Wise up on Welfare on the Web
Welfare reform and benefits changes are vitally important to people with mental health problems. Yet the details about policy changes are barely reported. The broadsheets ‐ the Guardian, Independent, Financial Times, Telegraph and The Times ‐ have given up serious reporting of parliamentary proceedings, and we have to listen to Breakfast with Frost for the latest government sound bites on policy initiatives.However, lobbyists ‐ user groups, carers, and health care providers ‐ should take heart. We may not have full open government yet, but you can now access both government departments and parliamentary proceedings on the Internet. You can also respond to, and possibly influence, government policy. Elizabeth Bray explains how…
Bray, E. (1999), "Wise up on Welfare on the Web", A Life in the Day, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 29-30. https://doi.org/10.1108/13666282199900018
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