Evidence‐based clinical guidelines – implementation plans in Scotland
Presents a study which investigates how it was planned to implement guidelines from the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN). The study aimed to describe the activity in planning the implementation of SIGN guidelines in Scottish Health Service Trusts in 1996, and to provide a baseline for evaluation. A postal questionnaire was sent to the Clinical Audit lead person in 46 Scottish Health Service Trusts. The response rate after two reminders ranged from 60‐72 per cent across different categories of Trust. The questionnaire asked for plans to implement individual guidelines, adaptation, professions involved, timeframes, dissemination, and evaluation methods. Reveals that local consensus was the main factor in deciding priorities. Most Trusts wished to see other local versions of guidelines produced, and to evaluate implementation collaboratively. Most expected to have reviewed baseline practice before implementation.
Millard, A. (1999), "Evidence‐based clinical guidelines – implementation plans in Scotland", British Journal of Clinical Governance, Vol. 4 No. 3, pp. 98-102. https://doi.org/10.1108/14664109910309647
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