Assessment of organisational involvement in implementing empowerment
This paper presents initial findings of ongoing research that is developing a best practice framework for the implementation of empowerment within construction organisations. Data obtained from 53 construction and manufacturing organisations are analysed. Findings confirm 62 empowerment activities, specifically, their respective influence at four organisational levels (strategic, general, operational, and direct work), and the roles of operatives and management, in effectively performing them. It is shown that almost all levels of an organisation have a significant contribution to play in efficiently performing empowerment activities, whilst senior management (at strategic, general, and operational levels) has greatest influence. The investigation also demonstrates that necessary resources and a suitable environment are crucial for successful empowerment implementation.
Jawahar Nesan, L. and Holt, G.D. (2002), "Assessment of organisational involvement in implementing empowerment", Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 13 No. 4, pp. 201-211.
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