The Effectiveness of Home Care Reablement — Developing the Evidence Base
Adult social care services are increasingly establishing reablement services as part of their range of home care provision, sometimes alone, sometimes jointly with NHS partners. Typically, home care reablement is a short‐term intervention, often free of charge, that aims to maximise independent living skills. This paper describes two small studies examining the impact of home care reablement on subsequent service use. The evidence so far strongly suggests that a period of home care reablement can reduce the subsequent use of home care services and that, for some people, these benefits may last for a year or more. However, a number of organisational and cultural factors can limit the immediate and longer‐term benefits of home care reablement.
Glendinning, C. and Newbronner, E. (2008), "The Effectiveness of Home Care Reablement — Developing the Evidence Base", Journal of Integrated Care, Vol. 16 No. 4, pp. 32-39.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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