) at Memorial University of Newfoundland and her MBA from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She received her PhD from Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 2013 where her dissertation research, which was in the area of services marketing, focused on the relationship between leadership and engagement as they relate to beneficial customer outcomes (i.e., service quality, loyalty, etc.). She has published her research in journals that include the Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, and the International Trade Journal. She has also presented her research at conferences that include the American Marketing Association (Summer and Winter) Conference, Academy of Management Conference, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention, and the Association of Marketing Theory & Practice Conference.
Donna Boone Parsons is Assistant Professor of Business at Mars Hill University in Mars Hill, North Carolina, with a passion for teaching undergraduate students. Her work has been published in international journals in the area of gender in organizations. She has served for more than 20 years as a principal in her family’s consulting firm serving family-owned businesses across North America. Donna’s current research stream related to women in family firms bridges her interest in gender and her consulting work in family firms.
Kathy Sanderson teaches human resources and organizational behavior at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario. She is also a Registered Psychotherapist and specializes in addictions and violence against women. Kathy graduated from Lakehead University (BAdmin, MMgt) and St. Mary’s University (Ph.D.). Her research interests bridge psychology and business, including culturally appropriate service provision, ostracism, ethics, and motivation.
Ellen Shaffner is PhD student and Research Assistant in the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary’s University, Canada. Her research interests include organizational history and the study of the past, as well as critical management studies, gender, and intersectionality. She is the current managing editor of Workplace Review, an online journal initiative of the Sobey School of Business.
Shannon R. Webb has an interdisciplinary background in law and industrial relations. She is currently a professor at Fanshawe College where she teaches university graduates in the Human Resources Management Certificate program. Professor Webb also teaches at Western University and Queen’s University. Shannon graduated Western University (LL.B.), Queen’s University (B.A. and M.I.R.), St. Mary’s University (Ph.D.), and York University (LL.M.). Her current research interests focus on labor and employment law and industrial relations.
Heidi Weigand has an interdisciplinary background in management and marketing with over 20 years of experience working in industry with IBM Canada, and Xerox Corporation. She is currently director at the Centre for the Study of Sport and Health at Saint Mary’s University, where she is developing innovative leadership programs for student-athlete entrepreneurs and social advocates based on her positive leadership research. Heidi teaches at Saint Mary’s University, Dalhousie University, Mount Saint Vincent University, and Cape Breton University. She teaches undergraduates and graduates in leadership, marketing, ethics, change management, and public relations. Heidi graduated Dalhousie University (B.A.), Saint Mary’s University (EMBA), and is expected to defend her doctoral thesis at Saint Mary’s University in 2017. Her current research interests focus on positive leadership, ethics, innovation, well-being, and sport.
- Prelims
- Section I Introduction: The Gendering of Organizational Culture Over Time
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2 Organization, Gender, and Culture
- Section II Mapping Out Culture and Gendering Over Time
- Chapter 3 The Gendering of Organizational Culture: Social and Organizational Discourses in the Making of British Airways
- Chapter 4 Rules, Sensemaking, Formative Contexts, and Discourse in the Gendering of Organizational Culture
- Chapter 5 Studying the Gendering of Organizational Culture over Time: Concerns, Issues, and Strategies
- Chapter 6 Digging Archeology: Postpositivist Theory and Archival Research in Case Study Development
- Section III Researching the Past
- Chapter 7 When Plausibility Fails: Toward a Critical Sensemaking Approach to Resistance
- Chapter 8 The Gendering of Air Canada: A Critical Hermeneutic Approach
- Chapter 9 Men on Board: Actor-Network Theory, Feminism, and Gendering the Past
- Chapter 10 Performing the Past: ANTi-History, Gendered Spaces, and Feminist Practice
- Section IV Gendering Over Time
- Chapter 11 Strategy, Sexuality, and the Stratosphere: Airlines and the Gendering of Organizations
- Chapter 12 Dueling Discourses: Desexualization versus Eroticism in the Corporate Framing of Female Sexuality in the British Airline Industry, 1945–1960
- Chapter 13 Cockpits, Hangars, Boys, and Galleys: Corporate Masculinities and the Development of British Airways
- Chapter 14 Flying in the Face of Reality: Gender Rules in Trans-Canada Air Lines and the British Overseas Airways Corporation, 1919–1947
- Chapter 15 Masculinity and the Making of Trans-Canada Air Lines, 1937–1940: A Feminist Poststructuralist Account
- Chapter 16 Duelling Discourses at Work: Upsetting the Gender Order
- Chapter 17 Pleading the Fifth: Re-Focusing Acker’s Gendered Substructure through the Lens of Organizational Logic
- Chapter 18 Organizational Logic and Feminist Organizing: Stewardesses for Women’s Rights
- Section V Toward Intersectionality in Time
- Chapter 19 Man/Aging Subjectivity, Silencing Diversity: Organizational Imagery in the Airline Industry. The Case of British Airways
- Chapter 20 Markets, Organizations, Institutions, and National Identity: Pan American Airways, Postcoloniality, and Latin America
- Chapter 21 The Junctures of Intersectionality: Race, Gender, Class, and Nationality and the Making of Pan American Airways, 1929–1989
- Chapter 22 Reading Qantas History: Discourses of Intersectionality and the Early Years of Qantas
- Section VI Lessons Learned
- Chapter 23 Lessons Learned over Time
- References
- Index