Differential effects of occupation on Internet usage
Although there has been much publicity about the Internet, empirical research focusing on it is still relatively sparse. Most research on the Internet has been carried out in Europe or USA rather than Asia. This study examines the differential effects of occupation on Internet usage in an Asian country, namely, Singapore. Data were collected on Internet users via a questionnaire placed on the World Wide Web. From three main occupational groups (students, non‐IT personnel and IT personnel) 1,299 usable responses were obtained. Differential effects of occupation in terms of Internet usage patterns, tasks preferences and factors affecting an enjoyable Internet experience were examined.
Teo, T.S.H. (1998), "Differential effects of occupation on Internet usage", Internet Research, Vol. 8 No. 2, pp. 156-165. https://doi.org/10.1108/10662249810211629
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