Research on the Performance of Protocols and the Evaluation Metric for VIDEO Transmissions in an Ad Hoc Network
Video transmission effectiveness in the Ad Hoc network is becoming important recently, if different routing protocols are applied. Some researchers conclude that the reactive protocols are better for file transfer protocol (FTP) and constant bit rate (CBR) or hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) transmission in an Ad Hoc wireless network but the performance report of video transmission is not much. This study adopts Qualnet (Network Simulator) as a simulation tool for environmental designing and performance testing, and employs an experimental design with eight groups. Our experiment shows that: (1) The performance of AODV (reactive) protocol is better than DSDV, ZRP and DSR when the transmission load has only one video stream; (2) Proactive (DSDV) and Hybrid protocols (ZRP) are better for a smaller Ad Hoc network when it transmits a video stream with some applications (VoIP, FTP and CBR). We conclude that packet loss rate is sensitive to the quality of video transmission and it has negative relationship with Peak Signal‐to‐Noise Ratio (PSNR) value. In addition, our experiment also shows that PSNR is a simple Metric for the performance evaluation of video transmission.
Chen, R., Chao, L.R., Chen, C. and Tsai, C. (2009), "Research on the Performance of Protocols and the Evaluation Metric for VIDEO Transmissions in an Ad Hoc Network", Asian Journal on Quality, Vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 115-126.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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