Men on Board: Actor-Network Theory, Feminism, and Gendering the Past☆
Insights and Research on the Study of Gender and Intersectionality in International Airline Cultures
ISBN: 978-1-78714-546-7, eISBN: 978-1-78714-545-0
Publication date: 5 July 2017
In this chapter we explore the relationship between current gendered practices and past conditions through the lens of actor-network theory (ANT). In particular we are interested in the viability of ANT as a lens for studying the past and in ways that can be reconciled with feminist thought. We argue that although there is some nonresonance between ANT and feminist theorizing, using ANT in a critically historicist way allows some of the barriers between ANT and feminism to be broken down. We synthesize an approach to study gendered organizational processes that exist in and over time, identifying and surfacing some of the actants (i.e., human and material factors that encourage people to act) that work together within networks to produce gendered effects such as ongoing discriminatory practices. We trace these effects using the history of Air Canada as an exemplar, in the process noting the conceptual and ontological differences between the past and history. Finally, the advantages of a critically historical ANT are discussed as a way to achieve a level of fusion between ANT and feminist thought.
Corrigan, L.T. and Mills, A.J. (2017), "Men on Board: Actor-Network Theory, Feminism, and Gendering the Past
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2017, Taylor & Francis