Journal Writing Assists in Career Changing
Suggests journal writing can help integrate and personalize occupational change and so provides a journal‐writing exercise to illustrate a focused career exploration exercise. Provides a series of steps/tasks to bring the reader′s creative self‐knowledge to the fore to reveal true dreams and passions. Includes talents lists which supply list‐creating activities: a lists analysis; combining and prioritizing to develop category labels describing strongest interests and talents; playing with dream jobs; and “Job Wanted”, part of which has the reader writing a “help wanted” advertisement to describe skills needed for a job using favourite talents. Advises the reader to form networks with people who have similar interests to gain knowledge of job openings.
Kimeldorf, M. (1994), "Journal Writing Assists in Career Changing", International Journal of Career Management, Vol. 6 No. 4, pp. 29-32.
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