Informing TEL strategy through formal and informal channels:a case study
The purpose of this paper is to outline and discuss a multifaceted approach to embedding change in academic practice, resulting in the integration of technology‐enhanced learning (TEL) within the wider institutional strategic approach to learning and teaching.
This approach is evidenced through a discussion of three examples of practitioner engagement and ownership across the institution – “bottom‐up”, “middle‐out” and “top‐down” activities – demonstrating the attendant potential for transferability to other institutional settings.
The triangulation of all three levels of activity in this way ensures that strategy is informed, developed, discussed, deployed and owned across the institution.
The paper addresses the challenges of integrating TEL approaches within an overall teaching and learning strategic framework through the medium of practitioner‐developed and supported initiatives developed at the University of Dundee but with potential for transferability to other institutions.
Walker, D., Sloan, D., Boyle, L. and Walsh, L. (2011), "Informing TEL strategy through formal and informal channels:a case study", Campus-Wide Information Systems, Vol. 28 No. 4, pp. 289-293.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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