Issue‐based nets: a methodological approach to the sampling issue in industrial networks research
Connectedness is a central characteristic of industrial networks with significant methodological implications. One of the most important implications has to do with the choice of the sampling unit. This paper introduces the concept of an issue‐based net and suggests its use as a unit of analysis in networks studies. An issue‐based net can be defined as a net of relationships amongst actors who are concerned with a particular issue through mutual or conflicting interests. Using a research project on the dynamics of the port wine industry in Portugal, the paper elaborates on the use of such a sampling unit as a way of understanding processes of change mainly driven by interaction amongst groups of interests.
Melo Brito, C. (1999), "Issue‐based nets: a methodological approach to the sampling issue in industrial networks research", Qualitative Market Research, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 92-102.
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