ISBN: 978-1-78635-782-3, eISBN: 978-1-78635-781-6
Publication date: 10 April 2017
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(2017), "Index", Espinoza-Herold, M. and Contini, R.M. (Ed.) Living in Two Homes, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 321-326.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited
Acculturation theory
, 97–98
Acculturative stress
concept of
, 97
source of
, 99
theory of
, 98–99, 107
Active adherents
, 82
Advocacy coalition
, 63
African-American community
, 7
Anglo-Celtic nation
, 114
Anti-immigrant resentment
, 7
, 119–122
Asian investors
, 122–126
, 175, 179, 190, 193, 194, 197
in Asian Century
, 126–128
Chinese settlement in
, 116
Italian settlement in
, 116
non-British immigration
, 115
post-war emigration of Italians
, 116
significant migration to
, 115
Australian multicultural migration approach
, 117–119
Berlin, German-Turkish entrepreneurship in
, 38–39
Bicultural identity, theory of
, 99–100
Bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform
, 4
The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act
, 4
Brazilian migrants
, 206
in Europe
, 205
in Japan
, 212
United States
, 207
Bricoleur concept
, 175
admission policies
, 296–298
constructions of diversity
, 293–296
, 296–298
education, socioeconomic status and fee structure in
, 309
, 296–298
, 294
Cgil, Italian unions
, 64, 68–72
Child Development (Umana-Taylor)
, 170
adapting to Norwegian society
, 175
identity construction
, 175
of immigrant origin
, 169–170, 176
, 169
China-Australia trade corridor
, 126
Chinese migration
, 127, 130
Cisl, Italian unions
, 64, 68–72
Cold War
, 120, 126
Collective protection level, demand and supply
, 64
Committees or Immigrant Councils
, 71
Commonwealth Immigration Restriction Act (IRA)
, 114
Conselho dos Representantes Brasileiros no Exterior (CRBE)
, 217
Contextual opportunities and constraints
, 229–230
CRBE. See Conselho dos Representantes Brasileiros no Exterior (CRBE)
Cultural identity
, 22
Cultural integration
ethnic/national identification
, 18–22
, 17–18
, 16–17
participation in associations
, 18
Cultural mediators
, 83
Decision-making activities
, 66
Demographic characteristics
, 102
Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act)
, 5
Brazilian diaspora
, 209, 210
business event
, 211–213
cross-country developments of
, 206
cultural event
, 213–214
, 216, 217
, 205–207
political event
, 210–211
Direct participation
, 66, 78
against ethnic Mexicans
, 23
, 91
perception of
, 24
Economic integration
, 11, 15–16, 93
Economic opportunism
, 117, 121
geographical mobility
, 264
institutional dimension
, 263
, 266–271
Istanbul as center of culture
, 144–145
Italian population
, 254–255
lower secondary
, 255
, 258
opportunities for Kurds in istanbul
, 156–160
, 258
relational dimension
, 263
school climate
, 271–276
socioeconomic status, distribution of
, 265
in Turkey and Kurdish language
, 145–149
and Turkish predatory identity
, 152–156
EEA Agreement. See European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement
Employment Equity Act
, 194
, 39–45
, 49–53
, 53–56
ethnicity and
, 34–38
ethnicity-based explanations of
, 35
furniture shop
, 45–49
German-Turkish entrepreneurship in Berlin
, 38–39
interactive model
, 36
Ethical considerations
, 173–174
Ethnic Communities in Business (Jenkins)
, 34
Ethnic Enterprise in America (Light)
, 34
Ethnic Entrepreneurs (Waldinger)
, 34
Ethnic events
, 208
Ethnic identification
, 188–194
, 194–195
skin color
, 182–187
Ethnic identification and multiple selves
, 174
Ethnic identity
, 170
business usefulness of
, 35
and entrepreneurship
, 34–38
Ethnic resources
, 35
Ethnic school composition
, 256–259
European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement
, 169
European Union (EU)
, 142
Facilitating factors
, 104
Foreign delegates
, 69
Furuset, Oslo
, 171–172
ethnic cultural values
, 194
ethnic identity
, 170
and religion
, 169
tolerance and equity
, 172
German health-care system
, 93–95
German-Turkish entrepreneurship
, 38–39
migrant population in
, 93
migrants in
, 90–95
psychological well-being
, 95–100
World War II
, 90
Globo International
, 207, 208
Health-care systems, Germany
, 94
Hindering factors
, 104–105
Homogeneity, illusion of
, 203
Homophily principle
, 227, 228
Human Rights foundation of Turkey
, 144
Human Rights Watch
, 144
Immigrant delegate
, 70
, 34
, 34
German-Turkish immigrants
, 34
first- and second-generation
, 224, 225
Iranian immigrants
, 225
social integration of
, 224, 225
young immigrants
, 228–230
Immigrant workers in union
, 65–68
European trade unions
, 65
German trade union
, 81
Italian trade unions
, 63
Mexican immigrants
America’s immigration challenges
, 5
bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform
, 4
illegal immigration
, 5
and integration
, 4
present immigration laws
, 4
to United States
, 4
and trade unions
, 62–65
Index of Educational Achievement
, 266
Index of School Integration in Multi-Ethnic Classes
, 279–280
Individual protection level, demand and supply
, 64
of Brazilians in Japan
, 205
cultural integration
, 11, 16–22
economic integration
, 11, 15–16
ethnic cultures
, 8
immigrant children
, 169
of immigrants
, 7, 8, 10, 169
immigration and
, 4, 12
local welfare measures
, 172
material cost/benefits
, 8
micro-processes of
, 12
microsociology perspective
, 8
, 194
quantifiable aspects of
, 8
transnational integration
, 217
Intermediate political participation
, 65
Internal mobility and career
, 69
, 84
Internal mobility, foreign members
, 72–76
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
, 93
In-training adherents
, 82
IOM. See International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Iranian immigrants
, 232
, 144–160
Italian migration
, 116, 126
, 62, 63
migrants to
, 254
multiethnic schools in
, 259
non-Italian citizenship (NIC)
, 256
achievements of
, 202
identity issues of
, 206
Japanese immigrants
, 202
Japan’s foreign population
, 204
Justice and Development Party (AKP)
, 142
Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK)
, 142
Kurds and Kurdish culture
, 138–140
Kurds, educational opportunities for
, 156–160
Life events
, 230
, 172–173
Local education system, Germany
, 93
Lower secondary education
, 255
Marxist-Leninist organization
, 142
Mature adherents
, 81
Mexican immigrants
, 5
, 14, 15, 22
unauthorized immigrants
, 4
in the United States in
, 2015, 4
to U.S. economy and society
, 5
Migrant adaptation
, 97
Muslim-majority countries
, 91
from non-European
, 91
Migrant settlement
, 115
Migration-related potential risk and resilience factors
, 96
Migration-related stress factors
, 105–106
Mobility and career within the union
, 68–71
Multicultural education
, 147, 162
Multicultural society
, 203
Multiethnic classrooms
, 271
Multi-ethnic Japan
, 203
National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT)
, 256
National origin
associates with
, 234–237
, 225
, 233–234
parental national origin
, 234
, 228–229
National origin similarity
, 228–229
Native Anglo-Americans
, 26
Network changes
, 233
NIC. See Non-Italian citizenship (NIC)
Non-British immigration
, 115
Non-Italian citizenship (NIC)
, 256, 257, 258, 259, 262, 264, 265, 271, 272
European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement
, 169
immigration to
, 170
minority and majority perspectives
, 174–175
Norwegian population
, 168
cultural backgrounds
, 169
vs. foreigner
, 176
and immigrants
, 168
, 169
, 168
, 177
Participation level, demand and supply
, 64
Perceived integration
, 103
Personal networks
of immigrants
, 225
social composition of
, 226
of young immigrants
, 224, 228–230
Political mobilization
, 65
Political-strategic level, demand and supply
, 64
Portuguese language dictionary
, 203
Postsecondary education
, 296, 297, 301, 308
Post-World War II
, 116
and discrimination
, 8, 11, 22–25
and misconceptions
, 26
new immigrants
, 15
perception of
, 24
Psychological well-being
, 94
of migrants in Germany
, 95–100
migration on
, 97
, 99, 100, 101, 104
Qualitative study
, 296, 297, 299
Racialized youth
, 296, 298–299
Radical militants
, 82
Relational integration
, 261, 276, 287
Second-generation Mexican immigrants
, 14, 15, 22
Second World War
, 62, 90, 117, 121, 224
Segmented assimilation
, 20, 26
Services level, demand and supply
, 64
Social Capital and Labor Market Integration: A Cohort Study (Edling)
, 230
Social classification
, 175–176
Social contexts
characteristics of
, 229
constraints of
, 227
Social inclusion
, 169, 171, 194, 197
Social integration
, 224, 225
Socio-economic issues
, 68
immigrant groups in
, 225
, 230–231
Young Iranians and Yugoslavians in
, 247
Trade unions
European trade unions
, 65
German trade union
, 81
and immigration
, 62–65
Italian trade unions
, 63
Traditional functions, unions
, 63
Transnational networks
, 213
democratization of
, 142
educational institutions in
, 147
internal migration
, 145
and Kurdish language
, 145–149
Kurdistan lies in
, 141
in nonpublic educational organizations
, 138
Turkish educational system
, 141
Turkish migration
, 34–38
immigrant entrepreneurship
, 34
Turkish predatory identity
, 152–156
Turkish state and Kurds, troubled relations
, 140–144
immigrant workers in
, 65–68
mobility and career within
, 68–71
Unionization level, demand and supply
, 64
United States
, 119–122
culture and society
, 5–7
University, perceived challenges in
, 305–307
Vietnam War
, 120
Voluntary Civil Service
, 63
White Australia Policy
, 114, 121, 122
Working Holiday Arrangement
, 116
World War II. See Second World War
Yugoslavian immigrants
, 232
- Prelims
- Part I Integration
- Chapter 1 Mexican Immigrants Integration in the Midwest: A Case Study
- Chapter 2 Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Mixed Cultural Competencies: Ethnographic Perspectives from Turkish Business People in Germany
- Chapter 3 Immigrants and Trade Unions in Italy: What Prospects for Mobility and Careers? A Reflection Starting from the Role of Union Delegates
- Chapter 4 Migrants in Germany: Psychological Well-Being and Integration
- Chapter 5 From ‘White Australia Policy’ to ‘Multicultural’ Australia: Italian and Other Migrant Settlement in Australia
- Part II Identity
- Chapter 6 Kurdish Identity in Turkey and Educational Opportunities in Istanbul: The Case of Young Migrants
- Chapter 7 Always a Foreigner? Ethnic Identity Construction and Belonging among Youth of Immigrant Origin in Norway
- Chapter 8 Integrating a New Diaspora: Transnational Events by Brazilians in Japan, the United States, and Europe
- Chapter 9 Changes in the Personal Networks of Young Immigrants in Sweden
- Part III Education
- Chapter 10 School Integration as a Sociological Construct: Measuring Multiethnic Classrooms’ Integration in Italy
- Chapter 11 Meeting Great Expectations: The Experiences of Minority Students at a Canadian University
- About the Editors
- About the Authors
- Index