Greece faces up to the EU packaging regulation: Businesses reveal their plans to meet the new legislative environment
Since the 1980s, packaging has been increasingly included in the environmental agenda. Worries about packaging waste have led governments to introduce packaging legislation and formulate waste policies. Since 1994, the Regulation 94/62/20.12.94 on Packaging and Packaging Waste provides a framework for measures to be taken in every country of the European Union to diminish the volume of packaging waste. Reports on a survey of Greek manufacturing aiming at the registration of the recent changes and trends in packaging materials used by consumer goods industries and the investigation of the main problems and prerequisites to meet the new legislative environment.
Mandaraka, M. and Kormentza, I. (2000), "Greece faces up to the EU packaging regulation: Businesses reveal their plans to meet the new legislative environment", Environmental Management and Health, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 7-19.
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