
Lynn Revell (School of Teacher Education and Development, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, UK)
Hazel Bryan (School of Education, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, UK)

Fundamental British Values in Education

ISBN: 978-1-78714-508-5, eISBN: 978-1-78714-507-8

Publication date: 29 January 2018

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Revell, L. and Bryan, H. (2018), "Index", Fundamental British Values in Education, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 129-135.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited


‘Age of Catastrophe’
, 31

Ajegbo Report
, 27

All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education
, 24–25

American War of Independence
, 42

Apple, Michael
, 47

Asian communities
, 48

, 47, 51

Association for Education in Citizenship
, 30

Aylward, Miss Beryl
, 28

Bailey, Charles
, 74

Baker, Kenneth
, 32

Ball, Stephen
, 32

Barker, Martin
, 54

Bauman, Zygmunt
, 77–78, 80–81

Bentham, J.
, 72

Bill of Rights (1688)
, 71

Blackman, Marine Alexander
, 13

Black Papers
, 90

Blair, Tony
, 22

Bradley, Ian
, 19

Britain Day
, 9


as an identity
, 19

as an unstable concept
, 21

decline of
, 19–20

governments and
, 21–22

narrative of
, 18–19

New Labour and
, 22

political discourse of
, 68

problem with
, 38–40

progressive form of
, 22

racial superiority as
, 43

sense of
, 18

World War II imagery and
, 58

See also Fundamental British values

British Values Policy
, 18

British Values Series for Key Stage 2
, 14

Brown, Gordon
, 25

Bunch of guys’ model
, 67

Byrne, Liam
, 8–9

Cameron, David
, 68–70, 76–77

Celsius 7/7 (Gove)
, 9–10

Chamberlain, Joseph
, 43

, 79–81

fragility and impermanence
, 81

society and education
, 81

uncertainty and
, 82

Channel Programme
, 100

Chartered College of Teachers
, 92
, 16

Churchill, Winston
, 49

Citizenship and Belonging: What is Britishness?
, 20

Citizenship Education (2002)
, 26–27, 29

Citizenship: Our Common Bond
, 25

Civic/citizenship education
, 29–30

Codd, John
, 98

Colley, Linda
, 41

Commission for Racial Equality
, 20, 52

The Common Inspection Framework: Education, Skills and Early Years (Ofsted)
, 64–65

A Common Place
, 9

Commonwealth Day. See Empire Day

Constant change. See Change

, 8, 10

Continuing professional development (CPD)
, 94

Cooley, Linda
, 19

Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015
, 21, 56, 63, 96

Section 29 of
, 65

CPD. See Continuing professional development (CPD)

Crick Report
, 26–27

Crowther Report (1959)
, 89

Cultural identity
, 80

Cultural métissage
, 80

Cultural-psychological predisposition
, 66–67

Cultural restorationism
, 32

Cultural restorationist views of curriculum
, 31–33

Curriculum, cultural restorationist views of
, 31–33

The Decline of Britishness — A Research Study
, 20

Dialogic pedagogies
, 100

Durkheim, E.
, 93

Eccles, David
, 89


difference in
, 47–51

marketisation of
, 94

neo-liberal policies
, 94

organisations related to
, 1–2

as a product
, 94, 98

Quality Control measures
, 98

race relations and
, 51–54

as a resource to promote
, 1

securitisation of
, 84

soft power of
, 66–68

See also Britishness; Fundamental British values

Education Act of 1944
, 7, 30

Religious Instruction
, 50

Educationaganisthate website
, 57

‘Education in Schools: A Consultative Document’ (DES)
, 90

Empire Day
, 28–29

English as a Second Language (ESL)
, 50


cult of
, 44–46

cultural symbols of
, 45

see also Britishness

Ethnic minorities
, 20, 21, 54

Evans, L.
, 92

, 11, 56–57

, 59

liberal values vs.
, 57

radicalisation and
, 10–11

Far and Near Geographical Series
, 29

Farrah, Mo
, 41

Female teachers
, 97

First World War
, 73

, 78

Foreign Affairs
, 80

Foundation Years website
, 17

Fourth National Survey of Ethnic Minorities in Britain
, 21

Freathy, R.
, 31

Freire, Paulo
, 100

Friedson, E.
, 92

Fundamental British values
, 7–34

controversy and guidelines
, 16–19

decline of
, 19–20

Empire and
, 28–30

features of
, 20–28

gentle patriotism
, 30–31

, 7–8

resources, policies and guidance
, 12–16

texts, policies and resources
, 8–12

see also Britishness; teachers

Gartenstein-Ross, D.
, 67

General Teaching Council (GTC)
, 91–92

Gentle patriotism
, 30–31

Gillborn, D.
, 50

Gilroy, Paul
, 35–36

God Bless the Queen (Yeates)
, 14–15

Gove, Michael
, 9–10, 17

The Governance of Britain
, 25

Grace, G.
, 88

Great Depression
, 73

, 83

Grossman, L.
, 67

GTC. See General Teaching Council (GTC)

, 12–16

Habermas, J.
, 83

Hall, Stuart
, 42

Heidegger, M.
, 83

Hobbes, T.
, 71

Hobsbawm, E.
, 31

Holocaust Memorial Day
, 8

Hopkinson, Henry
, 49

Hoyle, E.
, 89, 91–92

Hume, D.
, 71

Illiberal democracy
, 80

, 52

Industrial Revolution
, 32

, 14

Jenkins, Roy
, 51

Kelly, Ruth
, 8–9, 99

Key for School Governors website
, 18

Keynes, John Maynard
, 73

Kipling, R.
, 43

Knuth, Rebecca
, 46

Kumar, K.
, 45

Kundnani, A.
, 67

Labour Party
, 23

Laqueur, Walter
, 66–67

Liberal democracy
, 70–77

detractors of
, 76

religious right and
, 76

state and
, 74–75


freedom of speech and thought
, 71

, 68–70

, 71–72

shifting nature of
, 70–77

social democratic
, 72–73

Liberal socialism
, 73

Liberal values
, 57–58

as British
, 58

extremism vs.
, 57

Liquid modernity
, 77–78

as global phenomenon
, 79

individuals and
, 81–83

nation state in
, 79

old order reversed
, 79

spheres in
, 82

teacher professionalism and
, 95

, 82

Liquid professionalism
, 95–98

Literacy Hour
, 97

Locke, J.
, 71, 72

London bombings in 2005
, 10, 66

The Lord of the Rings
, 46

Marketisation of education
, 94

Master’s degree
, 94

Masters in Teaching and Learning (MTL)
, 94

Maudling, Reginald
, 52

Merkel, Angela
, 69

Mill, J. S.
, 72

Modernisation process
, 79

Modood, Tariq
, 40–41

, 23

Morris, Estelle
, 93, 94

MTL. See Masters in Teaching and Learning (MTL)

, 27, 53

destabilising effects of
, 22

failure of
, 69

Muscular liberalism
, 68–70

Muslim Council of Great Britain
, 8

Nairn, Tom
, 19–20

National Curriculum
, 23

National Day
, 26

National Forum for Values in Education and the Community
, 22–23

National Literacy Strategy
, 97

National Union of Teachers
, 17

, 73–74

, 73

, 16

Orban, Viktor
, 80

, 42

Orwell, George
, 45–46

Osler, Audrey
, 21, 26

Paris Peace treaty
, 48

Parsons, C.
, 54

, 30–31

Pedagogies of the Oppressed (Freire)
, 100

‘Personal and Professional Conduct’ (Teachers’ Standards)
, 12

Petition of Rights (1628)
, 71

Pluralist liberal democracy
, 77

, 8–16

Policy initiatives, teachers and
, 64–66

Political liberalism
, 71–72

Positive freedom
, 73

Positive liberty
, 74

Prevent Duty
, 65

Prevent Strategy
, 10

Prevent: Training Catalogue
, 56–57, 58

Private autonomy
, 83–84

Private sphere
, 83–85

See also Spheres

Professional culture
, 92–93

, 91–92

, 82–83

concept of
, 99

moral dimension of
, 92–93

nature of
, 93

terminology of
, 87–88

Professional Standards for Teaching
, 64

Promoting Fundamental British Values in the Early Years
, 16

Psychological contract
, 99–100

Public sphere
, 83–85

See also Spheres

Quality Assurance
, 98

Quality Control measures
, 98


as cultural categories
, 54

depoliticisation of
, 51–54

, 53

Race Relations Act of 1976
, 51

Race Relations Acts
, 51

Racial hierarchies
, 42–43

Racial superiority
, 43


concept of
, 66

as a dilemma
, 56

manifestations of
, 67

as a theological process
, 67

Relational identities
, 21

Religious Education and British Values
, 14

Religious fanaticism
, 67

Religious Instruction
, 50

Report of the Advisory Group on Education for Citizenship and the Teaching of Citizenship in Schools. See Crick Report

, 8–16

Resources, on fundamental British values
, 12–16

Revised Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales
, 65, 99

, 69

Robinson, Ken
, 24

Rosen, Michael
, 17

Rule of Law
, 15

Sageman, M.
, 67

Said, Edward
, 42

Samuel, Raphael
, 32

SCAA. See School Curriculum and Assessment Authority (SCAA)

Schon, D.
, 89

School Curriculum and Assessment Authority (SCAA)
, 33

‘Schools Achieving Success’
, 93

Second Treatise of Government
, 71

Securitisation of education
, 84

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks of
, 66

Shared national identity
, 75

Smith, Adam
, 71–72

Social democratic liberalism
, 72–73

Specialist knowledge
, 89

Speilman, Amanda
, 36–37


disruption of
, 84–85

flex and blurring of
, 83–84

liquid modernity and
, 82

Strategy for Professional Development
, 94

Straw, Jack
, 9

Sunday School
, 50

The Sunday Times
, 84

Swann Report of 1985
, 53

Sylvester, Rachel
, 67–68

Tate, Nick
, 33


as cultural workers
, 100

, 88–90

policy initiatives and
, 64–66

as political actor
, 100–101

, 91–92

, 87–101

social and political structures and
, 88

state and
, 100–101

‘Teachers as Managed Professionals’ (Codd)
, 98

Teachers’ Standards
, 11–12, 21

Prevent and
, 65

professional practice and
, 84–85

, 64

‘Ten Good Schools’
, 90

, 50

, 8–12

Times Educational Supplement
, 13

, 14

Tolkien, J. R. R.
, 46

, 36

Trojan Horse affair
, 2–3

Troyna, B.
, 55

Uncertainty, constant change and
, 82

Universal principles
, 38


, 57–58

as Quality Assurance mechanism
, 98

See also Fundamental British values

Victorian society
, 29

Ward, Paul
, 48

War on terror
, 10

Welby, Justin
, 84

Welfare Liberalism
, 72

Western societies

liberal philosophy and
, 71

White, John
, 55

Wilson, Harold
, 90

Winch, Chris
, 98

World War II
, 36, 58

Zakaria, Fareed
, 80