Using an employee attitude survey to understand level playing‐field issues
Describes a consulting project in which survey data were analysed to further an organization′s understanding of level playing‐field issues. Data were collected from 1,608 women and men employed by a single large professional services firm, using questionnaires completed anonymously. Only 5 per cent of the partners of the firm were women, though half of new professional hires from universities were women. Women working in particular departments, and women working in particular offices, reported more negative experiences. Women and men, however, showed similar patterns in relationships among measures of work experiences and work outcomes, suggesting that women and men would both benefit from organizational initiatives addressing issues in this area. The role of the partners in supporting and bringing about fundamental change was highlighted.
Burke, R.J. (1995), "Using an employee attitude survey to understand level playing‐field issues", Women in Management Review, Vol. 10 No. 7, pp. 15-20.
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