A national audit to monitor and promote the uptake of clinical guidelines on the management of diabetes in pregnancy
Seeks to assess maternity care for women with Type 1 diabetes in relation to recommendations in a national clinical guideline using a criterion‐based clinical audit. The audit covered all 22 consultant‐led maternity units in Scotland, focusing on 268 completed pregnancies in women with Type 1 diabetes. Results are presented and discussed. Concludes that a national audit to monitor the impact of clinical guidelines proved feasible. Antenatal care is organised in line with guideline recommendations but there is lower provision of formal prepregnancy care. Pregnancy planning and periconceptual care fall short of recommendations but care during pregnancy is meticulous. Adverse pregnancy outcomes remain commoner than in non‐diabetic pregnancies.
Penney, G.C. and Pearson, D. (2000), "A national audit to monitor and promote the uptake of clinical guidelines on the management of diabetes in pregnancy", British Journal of Clinical Governance, Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 28-34. https://doi.org/10.1108/14664100010332991
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