User networks
In this issue we include profiles from two organisations run by and representing services users. The European Network of (ex‐) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (ENUSP) works at a European and international policy‐making level, seeking better mental health services and enhanced user participation. Their profile describes their activities, but also touches on the historical development of user participation and what the terms ‘user’ and ‘survivor’ mean to them. Closer to home, North Staffordshire's User Group has been working vigorously and successfully since 1993 to improve the quality of mental health services, helping to shape the development of new community‐based education, training and employment services. Both networks are playing a key role in developing better work and day‐time opportunities.
Pozner, A. (2000), "User networks", A Life in the Day, Vol. 4 No. 3, pp. 31-32.
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