Welfare to work ‐‐ benefit barriers
This issue has an extended Benefits section. Manchester Advice provide a service to 48,000 people a year and for the last three years have been building a dossier of the rules, procedures and practices within the main benefit system which act as barriers to paid work and to activities, such as volunary work, study and training. Jean Betteridge (Welfare Rights Officer for Take Up, Training & Publicity, Manchester Advice) has produced a comprehensive analysis of benefit barriers to work. This article summarises the main points. A full version can be obtained from the author. Judy Scott
Betteridge, J. (2001), "Welfare to work ‐‐ benefit barriers", A Life in the Day, Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 24-30. https://doi.org/10.1108/13666282200100013
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